       [misc.books.technical]   A Concise Guide to UNIX Books

** Compiled by: Samuel Ko (sko@wimsey.bc.ca)

" Unix will play a prominent - but not paramount - role in the world of
interoperability and open systems ... familiar to a high percentage of
students, it will continue to play its role as a locus of innovation. "
 - International Data Corporation

** This is a good selection of the "best" books and documentation on
   UNIX and related areas.  The selection is based on i) recommendations
   from netnews readers, ii) the US/Canada sales figures, and iii) a bit
   of my own preference.

** Subject areas covered:
   A. General Unix Texts
      a.  for beginning / intermediate users
      b.  for intermediate / advanced users
   B. Shells
   C. Unix Editors
   D. Networking and Communications
   E. The Internet
   F. System Administration
   G. Unix Security
   H. Programming
   I. TeX
   J. X Window System
   K. Dictionaries and Glossaries
   L. Other Lists
   M. Other Books (experimental)

** This guide is intended to be concise and to emphasize more on recent
   publications, so it is far from exhaustive. For other bibliographies,
   please read section L - Other Lists.

** THANKS to all who have helped in improving this guide. However, to save
   some bandwidth, I do not want to include a long list of acknowledgment.
   I do sincerely thank each and every one of you who has contributed to
   this compilation in one way or the other. This compilation is, therefore,
   a product of the combined wisdom of netnews readers. (yes, errors and
   shortcomings are my responsibility :-)

   [[ BTW, from your responses since this list was first posted ...
     The best publisher:
                        O'Reilly & Associates
     The most-recommended books:
         Unix Network Programming  by Richard Stevens
         Unix System Administration Handbook  by Nemeth, Snyder and Seebass
         The Whole Internet - User's Guide & Catalog  by Ed Krol
         Unix Power Tools  by Peek, O'Reilly, Loukides and others
         A Student's Guide to Unix  by Harley Hahn  ]]

** If you think there are some other really good Unix books, please let me
   know. Besides any comments, suggestions and flames will be very much

** I will try to update and post this list regularly. The latest version
   is also obtainable by anonymous ftp from rtfm.mit.edu (in
   /pub/usenet/news.answers/books). If you do not have ftp or netnews access
   you can get it by email from mail-server@rftm.mit.edu and the body
   of your request should be   send usenet/news.answers/books/unix  .

** Please feel free to distribute this list as long as it is kept intact.

  A. General Unix Texts

~ a.  (more or less) for beginning / intermediate users -

0: Title: Unix for Dummies
   Authors: John Levine and Margaret Levine Young
   Publisher: IDG
   Edition: 1993
   ISBN: 0-878058-58-4
   Comment: A fairly informal (funny) and non-technical introduction to Unix ...

1. Title: The Unix Operating System
   Author: Kaare Christian
   Publisher: Wiley
   Edition: 2nd ed. 1988
   ISBN: 0-471-84781-X
   Comment: A classic overview of Unix commands ... good in coverage ...

2. Title: A Practical Guide to the Unix System V Release 4
   Author: Mark Sobell 
   Publisher: Benjamin Cummings
   Edition: 2nd ed. 1991
   ISBN: 0-8053-7560-0
   Comment: A very good tutorial / reference book ...

3. Title: The Waite Group's Unix System V Primer
   Authors:  Mitchell Waite, Donald Martin and Stephen Prata
   Publisher: Sams
   Edition: 2nd ed. 1992
   ISBN: 0-672-30194-6
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended  ****
            A very good hand-holding tutorial-type book for Unix/SVR4 ...

4. Title: Mastering SunOS
   Authors: Brent Heslop and David Angell
   Publisher: Sybex
   Edition: 1990
   ISBN: 0-89588-683
   Comment: A good, comprehensive hand-on text to SunOS and OpenWindows ...
             BTW, the authors have also written a book on Solaris 2 -
            Mastering Solaris 2 (ISBN: 0-7821-1072-X)

5. Title: Peter Norton's Guide to Unix
   Authors: Peter Norton and Harley Hahn
   Publisher: Bantam Computer
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-553-35260-1
   Comment: Good coverage ... A good introduction for beginners (especially
            those accustomed to DOS) ...

6. Title: A Student's Guide to Unix
   Author: Harley Hahn
   Publisher: McGraw Hill
   Edition: 1993
   ISBN: 0-07-025511-3
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            A superb introduction to Unix ... In a clear and lively language,
            the author tells the novice users everything they want to know
            about Unix and the Internet - covering Unix commands, utilities,
            shells, vi, X-Window, e-mail, netnews, ftp, gopher, etc ...
            It should be an excllent textbook for any Unix introductory
            course ...
            " No experience necessary! " " Unix is fun. "

7. Title: Unix System V Release 4: An Introduction
   Authors: Kenneth Rosen, Richard Rosinski and James Farber
   Publisher: McGraw Hill
   Edition: 1990
   ISBN: 0-07-881552-5
   Comment: A very comprehensive text targeted to novice users ...
             BTW, the authors have written a new book - 1001 Unix Tips -
            to be published by Osborne/McGraw Hill (ISBN: 0-07-881924-5) ...

