Bruno Barroca   
Postdoctoral Fellow
Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab
School of Computer Science
McGill University
McConnel Engineering Building #202
3480 University Street
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3A 2A7
Public Key
Bruno Barroca     

I was a Post-Doc Fellow at MSDL, working with Prof. Hans Vangheluwe. I was doing research on vertical consistency in the context of meta-modeling environments for the NECSIS (Network on Engineering Complex Software Intensive Systems for Automotive Systems) project. My research focused in all aspects of language engineering from automated parsing construction based on syntactic models (including models for type/conformance checking), to automatic compiler construction and testing based on transformation models.

I got my PhD at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. My PhD thesis (available here) is entitled: "Analysis of Software Language Translations". During my PhD I focused on the automatic validation of language compilers in both the syntactic and semantic aspects, from which two new specifications languages -- DSLTrans (a model transformation language for language translations) and SOS (a rule based operational semantics specification) -- were designed, developed, and fully integrated in a meta-compiler validation framework (get the code here).

After my graduation as a software engineer in 2003 (also at Universidade Nova de Lisboa) I worked four years on a portuguese software house (Altitude Software) where I developed a visual scripting language for developing call-center menus and screens. I was introduced to Model Driven Development and DSMLs only during my Master studies (also at Universidade Nova de Lisboa), where (using meta-models and model transformations) I developed a modeling language to prototype graphical user interfaces for control systems (such as the detector machines at CERN).

Maintained by Bruno Fontes Barroca. Last Modified: 2016/03/11 12:40:35.