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HV: Research : SCS Transactions

Referee's Instructions for SCS Transactions on Simulation

With a new editor-in-chief (Bernard Zeigler), the journal now has a more well defined scope. In contrast to the Simulation Journal, the Transactions will focus on articles that are methodological in nature and whose application to general modeling and simulation issues is clear. In particular, purely mathematical, computational, or empirical results, however valuable, are considered more appropriate to the many journals specializing in these areas.

As referee, you have the most important task of all: enabling us to produce a timely, high quality forum for research. Your work will be acknowledged in an annual listing, but the greatest reward is the ability to learn first hand of results of interest to you and the role you play in shaping the progress of the field. Once you receive the manuscript we will expect feedback from you within 45 days. Only evaluations received within this time window will be considered further in the process. Some ways to meet this deadline are suggested below.

Please keep the following in mind when evaluating a paper.

You may write up your comments in any form you wish for use by the author in revising the paper. Please provide specific citations of the literature or handles on it wherever you can. For example, instead of saying "this has all been done before", give a concrete reference to the earlier work. Remember a major function of refereeing is to expand the perspectives of the author and thereby to enable us all to appreciate the contribution. We will also allow the author to request clarification of points (through an anonymous process).

Some points to consider in evaluating a manuscript for SCS Transactions:

BIOMATH home HV's home up one level --- November 16, 1998