8. Title: Guide to the Unix Desktop
   Authors: Chris Negus and Larry Schumer
   Publisher: Unix Press
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 1-56205-114-8
   Comment: A fine tutorial / reference text on SVR4.2 ...

9. Title: Learning Unix
   Author: James Gardner
   Publisher: Sams
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-672-30001-X
   Comment: With disks containing MSDOS simulation of Unix (MKS Tools) ...
            A good tutorial / reference book for those without constant
            access to Unix ...

10. Title: Portable Unix
    Author: Douglas Topham
    Publisher: Wiley
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 0-471-57926-2
    Comment: A pretty good task-oriented quick reference ...

11. Title: Life with Unix - A Guide for Everyone
    Authors: Don Libes and Sandy Ressler
    Publisher: Prentice Hall
    Edition: 1990
    ISBN: 0-13-536657-7
    Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
             An everything-you-want-to-know-about-Unix book ... It includes
             info you might not find elsewhere ...
             " This book is the "other" book about Unix ... a study in
               reading between the lines - which is very much what learning
               UNIX is like. "

12. Title: The Unix Industry
    Author: Ed Dunphy
    Publisher: OED
    Edition: 1991
    ISBN: 0-89435-390-X
    Comment: Covering Unix technology and the structure of the Unix
             marketplace ...


~ b.  (more or less) for intermediate / advanced users -

13. Title: Unix for the Impatient
    Authors: Paul Abrahams and Bruce Larson
    Publisher: Addison Wesley
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 0-201-55703-7
    Comment:  **** Highly Recommended ****
              A comprehensive and in-depth reference to Unix ...
              " a handbook you can use both as a manual to learn UNIX and as
                a ready reference for fast answers to specific UNIX questions."

14. Title: Unix Power Tools
    Authors: Jerry Peek, Tim O'Reilly and Mike Loukides (and other
    Publisher: O'Reilly / Bantam                            contributors)
    Edition: 1993
    ISBN: 0-553-35402-7
    Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
             Simply great!!!
             " [It] contains literally thousands of tips, scripts, and
               techniques that make using UNIX easier, more effective, and
               even more fun. "
             With a CD-ROM disk containing PD programs and shell scripts ...
             The shell scripts can also be obtained by anon-ftp from ftp.uu.net
             (as /published/oreilly/power_tools/unix/upt.mar93.tar.Z)

15. Title: Unix System V Release 4: The Complete Reference
    Author: Stephen Coffin
    Publisher: McGraw Hall
    Edition: 1990
    ISBN: 0-07-881653-X
    Comment: Another good book on Unix fundamentals and related subjects ...

16. Title: Unix Desktop Guide to Tools
    Author: Pete Holsberg
    Publisher: Sams
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 0-672-30202-0
    Comment: A comprehensive guide to numerous Unix utilities ...

17. Title: Modern Unix
    Author: Alan Southerton
    Publisher: Wiley
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 0-471-54916-9
    Comment: Covering selected topics like shells, X Window, networking ...

18. Title: Unix in a Nutshell
    Authors: Daniel Gilly and O'Reilly staff
    Publisher: O'Reilly
    Edition: 2nd ed. 1992 (for System V and Solaris 2)
    ISBN: 1-56592-001-5
    Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
             An excellent desktop reference to almost all Unix commands ...
             " a complete reference containing all commands and options, plus
               generous descriptions and examples that put the commands in
               context. "
             Also, an edition for 4.3. BSD ...

19. Title: The Frequently Asked Questions List
    Author: Ted Timar
    Edition: 93/3/18 (frequently updated)
    Comment: This is a multi-part list of often-asked Unix questions (with
             answers).  Read the postings on news.answers or get them by
             anonymous ftp from rtfm.mit.edu (in /pub/usenet/news.answers/
             unix-faq) ...

20. Titles: SCC reference cards
    Authors: SSC staff
    Publisher: Specialized Systems Consultants
    Edition: 1984-93
    ISBN: 0-916151-**-*
    Comment: These are some good, inexpensive reference / tutorial cards on
             Unix commands, Bourne shell, Korn shell, emacs, vi, C, C++, etc ...
             e.g. the new "Unix System Command Summary for SVR4.2/Solaris 2.1"
             (ISBN: 0-916151-61-1) ...
             Contact Belinda Frazier (bel@ssc.com) or  sales@ssc.com for
             more info ...

21. Title: The Design of the Unix Operating System
    Author: Maurice Bach
    Publisher: Prentice Hall
    Edition: 1986
    ISBN: 0-13-201799-7
    Comment: An excellent reference on the internals of System V
             This book and the next one are indeed highly technical ... And
             if you just want a short case study on Unix, consult a good
             operating systems text like Modern Operating Systems by
             A. Tanenbaum or Operating System Concepts by A. Silberschatz,
             J. Peterson and P. Galvin.

