Due to time constraints, the 6th assignment (Forrester System Dynamics) will cease to be an assignment. It will be discussed in class instead.
This implies the sum of maximum marks of project and assignments P(30) + A1(15) + A2(10) + A3(10) + A4(10) + A5(15) is no longer 100. To reward people who did either very well on the assignments (in particular, the "heavy" ones) or on the project, the total grade will be the maximum of two schemes. One scheme raises the contribution of the assignments from 60% to 70%, the other raises the contribution of the project from 30% to 40%.
grade = max(4/3 P + A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5, P + 7/6*(A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5))
Due to popular demand and a bug discovered in the GPSS meta-model, the deadline for the GPSS assignment has been moved by one day to Saturday 23rd November at 23:55.
The lastest AToM3 GPSS files are in GPSS.tgz. Untar and ungzip in the AToM3 directory to replace the old GPSS directory. Examples are found in the directory GPSS/models. This version includes (flaky and slow) code generation as well as updated icons for LINK and UNLINK blocks.
The models from Gordon's notes used in class use some symbolic names for resources, parameters, etc. This makes them easier to digest than the ones in the notes. The .html versions give the report produced (by GPSS/H).
4 November: updated slides mentioned below.
The presentation slides (in PDF format) of the classes on Discrete Event World Views are now (Wednesday 30 October) available under Lectures above.
The notes for the classes on GPSS will be available at Copi-EUS from Thursday 31 October, 13:30.
There will be an extra "class" on Wednesday October 30th in ENGMC 103 from 19:00 till 20:00. Possible project subjects will be introduced.
The deadline of Assignment 2 (Petri Nets) was moved from Monday 28 October to Wednesday 30 October.
From Wednesday 23 October until further notice, Spencer Borland will be the TA for this course. Office hours remain identical.
Monday 21 October 19:30. Assignment 2 webpage updated with information on how to install PNModels in the AToM3.asgn directory.
Assignments 2 (Petri Nets) and 3 (Statecharts) will be posted on Sunday 20 October and explained in Monday's class.
The solution to the CBD assignment is now (16 October) available.
The notes on State Automata and Petri Nets are now (3 October) available from copi-EUS.
It is now (1 October) possible to submit the first assignment via WebCT.
There will be no class on Monday 30 September. This class will be replaced by a lecture on Wednesday 2 October 19:00 - 20:30 in Leacock 321.
Prof. Vangheluwe's office hours will be taken over by Jean-Sebastien Bolduc 16:00 - 18:00 in McConnell 202.
23 Oct. : posted assignment 3.
21 Oct. : posted assignment 2.
1 Oct. : added info on team submissions to Assignments.
24 Sept.: added Modelling and Simulation process presentation to Lectures.
24 Sept.: added LaTeX, Simulink/Octave generation info to FAQ.
23 Sept.: added to FAQ.
23 Sept.: added hints to assignment 1, updated AToM3.asgn.tgz