Members The 23 original members of the Working Group have a "contract" with the European Union. This allows them to claim expenses (travel, lodging, ...) for SiE-WG activities such as workshops and meetings. Non-members: invited experts If sufficiently argumented, the Working Group may invite non-member experts, who will be reimbursed for expenses made. Non-members: others Special Interest Group members (basically, anyone who has shown an interest) are welcome to attend Working Group meetings and workshops. However, no sponsoring is available. Indirectly: European Union Project Proposals Despite the minimal sponsoring mentioned above, contributers (in particular, members of the Special Interest Group) have, through the Working Group, an indirect influence on the EU decision making. The Working Group constantly tries to identify the crucial areas for research, from a technological point of view as well as from the end-user's point of view. When identified, the working group members (and SIG members) actively contribute to new developments (often in the form of EU projects). Where appropriate, the Working Group gives recommendations to the EU on the relevance of simulation related project proposals. Currently sponsored activities: Basic Research Actions After its first phase of operation, the Working Group has decided to focus on 5 Action Clusters. The results of these activities will be published in a Simulation Technologies White Book.