22. Title: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD Unix Operating System
    Authors: S. Leffler, M. McKusick, M. Karels and J. Quarterman
    Publisher: Addison-Wesley
    Edition: 1990
    ISBN: 0-201-06196-1
    Comment: An authoritative description of the design of BSD Unix ...
             " It covers the internal structure of the 4.3BSD system and the
               concepts, data structures, and algorithms used in implementing
               the system facilities. "

  B. Shells

1. Title: The Unix C Shell Field Guide
   Authors: Gail Anderson and Paul Anderson
   Publisher: Prentice Hall
   Edition: 1986
   ISBN: 0-13-937468-X
   Comment: The C-Shell Bible - everything you need to know to understand
            csh and use Unix effectively ...

2. Title: Unix C Shell - Desk Reference
   Author: Martin Arick
   Publisher: QED Technical
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-89435-328-4
   Comment: A more recent text on maximizing the use of C-Shell ...

3. Title: Unix Shell Programming
   Authors: Stephen Kochan and Patrick Wood
   Publisher: Hayden
   Edition: 1990
   ISBN: 0-672-48448-X
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            A classic on using and programming Bourne Shell (and Korn Shell)

4. Title: Unix Shell Programming
   Author: Lowell Arthur
   Publisher: Wiley
   Edition: 2nd ed. 1990
   ISBN: 0-471-51821-2
   Comment: This covers not only common shells but also general software
            tool concepts ...

5. Title: The Korn Shell Command and Programming Language
   Authors: Morris Bolsky and David Korn
   Publisher: Prentice Hall
   Edition: 1989
   ISBN: 0-13-516972-0
   Comment: The authoritative reference ...

6. Title: Unix Desktop Guide to the Korn Shell
   Author: John Valley
   Publisher: Sams
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-672-48513-3
   Comment: This one is easier to read than the work by Korn and Bolsky ...

7. Title: The KornShell User and Programming Manual
   Author: Anatole Olczak
   Publisher: Addison-Wesley
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-201-56548-X
   Comment: An everything-you-want-to-know-about-KornShell book ...

8. Title: Korn Shell Programming Tutorial
   Author: Barry Rosenberg
   Publisher: Addison-Wesley
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-201-56324-X
   Comment: A good tutorial on creating Korn shell scripts ...

  C. Unix Editors

1. Title: GNU EMACS Manual
   Author: Richard Stallman
   Publisher: Free Software Foundation
   Edition: 7th ed. 1991
   Comment: The official manual of GNU Emacs, essential for emacs users ...

2. Title: Learning GNU Emacs
   Authors: Debra Cameron and Bill Rosenblatt
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-937175-84-6
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            Probably the best documentation on editing with GNU Emacs ...

3. Title: Desktop Guide to Emacs
   Authors: Ralph Roberts and Mark Boyd
   Publisher: Sams
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-672-30171-7
   Comment: Another good book on emacs ...

4. Title: GNU Emacs Unix Text Editing and Programming
   Authors: M. Schoonover, J. Bowie and W. Arnold
   Publisher: Addison-Wesley
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-201-56345-2
   Comment: Something for everyone who wants to use Emacs ...

5. Title: Learning the vi Editor
   Author: Linda Lamb
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 1990
   ISBN: 0-937175-67-6
   Comment: A very good guide to vi and ex commands, with a quick
            reference card ...

6. Title: The Ultimate Guide to the vi and ex Text Editors
   Author: Hewlett-Packard
   Publisher: Addison-Wesley
   Edition: 1989
   ISBN: 0-8053-4460-8
   Comment: Another decent text on vi and ex ...

7. Titles: vi Tutor and vi Reference
   Authors: Robert Colon et. al. (Tut), Maarten Litmaati (Ref)
   Editions: 2.1 (Tut), 8 (Ref)
   Comment: The latest interactive tutorial (vitutor2.1.shar(.Z)) can be
            obtained by anonymous ftp from ftp.mines.colorado.edu (in
            /pub/tutorials) ... And the refernce and other vi stuff are
            obtainable by anon-ftp from ftp.uwp.edu (in /pub/vi) ...

  D. Networking and Communications

1. Title: Unix Networking
   Authors: edited by Stephen Kochan and Patrick Wood
   Publisher: Hayden
   Edition: 1989
   ISBN: 0-672-48440-4
   Comment: Fairly technical on different issues of networking ...

2. Title: Managing NFS and NIS
   Author: Hal Stern
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-937175-75-7
   Comment: A comprehensive, technical guide for system admins on distributed
            computing tools - NFS and NIS(YP) ...

3. Title: Unix Network Programming
   Author: Richard Stevens
   Publisher: Prentice Hall
   Edition: 1990
   ISBN: 0-13-949876-1
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            An excellent book on programming network softwares
            The source codes and errata list are obtainable by anonymous ftp
            from ftp.uu.net (in /published/books) ...

4. Title: Adventures in Unix Network Applications Programming
   Authors: Bill Riekan and Lyle Weiman
   Publisher: Wiley
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-471-52858-7
   Comment: A fine book on network programming ...

