BIOMATH home HV's home HV's home Simulation in Europe News

System Administration

This page is under construction. I plan to put in (currently not yet in HTML format):

A short list of password selection hints

In the following Request For Comments sent to BIOMATH, different issues regarding a standard PC architecture for use within BIOMATH, are raised. Particularly important is compatibility with both Microsoft NT and with Linux (in particular, Red Hat Linux with Metro-X X server).

Geldhof's price list dd. 11/97 (temporary version hacked from a defunct RTF file): HTML, gzipd PostScript

Finally, taking into account availability, price, ... constraints, the following configuration was selected:

Currently, we are investigating SVGA LCD projectors for use with NT/Linux PC's as well as with video recorder and SGI workstations. Starting from a comprehensive overview:

Installed Software (on hobbes)

MHonArc2.1, a mail to HTML convertor is now installed on hobbes

BIOMATH home HV's home HV's home Simulation in Europe News
Hans Vangheluwe --- June 1996