Tue Nov 26 1996
Subject: Simulation in Europe workshop
To: Simulation in Europe Special Interest Group (SiE-SIG)

 Dear simulationist,

  The Simulation in Europe ESPRIT Basic Research Working Group (SiE-WG)
  (http://hobbes.rug.ac.be/SiE/) organises a workshop on Simulation 
  Technologies on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 of November.

  Content of the workshop (style: discussions, only minor invited

   Part 1: intense scientific discussions of the different Action 
           groups which were identified in the first phase of the 
           Working Group's activity.
           The purpose of these discussions is to come to concrete
           answers to the essential questions for each Action.
           Action Leaders are responsible for preparing a list
           of such questions and moderating the Action sessions 
           (starting with a small presentation of their Action status).

   Part 2: discussion and decisions about structure, content, format 
           and timing of the White Book. The White Book is a collection of
           articles, one per Action, about the state-of-the-art
           in Simulation Technologies and about future directions
           in research.
   Part 3: structure, content and partners of a Network of Excellence
           in Simulation Technologies proposal. Concrete assignment
           of work in the proposal writing.

  When does the workshop take place:

   On Friday 29 and Saturday 30 of November 1996
   Starting time on Friday: 10.30 (9.30 for the Early Birds)
   Closing on Saturday: 18.00

  Where does the workshop take place:

   Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences
   Block B (the tall white building), 6th floor, room 619
   Coupure Links 653
   B-9000 Gent

   Phone : +32 (9) 264 59 32 (secretary Annie Gevaert)
           +32 (9) 264 59 37 (Hans Vangheluwe)
   Fax   : +32 (9) 223 49 41 
   e-mail: SiE@hobbes.rug.ac.be

  Where to stay:

   Please call Annie Gevaert (or e-mail her at SiE@hobbes.rug.ac.be)
   who will make reservations for you (university rates) 
   at the IBIS hotel:

    Nederkouter 24-26
    B-9000 Gent
    Phone : +32 (9) 225 07 07
    Fax   : +32 (9) 223 59 07

  Tentative Agenda:

   Friday, November 29

   Part 1

     9.30 - 10.30  Early Bird session: for those who are able
                   to come this early, we will have a discussion
                   session about a subject of choice (model
                   standardisation, simulator interoperability, ...).

    10.30 - 11.00  Coffee and Welcome

    11.00 - 12.30  Action 1.1 Glossaries, Definitions, ...

    12.30 - 13.30  Action 1.2: Semantics

    13.30 - 14.30  Lunch (sandwiches)

    14.30 - 16.30  Action 1.3: Model Exchange 
    16.30 - 17.00  Action 1.4: Symbolic Manipulation

    17.00 - 17.30  Coffee

    17.30 - 18.30  Action 2.2: Neutral Model Solver protocol 
                               for continuous systems

    18.30 - 19.30  Action 2.3: Neutral Model Solver protocol 
                               for discrete systems 

    19.30 - 20.30  Check-in hotel

    20.30 - ...    Workshop Dinner

   Saturday, November 30

     8.30 -  9.00  Coffee and Welcome

     9.00 - 10.00  Action 3.1: Interacting Distributed Simulators 

    10.00 - 10.30  Action 3.2: Synthetic Engineering, Distributed
                               Interactive Simulation
    10.30 - 11.30  Action 4.1: Industrial Deployment Handbook

    11.30 - 12.30  Action 4.2: Multi Paradigm Demonstrator

    12.30 - 13.00  End User Involvement, User Simulator Interfaces

    13.00 - 14.00  Lunch (sandwiches)

   Part 2

    14.00 - 15.30  White Book: content, structure, schedule

   Part 3

    15.30 - 17.30  Network of Excellence

    17.30 - 18.00  Conclusions, homework

  Please confirm asap if you are going to attend, mentioning
  your arrival and departure date/time.
  Our apologies for the late notification.

  Best regards,

   Ghislain Vansteenkiste
   Eugene Kerckhoffs
   Hans Vangheluwe