5. Title: The Waite Group's Unix Communications
   Authors: Bart Anderson, Brian Costales and Harry Henderson
   Publisher: Sams
   Edition: 2nd ed. 1991
   ISBN: 0-672-22773-8
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended  ****
            A really excellent book on e-mail (Mail, elm), netnews (rn, nn)
            and UUCP ...

6. Title: Managing UUCP and Usenet
   Authors: Tim O'Reilly and Grace Todino
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 10 ed. 1992
   ISBN: 0-937175-93-5
   Comment: Well written on the setting-up and maintenance of UUCP
            and Netnews ...

7. Title: Using UUCP and Usenet
   Authors: Grace Todino and Dale Dougherty
   Publisher: O'Reilly 
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-937175-10-2
   Comment: Well written on how to use uucp and netnews ...

8. Titles: Internetworking with TCP/IP  Vols I, II and III
   Authors: Douglas Comer and David Stevens
   Publisher: Prentice-Hall
   Editions: 1991 - 2
   ISBN: 0-13-468505-9 (I), 0-13-472242-6 (II), 0-13-474222-2 (III)
   Comment: A detailed discussion on the architecture and implementation of
            the Internet and its protocols ...
            Vol I (on principles, protocols and architecture) is readable by
            everyone, Vol 2 (on design, implementation and internals) and
            Vol 3 (on client-server computing) are fairly technical.

9. Title: TCP/IP Network Administration
   Author: Craig Hunt
   Publisher: O'Reiily
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-937175-82-X
   Comment: With everything you need to know about the installation and
            running of a TCP/IP network ...

10. Title: DNS and BIND
    Authors: Paul Albitz and Cricket Liu
    Publisher: O'Reilly
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 1-56592-010-4
    Comment: A unique guide on domain name system for system admins ...
             " DNS and BIND discusses one of the Internet's fundamental
               building blocks: the distributed host information database
               that's responsible for translating names into addresses,
               routing mail to its proper destination and many other services."

11. Title: Power Programming with RPC
    Author: John Bloomer
    Publisher: O'Reilly
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 0-937175-77-3
    Comment: Covering the nuts and bolts of distributed application development
             using IPCs, RPCs, and associated integration techniques ...

12. Title: Understanding DCE
    Authors: W. Rosenberry, D. Kenney and G. Fisher
    Publisher: O'Reilly
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 1-56592-005-8
    Comment: A book on the basics of OSF's DCE ...
             And there is a companion text "Guide to Writing DCE Applications"
             written by John Shirley.

13. Title: Unix, Posix, and Open Systems
    Authors: John Quarterman and Susanne Wilhelm
    Publisher: Addison-Wesley
    Edition: 1993
    ISBN: 0-201-52772-3
    Comment: This book is about standards for open systems related to
             Posix and Unix ...

  E. The Internet

1. Title: The Whole Internet - User's Guide & Catalog
   Author: Ed Krol
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 1-56592-025-2
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            Definitely a MUST for any new and not-so-new Internet users ...
            " It is a complete user's guide to the Internet, covering
              everything from the basics, like electronic mail and newsgroups,
              to the newest developments. A large part of the book tells you
              how to find the resources you want. "

2. Title: Zen and the Art of the Internet
   Author: Brendan Kehoe
   Edition: 1st ed. 1992
   Comment: A comprehensive overview of the Internet for beginners ...
            This document, in different formats, can be obtained by
            anonymous ftp from world.std.com (in /obi/Internet/zen-1.0) or
            ftp.cs.widener.edu (in /pub/zen) or as zen10.zip from
            /pub/misc/books at oak.oakland.edu.
             The second edition (with 30 more pages and changes) is published
             by Prentice Hall (ISBN: 0-13-010778-6).

3. Title: The Internet Companion
   Authors: Tracy LaQuey and Jeanne Ryer
   Publisher: Addison-Wesley
   Edition: 1993
   ISBN: 0-201-62224-6
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            Written in clear, non-technical language, this is a very good
            guide to the Internet for beginners ...
            " your guide to the intricacies and unique culture of the
              Internet. "
            The online version of the first three chapters can be obtained
            by anon-ftp from /OBS/The.Internet.Companion at world.std.com ...

4. Title: Internet: Getting Started
   Authors: A. Marine, S. Kirkpatrick, V. Leou and C. Ward
   Edition: 1992
   Publisher: Prentice Hall
   ISBN: 0-13-327933-2
   Comment: Yet another book on the Internet ... this one has more on
            initiating Internet access ...
            Certain sections - those on internet service providers - are
            obtainable by anon-ftp from /netinfo at ftp.nisc.sri.com ...

5. Title: Internet System Handbook
   Authors: edited by Daniel Lynch and Marshall Rose
   Publisher: Addision-Wesley
   Edition: 1993
   ISBN: 0-201-56741-5
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            A very good and comprehensive technical reference about the
            Internet System ... covering the underlying technologies
            and the Internet infrastructure ...

