In the following, PH5 stands for the Fifth Edition of the Patterson and Hennessy book "Computer Organization and Design" and PH6 stands for the Sixth Edition of that book. PH5/6 stands for both editions. The page ranges below should be interpreted as a broad guideline. Obviously, technical details or material that was not covered in class is not part of the material to study. Conversely, all material presented in class (on slides and in (blackboard) scribbles) are part of the material to study, even if they are not covered in the textbook. A pertinent example is the introduction to Unicode character encoding. Note that where meaningful, scribbles have been added to the slides. -- Intro: 000.presentation.courseIntro.SystemsArchitecture.2223.pdf -- "Systems" 1. Computer Abstractions and Technology: performance 110.presentation.computerAbstractionsTechnology.pdf PH5/6 sections 1.1 - 1.4 PH5/6 sections 1.6 - 1.7 PH5 section 1.9 - 1.11 PH6 section 1.9, 1.11 - 1.12 2. Data representation 120.presentation.dataRepresentation.pdf 3. Arithmetic for Computers 240.presentation.computerArithmetic.pdf PH5/6 sections 3.1 - 3.5 (but not Accurate Arithmetic/Rounding with Guard Digits at the end of section 3.5) 4. Instructions: Language of the Computer 130.presentation.computerLanguage.pdf PH5/6 sections 2.1 - 2.10 PH5/6 sections 2.12 - 2.14 PH5 sections 2.16 - 2.20 PH6 sections 2.16 - 2.19, 2.21 - 2.22 PH5/6 Appendix A.1 - A.6 140.presentation.exceptions.pdf exceptions_example.asm (enkel ter illustratie, moet niet kunnen uitleggen/reproduceren) PH5 section 4.9 (not Exceptions in Pipelined Implementation) PH6 section 4.10 (not Exceptions in Pipelined Implementation) PH5/6 Appendix A.7 (exceptions and interrupts) - A.8 (Input and Output) -- "Architecture" 5. Logic Design 210.presentation.logicDesign.pdf PH5/6 Appendix B.1 - B.3, B.5 - B.6 220.presentation.memory.pdf NOT "DRAM Array" PH5/6 Appendix B.7 - B.8 (NOT "Specifying Sequential Logic in Verilog") PH5/6 Appendix B.9 - B.10 (NOT "DRAM Array") no details about B.9, only general notions of concepts 6. Datapath 230.presentation.datapathSimple.pdf PH5/6 sections 4.1 - 4.4 7. Pipelining 250.presentation.pipelining.pdf PH5 4.5 - 4.6, pp. 272 - 303 PH6 4.7 - 4.8 (not branch delay) be able to explain hazards and how forwarding may solve them, need not be able to draw augmented datapath -- Leerstof: 55% punten oefeningen gedurende het jaar 20% punten oefeningenexamen: enkel architectuur. Vergelijkbare opgaven als gedurende het semester, met wat pertinente systeemvragen zoals hex representatie van een instructie. Gesloten boek, mag jaaroplossingen NIET meebrengen op USB stick. * mondeling verdedigen 25% punten theorieexamen (schriftelijk) * theorievragen * assembleroefeningen ("instructietabel", exception registers gegeven) --