Guidelines for White Book production

 HV 28/11/1996

 Overall structure:

  TODO Actions (finer granularity) 
  TODO Who writes what ?


  Top-down vision: "generic" solutions to problems
  in different application areas.
  TODO elaborate

  Bottom-up: problem driven = industrial deployment

  Who writes which glue ?

   HV: overall outline + referee
   Action Cluster leaders
   volunteers ?
   TODO commitment

 Scientific guidelines:
  Structure of each paper (non-glue):
  TODO agree on this now

   List of keywords

   Presentation of topic (problem)
   try to discuss with "glue" level
   which positions the problem in a bigger context

   Current State of the Art (short)

   Current Problems
   This action's goals

   This action's methods

   This action's scientific results


   Glossary: keywords (should cover ALL relevant words) with 
   explanation (< 5 lines each)

 Editorial guidelines:

  Manuscripts will not exceed 20-30 pages for actions and
  5-10 pages for glue (depending on weight, determined by editor). 
  A more relevant metric (wordcount) will be provided once more is 
  known about the format of the book.
  TODO concensus over this

  All contributions will be submitted (and comments sent)
  via e-mail.

  Contributions will consist of PLAIN ASCII (with line breaks) TEXT
  (or LaTeX) and Encapsulated PostScript figures.

  LaTeX will be used for the production of the book, so please
  adhere to the following:

   0. use indentation to make the structure of your document
      visible even in ASCII form

   1. Structure starts at chapter level

      \chapter{your chapter title}

      Below that, you can use

      \section{section title}



      Itemized lists are constructed (may be nested)

       \item item stuff
       \item ....
      Enumerated lists:

       \item item stuff
       \item ....

   2. Emphasis

      Emphasis can be indicated {\em like this}.

   3. Including PostScript images is done as follows:

      \caption{figure caption}

     filename.eps is the name of the Encapsulated PostScript file
     (to be provided seperately). Tell your PostScript driver to
     print to file "for maximum portability", Level 1, and ASCII,
     non-compressed (all of this to be on the safe side).
     In your drawings, do NOT USE non-PostScript (read, Windows)
     fonts. Only use Courier, Helvetica and Times !

     {1} is a scale factor. The figure will automatically be scaled
     to cover the whole width of the page. For less, use scaling
     factor < 1.

     \label allows one to refer to the figure "symbolically" (numbers
     will be filled in automatically):  ... Figure~\ref{fig:name}

   Even if you know LaTeX well, it is forbidden to do "visual
   formatting" which would destroy the overall homogenity of style.

   TODO: Complete this description
         Work on .sty (will probably change later after iterations
         with publisher) Note: publisher such as Springer have 
         .sty files for authors/editors.
         Add link to WWW address of intro to LaTeX

 Time Schedule:

    TODO is this feasible given that some actions still have
         to do WORK ? Of course, a paper may describe work to do
         rather than the results of the work.
         continue negotiations with publishers (Springer vs. SCS)

         number of prints ? target (free to all SIG members ?) ? 
         IF generates revenue: use to sponsor WG activities

         pro Springer: reputation
         pro SCS: price

    6/12 authors have committed 
                 know what to write

   23/12 mini draft glue texts
         mini draft action texts
         gets put on WWW for comments

   13/ 1 comments, revisions, ... closed

   24/ 1 draft glue texts
         draft action texts
         gets put on WWW for final comments

   Februari ... editor not available ...

   March ... draft is used (as addendum ?) in NoE proposal

   10/ 3 draft goes to publisher

         revisions (mainly editor's problem)

   ??/?? printed