6. Title: The Internet Message
   Author: Marshall Rose
   Edition: 1992
   Publisher: Prentice Hall
   ISBN: 0-13-092941-7
   Comment: This covers the technological aspects of e-mail ...

7. Title: E-Mail: Pervasive and Persuasive  in IEEE Spectrum
   Authors: Tekla Perry and John Adam
   Edition: October 1992  Volume 29 Number 10
   Pages: 22 - 33
   Comment: An interesting special report on E-Mail networks ...

8. Title: (Updated) Internet Services List
   Author: Scott Yanoff
   Edition: 93/5/1 (frequently updated)
   Comment: This is a great list with many useful internet addresses ...
            This compilation is posted frequently on alt.internet.services
            and news.answers ... Or you can get it by anonymous ftp from
            csd4.csd.uwm.edu (as /pub/inet.services.txt) or rtfm.mit.edu
            (as /pub/usenet/news.answers/internet-services/list) ...

9. Title: SURAnet Guide to Selected Internet Resources
   Authors: SURAnet Network Information Centre
   Edition: April 1993
   Comment: This guide points you to the rich information resources residing
            on the Internet ... You can get it (infoguide.5-93.txt) by
            anon-ftp from /pub/nic at ftp.sura.net ...

  F. System Administration

1. Title: Unix System Administration Handbook
   Authors: Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder and Scott Seebass
   Publisher: Prentice-Hall
   Edition: 1989
   ISBN: 0-13-933441-6
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            Classic, also known as the sys-admin Bible ...
            " an attempt to condense everything that a system administrator
              should know about UNIX into a single, easy-to-use volume "
            Source codes for programs listed (sa-book.tar.Z) can be
            obtained by anonymous ftp from boulder.colorado.edu (in
            /pub/sa-book) or oak.oakland.edu (in /pub/unix-c/sysadmin).

2. Title: Unix System V Release 4 Administration
   Authors: David Fiedler, Bruce Hunter and Ben Smith 
   Publisher: Hayden 
   Edition: 2nd ed. 1991
   ISBN: 0-672-22810-6
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            A must for any intermediate / advanced users of Unix ...
            " you'll find the information you need to organize a practical,
              efficient, and productive UNIX system "

3. Title: Essential System Administration
   Author: Aeleen Frisch
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-937175-80-3
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            A must for serious users / sys admins of Unix ...
            " It provides a compact, manageable treatment of the tasks and
              issues that everyone responsible for a UNIX system faces. "

4. Title: Unix System - Advanced Administration and Management Handbook
   Author: Bruce Hunter and Karen Hunter
   Publisher: MacMillan
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-02-358950-7
   Comment: Another good book on system administration ...

5. Title: System Performance Tuning
   Author: Mike Loukides
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 1990
   ISBN: 0-937175-60-9
   Comment: A fine book for sys admins on how to fine tune your Unix
            system(s) to do more work ...

6. Title: Downsizing to Unix
   Author: Steven Glines
   Publisher: New Riders Publishing
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 1-56205-074-5
   Comment: A book for people involved or interested in downsizing mainframe
            data-processing to a distributed Unix network ...

7. Title: Dropping The Mainframe without Crushing the Users
   Authors: Peter Van Epp and Bill Baines
   Edition: Nov 1992
   Comment: A biased choice :-) ... This is a paper describing the migration at
            Simon Fraser University from centralized mainframe (MTS) to
            distributed computing (Unix) in 9 months ...
            This paper (LISA-VI.paper.ps(.Z) (postscript - 16 pages) can be
            obtained by anon-ftp from ftpserver.sfu.ca (in /pub/ucspapers).

  G. Unix Security

1. Title: Practical Unix Security
   Authors: Simson Garfinkel and Gene Spafford
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-937175-72-2
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            Simply the best book in this field ...
            " everything you need to know to make your UNIX system as
              secure as it can be. "

2. Title: Unix System Security - A Guide for Users and System Administrators
   Author: David Curry
   Publisher: Addision Wesley
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-201-56327-4
   Comment: Good and comprehensive coverage ... with pointers to
            further info ...

3. Title: Unix System Security
   Author: Rik Farrow
   Publisher: Addison Wesley
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-201-57030-0
   Comment: Another fine book on Unix security, but some errors ...

4. Title: Unix Security - A Practical Tutorial
   Author: Derek Arnold
   Publisher: McGraw Hill
   Edition: 1993
   ISBN: 0-07-002560-6
   Comment: Covering the tools and techniques for managing and
            controlling security ...

5. Title: Site Security Handbook
   Authors: edited by Paul Holbrook and Joyce Reynolds
   Edition: 1991
   Comment: A guide to setting computer security policies and procedures
            for sites that have systems on the Internet ...
            This is rfc1244.txt which is available by anonymous ftp from
            nic.ddn.mil (in rfc directory).  Also, rfc1281.txt - Guidelines
            for the Secure Operation of the Internet ...

