Cocktail recipes:

  - Monica's Dream
     a drop of Amaretto
  - Lynchburg Lemonade
     1 Jack Daniels
     1 Triple Sec
     1 Sweet and Sour Mix
     4 Sprite
     over ice
  - Tom Collins
     2 gin
     1 lemon juice
     1 spoon powder sugar
     3 club soda
     1 Maraschino Cherry
     1 orange slice
     1/2 shaker ice: gin, lemon, sugar; into glass with ice cubes, 
                     add club soda etc.
  - Manhattan
     2 Rye Whiskey
     1 Sweet (red) Vermouth
  - Dry Martini
     5 Gin
     1 Dry (white) Vermouth
     1 olive
     "shaken, not stirred" (James Bond style)
  - (LA/Gent) Mudslide
     1 Vodka (HV)
     1 Kahlua (HV)
     1 Baily's Irish Cream (Gent means: substituted by vanilla ice cream)
     shake with ice
  - Belgian Mad Cow
     1 Kahlua
     1 Cream (Belgian means vanilla ICE cream)
     1 strong rum
     shaker with 1/4 ice