Travel Information

Lisbon meeting 2015

The MPM4CSP workshop will take place 9am Thursday 28 May till 4pm Friday 29 May at the headquarters of the Order of Engineers (Ordem dos Engenheiros) of Portugal in Lisbon.

The address is

   Ordem dos Engenheiros
   Av. António Augusto de Aguiar 3D
   1069-030 Lisboa

If you need assistance, you may call Ms. Nídia Viegas, secretary at the Ordem dos Engenheiros at (+351) 213 132 686. She will assist Vasco with the local organization.

The nearest metro stop is "Parque", on the blue ("Azul") line. From the airport, take the red line ("Vermelha") to "São Sebastião" where you transfer to the blue line. "Parque" is just one stop away in the direction of the centre of Lisbon (direction end station "Santa Apolónia"). "Aeroporto" and "São Sebastião" are the end stops of the red line.
Click on the map for a larger version.

From the "Parque" stop, the Ordem dos Engenheiros building is a 200m walk downhill.
The entrance to the Ordem dos Engenheiros building looks like

When you enter the building, you will see signs to the meeting room. You may have to let the person at the reception know that you come for MPM4CPS when you enter.

The "Marquês de Pombal" metro stop is also some 200m from the Order of Engineers (but it's uphill and there are multiple exits -- when you exit, head North, keeping the park on your left). It's on both the blue ("Azul") and yellow ("Amarela") lines. The VIP Inn Berna hotel where most participants are booked is on the yellow line (at the "Campo Pequeno" stop), so the "Marquês de Pombal" metro stop is most appropriate when travelling to/from the hotel (see below).

The address of the VIP Inn Berna hotel is

   Avenida António Serpa 13
   1069-199 Lisboa
which is a 150m walk from the "Campo Pequeno" metro stop (walk North along Av. da República).

To travel from the airport to the hotel, take the red line ("Vermelha") direction "São Sebastião" and get off at the 10th stop named "Saldanha". Change to the yellow line direction "Odivela" and get off at the next stop, named "Campo Pequeno". This trip should take around 30min.

To travel from the hotel to the "Ordem dos Engenheiros", take the yellow line from the "Campo Pequeno" stop towards "Rato". Get off after 3 stops at "Marquês de Pombal". From there, walk up the Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo and turn left up the Av. António Augusto de Aguiar. The walk is about 200m.

The card for metro tickets "Viva Viagem" is rechargeable in the machines. Therefore, don't throw it away as you will otherwise always pay extra for a new one. It may be convenient to charge the card with multiple tickets upon arrival to avoid the often long queues at the ticket machines each time you re-charge.


COST is supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020

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The reports of the completed 2015 - 2018 STSMs can now be consulted here.

The MPM4CPS Training School (18 - 21 November 2018) and Closing Conference (22 - 23 November 2018) took place in Pisa, Italy.