6. Title: Computer Security Basics
   Authors: Deborah Russell and G T Gangemi Sr.
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-937175-71-4
   Comment: A clear overview on many different security issues ...

7. Title: The Cuckoo's Egg
   Author: Cliff Stoll
   Publisher: Pocket Books
   Edition: 1990
   ISBN: 0-671-72688-9
   Comment: A fascinating real story on computer espionage ...
            A good alternative to this is "Cyberpunk" written by Katie Hafner
            and John Markoff and published by Touchstone Book ...

  H. Programming

1. Title: The Unix Programming Environment
   Authors: Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike
   Publisher: Prentice-Hall
   Edition: 1984 
   ISBN: 0-13-937681-X
   Comment: A true classic on Unix programming ...

2. Title: Advanced Programming in The Unix Environment
   Author: Richard Stevens
   Publisher: Addison-Wesley
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-201-56317-7
   Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
            A going-to-be classic on how programs work under Unix ...
            The source codes and errata list are obtainable by anonymous ftp
            from ftp.uu.net (in /published/books).

3. Title: Advanced Unix Programming
   Author: Marc Rochkind
   Publisher: Prentice Hall
   Edition: 1985
   ISBN: 0-13-011818-4
   Comment: A superb book covering all system calls in detail ...

4. Title: The C Programming Language
   Authors: Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie 
   Publisher: Prentice Hall
   Edition: 2nd ed. 1988
   ISBN: 0-13-110362-8
   Comment: This book is 200% a MUST for any C programmers ...
            And the answers to the exercises can be found in  C Answer Book
            ... written by Tondo and Gimpel and published by Prentice Hall
            (ISBN: 0-13-109653-2).

5. Title: C - A Reference Manual
   Authors: Samuel Harbison and Guy Steel
   Publisher: Prentice Hall
   Edition: 3rd ed. 1991
   ISBN: 0-13-110933-2
   Comment: An authoritative reference to C programming language, and a good
            companion to Kernighan and Ritchie ...

6. Title: The Waite Group's New Primer C Plus
   Authors: Mitchell Waite and Stephen Prata
   Publisher: Sams
   Edition: 1990
   ISBN: 0-672-22687-1
   Comment: A really good introduction to C for beginners ...

7. Title: C: The Complete Reference
   Author: Herbert Schildt
   Publisher: McGraw Hill
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-07-881538-X
   Comment: Another classic on the C language ...

8. Title: Practical C Programming
   Author: Steve Oualline
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-937175-65-X
   Comment: Yet another good C book describing how to create programs that
            are easy to read, maintain and debug ...

9. Title: C Programming for Unix
   Author: John Valley
   Publisher: Sams
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-672-48518-4
   Comment: A comprehensive book on C programming on Unix systems ...

10. Title: Using C on the Unix System
    Author: David Curry
    Publisher: O'Reilly
    Edition: 1990
    ISBN: 0-937175-23-4
    Comment: This book is directed to (would-be) system programmers ...

11. Title: Obfuscated C and Other Mysteries
    Author: Don Libes
    Publisher: Wiley
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 0-471-57805-3
    Comment: With practical C programming hints and winning programs from
             the Obfuscated C Code Contests ...
             With a disk containing the source codes ...

12. Title: The Berkeley Unix Environment
    Author: Nigel Horspool
    Publisher: Prentice Hall
    Edition: 2nd ed. 1992
    ISBN: 0-13-089368-4
    Comment: **** Highly Recommended ****
             An excellent book on C programming for Berkeley Unix system ...
             " a companion text intended for use in college and university
               courses concerned with Compiler Construction, Software
               Engineering and Operating Systems "

13. Title: The Waite Group's C++ Programming
    Author: John Berry
    Publisher: Sams
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 0-672-22771-1
    Comment: A fine book on OOP with C++ (for Unix and Dos) ...

14. Title: The C++ Programming Language
    Author: Bjarne Stroustrup
    Publisher: Addison-Wesley
    Edition: 2nd ed. 1991
    ISBN: 0-201-53992-6
    Comment: A classic reference on C++ ...

15. Title: C++: The Complete Reference
    Author: Herbert Schildt
    Publisher: McGraw Hill
    Edition: 1991
    ISBN: 0-07-881654-8
    Comment: Another good text on C++ ...

16. Title: Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms
    Author: James Coplien
    Publisher: Addison-Wesely
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 0-201-54855-0
    Comment: An advanced book for any C++ expert-wanna-be ...

17. Title: Managing Projects with make
    Authors: Steve Talbott and Andrew Oram
    Publisher: O'Reilly
    Edition: 2nd ed. 1991
    ISBN: 0-937175-90-0
    Comment: An unique text on using  make  for software development ...

18. Title: The AWK Programming Language
    Authors: Alfred Aho, Brian Kernighan and Peter Weinberger
    Publisher: Addison-Wesley
    Edition: 1988
    ISBN: 0-201-07981-X
    Comment: A complete description of awk by its authors ...

