
  6. 1/6

import DataSet
import Plotter

# We assume for the time being there is only a single Plot block
# should really pass a reference to this Plot block
# "data" could then be attached to this block
# currently "data" is attached to the parent and
# thus there can only be one Plot block
def plotWindow(block):
  model = block.rootNode
  # titles contains names of blocks connected to the Plot block
  titles = []
  for in_connect in block.in_connections_:
   plotted_block = in_connect.in_connections_[0]
   plotted_var_name = plotted_block.block_name.getValue()
   if plotted_var_name == "":
     print "ignoring unnamed blocks"
  if not ("data" in dir(model)): = DataSet.DataSet(source = 'simulator', titles = titles)
  gFrame = Plotter.GraphWindow(block.parent, [])
  gFrame.title("Plot") 2/6


def exportLaTeX(parentApp, model):

  # parentApp is the "parent" application object
  # It is visible from all buttons, nodes, ...
  # Hence, it can be used to store "global" information in.

  # model is a hypergraph structure consisting of 
  # connected "nodes". The nodes in the data structure
  # are both CBD nodes and CBD links

  # The "model" node has attributes corresponding to the
  # global "model attributes" such as model_name and simul_t_init
  # Node attributes can be accessed directly as attributes
  # They are AToM3 entities however and thus need .getValue()
  # to access their value, e.g., model.model_name.getValue()
  print "\nmodel.model_name"
  print model.model_name.getValue()

  # Note how simul_t_init is a float
  print "model.simul_t_init"
  print model.simul_t_init.getValue()

  # model.listNodes is a dictionary
  # Its keys are the names of all 'nodes' in the model
  print "nmodel.listNodes"
  print model.listNodes
  print ""

  # model.listNodes.keys() gives us the keys only"
  print "model.listNodes.keys()"
  print model.listNodes.keys()
  print ""

  # Keys can be used to access the list of all nodes
  # of a particular type directly, for example
  print "model.listNodes['Block']"
  print model.listNodes["Block"]
  print ""

  # We can thus iterate over all "Block" nodes
  print "Iterating over all 'Block' nodes"
  print ""
  for node in model.listNodes["Block"]:
   print "  Node "+str(node)+":"

   # Node attributes can be accessed directly as attributes
   # They are AToM3 entities however and thus need .getValue()
   # to access their value, e.g., node.block_name.getValue()
   print ""
   print "  node name: "+node.block_name.getValue()

   print "  node value Python type: "+str(type(node.block_out_value.getValue()))
   print "  node value: "+str(node.block_out_value.getValue())

   # It is possible to change node attributes
   print "  Adding 'X' to node block_name attribute"
   print "  node name is now: "+node.block_name.getValue()

   # Update the model display to reflect change
   node.graphObject_.ModifyAttribute("block_name", node.block_name.toString())

   print "  Adding '1.0' to node block_out_value attribute"
   print "  Constant node block_out_value is now: "+str(node.block_out_value.getValue())

   # Update the model display to reflect change
   node.graphObject_.ModifyAttribute("block_out_value", node.block_out_value.toString())

   # We can access any node's
   # in_connections_ and out_connections_ lists
   # Note how a link is also a node in the model!
   print ""
   print "  Iterating over all links out of node:"
   print ""
   for link in node.out_connections_:
    print "    link: "+str(link)
    for node in link.out_connections_:
     print "      node: "+str(node)
     # We can find out a node's type
     print "      node type: "+node.getClass()

     # Not be be confused with the node's block_type attribute
     # block_type only makes sense for Block nodes,
     # so we need to test for that
     if node.getClass() == "Block":
       blockType = node.block_type.getValue() 
       print "      node's block_type attribute (enum): "+str(blockType)
       # An object of enum type is a tuple consisting of
       # a list of unique enum names and an index into that
       # list indicating which of the 
       # For example, for an Integrator block, the block_type enum
       # is (['Generic', 'Negator', 'Inverter', 'Adder', 'Product', 
       # 'Delay', 'Integrator', 'Derivative', 'Constant', 'Time'], 6)
       # To find out the string representation of the block_type,
       # the second element of the tuple (6) is used as an index
       # into the first element of the typle ['Generic', ... ]
       blockTypeString = blockType[0][blockType[1]]
       print "      node's block_type attribute (enum): "+blockTypeString
       # Some connections are "named ports"
       # Rather than using in_connections_ or out_connections_,
       # we can access them directly by their port name
       if blockTypeString == "Integrator":
        print "     This is an 'Integrator' block"
        print "     Its block_IC_port (InitialCondition) port is connected to:"
        print node.block_IC_port
        print ""
       # Note how many blocks have a port called "block_output_port" 3/6


def exportMfile(parentApp, model):
  print "exporting to M-file" 4/6

def pause(parentApp, model):
 # currently, this really halts the simulation rather than pausing
 # (so Resume doesn't work)
 if "generatorThread" in dir(model):
   print "\nWarning: no simulation to pause"
   print "\n         ignoring request\n" 5/6

def reset(parentApp, model):
 if "data" in dir(model):
   print "\nWarning: no simulator to reset"
   print "\n         ignoring request\n" 6/6

import threading
from time import sleep
from math import sin, cos, pi

class Generator:
  """ This class generates data.

  In our example, each generated data-item is a tuple with three
  def __init__(self, dataSet):
    """ dataSet: DataSet
    self.running = 0         # generate data iff true
    self.dataSet = dataSet   # DataSet object to which data-items are added

  def addDataItems(self):
    self.running = 1

    # Generate 100 data items:
    for i in range(100):
      t = i/25.
      x = sin(2*pi*t)/5
      y = cos(2*pi*t)/5

      # Build a data-item with the values, and send them to the plotter:
      self.sendPlotter( {'t':t, 'x':x, 'y':y} )

      sleep(0.1)  # pause to make it look as if some real calculation is
                  # happening (to emulate a real simulator at work)

      # running will be set to 0 by stop() called from another thread
      if not self.running:

  def stop(self):
    self.running = 0

  def sendPlotter(self, names_values_dict):
    """ The keys in the dictionnary "names_values_dict" are matched with 
    the entries in "self.dataSet.titles" to know what entry correspond 
    to what index in the data-item.
    titles = self.dataSet.titles  # ordered titles
    temp_data = [None]*len(titles)
    for name in names_values_dict.keys():
        i = titles.index(name)
      except ValueError:
        pass  # THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEND
      temp_data[i] = names_values_dict[name]

    # data-item ordered : add it to dataSet
    # (this will trigger updating the appropriate trajectory plots in the GUI)
    self.dataSet.append( temp_data )

class GeneratorThread(threading.Thread):

  def __init__(self, generatorObject):
    """ generatorObject is a Generator instance. """

    self.theThread = None
    self.generatorObject = generatorObject

  def start(self):
    """ Start generating data-items. """

    # if (has been stopped) or (is finished)...
    if self.theThread == None or not(self.theThread.isAlive()):
      # Empty the DataSet
      # Create the thread
      self.theThread = \
      # Start the thread

  def stop(self):
    """ Stop data-items from being generated. """

    self.generatorObject.stop()  # stop the generator
    if self.theThread != None:
      self.theThread.join()  # wait until the thread terminates
      self.theThread = None

def startResume(parentApp, model):
 # currently, this only (re-)starts, no resume
 if "data" in dir(model):
  model.generator = Generator(
  model.generatorThread = GeneratorThread(model.generator)
  print "\nWarning: need to set up data element (in plot window) first\n"

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