19. Title: Sed and Awk
    Author: Dale Dougherty
    Publisher: O'Reilly
    Edition: 1991
    ISBN: 0-937175-59-5
    Comment: A very good work on programming / text processing with
             sed and awk ...

20. Title: Programming Perl
    Authors: Larry Wall and Randal L. Schwartz
    Publisher: O'Reilly
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 0-937175-64-1
    Comment: The authoritative guide to Perl - the programming language for
             for any serious Unix users ...

21. Title: Writing A Unix Device Driver
    Authors: Janet Egan and Tom Teixeria
    Publisher: Wiley
    Edition: 2nd ed. 1992
    ISBN: 0-471-53574-5
    Comment: A classic book on writing programs to control hardware devices ...

22. Title: Writing Unix Device Drivers
    Authors: George Pajari
    Publisher: Addison-Wesley
    Edition: 1992
    ISBN: 0-201-52374-4
    Comment: An easy-to-understand book covering character, block, terminal,
             and stream drivers ...

  I. TeX

1. Title: The TeXbook
   Author: Donald Knuth
   Publisher: Addison Wesley
   Edition: 1990
   ISBN: 0-201-13448-9
   Comment: The Bible ... A definite guide to typesetting with TeX ...

2. Title: TeX for the Impatient
   Author: Paul Abrahams
   Publisher: Addison-Wesley
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-201-51375-7
   Comment: A more user-friendly handbook on TeX ...

3. Title: TeX for Beginner
   Author: Wynter Snow
   Publisher: Addison Wesley
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-201-54799-6
   Comment: A good tutorial-type book for novice users of TeX...

4. Title: LATeX - A Document Preparation System
   Author: Leslie Lamport
   Publisher: Addison Wesley
   Edition: 1986
   ISBN: 0-201-15790-X
   Comment: The bible for LATeX users ...

  J. X Window System

1. Title: X Window System Users' Guide 
   Authors: Valerie Quercia and Tim O'Reilly
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 1993 (Standard(MIT) or Motif)
   ISBN: 0-56592-014-7 (Standard), 0-56592-015-5 (Motif)
   Comment: Volume 3 in O'Reilly's excellent X-Window series ...
            A fairly useful tutorial-type book to X11R5 ...

   [ BTW, some other books in O'Reilly's X Window System series ...
    Vol. 0 - X Protocol Reference Manual, for X 11 R4 and R5
    Vol. 1 - Xlib Programming Manual, for X11 R4 and R5
    Vol. 2 - Xlib Reference Manual, for X11 R4 and R5
    Vol. 4 - X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual, R5
    Vol. 5 - X Toolkit Intrinsics Reference Manual, for X11 R4 and R5
    (An update for owner of Vols 1, 2, 4 and 5 ...
     Programmer's Supplement for Release 5 of the X Window System, Version 11)
    Vol. 6 - Motif Programming Manual
    Vol. 7 - XView Programming Manual
    (also XView Reference Manual)
    Vol. 8 - X Window System Administrator's Guide, for X11 R5
    The X Window System in a Nutshell
    PHIGS Programming Manual / Reference Manual
    PEXlib Programming Manual / Reference Manual ]

2. Title: The X Window System - A User's Guide
   Author: Niall Mansfield
   Publisher: Addison Wesley
   Edition: 2nd ed. 1993
   ISBN: 0-201-54438-5
   Comment: Another good tutorial-type book to using X ...

3. Title: X Window Inside & Out
   Author: Levi Reiss and Joseph Radin
   Publisher: McGraw Hill
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-07-881796-X
   Comment: A recent text on using and programming X Window ...

4. Title: X Window System Programming and Applications with Xt
   Author: Doug Young
   Publisher: Prentice Hall
   Edition: 1990 (Motif) or 1992(Open Look)
   ISBN: 0-13-497074-8 (Motif), 0-13-982992-X (Open Look)
   Comment: An excellent book on X programming ...

  K. Dictionaries and Glossaries

1. Title: The New Hacker's Dictionary
   Author: Eric Raymond 
   Publisher: MIT Press
   Edition: 1991
   ISBN: 0-262-68069-6
   Comment: This book corresponds to version 2.9.6 of the on-line
            jargon file ... The latest (at the time of writing) is
            version 2.9.12 (jargon2912.txt.z) which is available by
            anonymous ftp from prep.ai.mit.edu (in /pub/gnu) or
            wuarchive.wustl.edu (in mirrors/gnu) ... Changes since the
            publication of this book can be found in the file jargon-upd.z.
            (*.z are files compressed by GNU zip (gzip)) ...

From Eric Raymond's posting  _So You Want To Be A UNIX Wizard? (The
Loginataka)_ :
Speak, O Guru: What books should I study?  Are the O'Reilly "Nutshell"
guides a good place to start?

O, Nobly Born: know that the O'Reilly books are but the palest Shadow, the 
outermost Portal of the True Enlightenment.

If thou desirest with True Desire to tread the Path of Wizardly Wisdom, first
learn the elementary Postures of Kernighan & Pike's _The_Unix_Programming_
Environment_; then, absorb the mantic puissance of March Rochkind's _Advanced_
Unix_Programming_ and W. Richard Stevens's _Advanced_Programming_In_The_UNIX_
Environment_.  Immerse thyself, then, in the Pure Light of Maurice J.  Bach's
_The_Design_Of_The_UNIX_Operating_System_.  Neglect not the Berkelian Way;
study also _The_Design_Of_The_4.3BSD_UNIX_Operating System_ by Samuel Leffler,
Kirk McKusick et. al.  For useful hints, tips, and tricks, see _UNIX_Power_
Tools_, Tim O'Reilly, ed.  Consider also the dark Wisdom to be gained from
contemplation of the dread _Portable_C_And_UNIX_Systems_Programming_*, e'en
though it hath flowed from the keyboard of the mad and doomed Malvernite whom
the world of unknowing Man misnames "J. E. Lapin".

[ * Portable C and Unix System Programming  was published by Prentice Hall
   (Edition: 1987, ISBN: 0-13-686494-5) ]

These tomes shall instruct thy Left Brain in the Nature of the UNIX System;
to Feed the other half of thy Head, O Nobly Born, embrace also the Lore
of its Nurture.  Don Libes's and Sandy Ressler's _Life_With_UNIX_ will
set thy Feet unerringly upon that Path; take as thy Travelling Companion
the erratic but illuminating compendium called _The_New_Hacker's_Dictionary_
(Eric S. Raymond, ed., with Guy L. Steele Jr.).

(In this wise shalt thou travel the Way of the Camel.)

2. Title: Smileys
   Author: David Sanderson and Dale Dougherty
   Publisher: O'Reilly
   Edition: 1993
   ISBN: 1-56592-041-4
   Comment: A "dictionary" of the smileys(aka: emoticons) ... :-)

3. Title: Internet Users' Glossary
   Authors: Gary Malkin and Tracy LaQuey Parker
   Edition: January 1993
   Comment: A glossary that concentrates on terms that are special to
            the Internet ... This document (rfc1392.txt) can be obtained
            by anon-ftp from /rfc at nic.ddn.mil ...

  L. Other Lists

1. Title: Yet Another Book List
   Author: Mitch Wright
   Edition: Jan 22, 1993
   Comment: This is an excellent compilation of almost all Unix and C book
            titles along with info for locating them and short reviews and
            summaries of book contents ...
            You can get it (yabl) by anonymous ftp from ftp.rahul.net (in
            /pub/mitch/YABL) ...

2. Title: X Technical Bibliography
   Author: Ken Lee
   Edition: Nov 4, 1992
   Comment  A good collection of publicly available X window system technical
            materials ... The bibliography is posted periodically on
            comp.windows.x (?) ... and can be obtained by anonymous ftp from
            gatekeeper.dec.com (in /pub/X11/contrib) or export.lcs.mit.edu
            (in /contrib) - look for the file Xbibliography ...

3. Title: Network Reading List: TCP/IP, Unix and Ethernet
   Author: Charles Spurgeon
   Edition: 3.5  Feb 1992
   Comment: This annotated list describes those items that cover the subject
            areas well. It is obtainable by anonymous ftp from ftp.uu.net
            (in /inet/doc) ...

4. Title: Recent Internet Books
   Author: John Quarterman
   Edition: March 1993
   Comment: This is a list of books related to using the Internet ... The
            document (rfc1432.txt) can be obtained by anon-ftp from /rfc
            at nic.ddn.mil ...

5. Title: Catalog of O'Reilly Books
   Authors: O'Reilly staff
   Edition: May 1993
   Comment: You get can it (book.catalog.Z) by anonymous ftp from
            ftp.ora.com  ... where you can also find source codes for examples
            in many books in the Nutshell and X series ... Or read the catalog
            on O'Reilly gopher server (telnet gopher.ora.com  login: gopher
            or  gopher gopher.ora.com  (if a gopher client is installed) ...
            And to get a hard copy of their catalog-plus-magazine called
            "ora.com", mail letters@ora.com ...

  M. Other Books

1. Title: Inside Windows NT
   Author: Helen Custer
   Publisher: Microsoft Press
   Edition: 1993
   ISBN: 1-55615-481-X
   Comment: The authoritative technical reference on Windows NT (the ultimate
            challenge to Unix ?) ...
            And "Windows NT Answer Book" (written by Jim Groves, ISBN:
            1-55615-562-X" is an easier-to-read, question-answer text on NT ...

2. Title: Decline and Fall of the American Programmer
   Author: Edward Yourdon
   Publisher: Yourdon Press
   Edition: 1992
   ISBN: 0-13-203670-3
   Comment: Despite the title, this is a very good book on the technical
            and management aspects of software development ...

| Samuel C. Ko (aka The Smart One / BOZO) <--> a celebrity & DOS/UNIX wizard :)
:) kko@sfu.ca <--> Outspoken,Highly-talented,Charming... I post this for You! |