Requirements for the assignment are described on the assignment web page. The solution consists of the two files:
The file is also required, but hasn't been modified.
This DEVS generates Car objects according to a uniform distribution. This DEVS has a single output port, to be connected to a Queue DEVS. Since it has no input ports, no external transition will ever occur in this DEVS.
The main challenge here is to keep track of the global simulation time, so Car objects can be initialized properly. In our case, we keep track of the global time in the attribute globalTime (it would be cleaner to use the state for this, as in our case the state is unused). A first idea would be to increment globalTime with elapsed in the internal transition function. This will not work, since in the DEVS formalism elapsed is reset to 0 before the actual internal transition.
The solution is thus to store the last value returned by the time advance function in an attribute timeFlag, and use this attribute to increment globalTime.
This DEVS has one input port to receive Car objects from a Generator DEVS. It also needs both an input and output port to communicate with the Junction DEVS.
The state of the Queue DEVS comprises a queue of cars, and an integer reflecting the progress of negotiations with the Junction DEVS. We can summarize negotiations from the Queue DEVS' side as follows:
This DEVS has a pair of input/output ports to communicate with two Queue DEVS (the two lanes). It also has an output port to send Car objects to the Statistics DEVS.
The state of the Junction DEVS comprises two entries to reflect the status of the requests from both lanes, an entry to hold the car being processed, and an entry to remember the time spent so far on the current car. This last entry is necessary since the Junction DEVS is likely to be interrupted any time by either Queue DEVS.
The Junction DEVS remains busy with a car for a time interval K. After that, the car is sent to the Statistics DEVS. We can summarize negotiations from the Junction DEVS' side as follows:
A GenericJunction DEVS is defined. Both strategies are defined by inheritance. Both inherited classes define the methods chooselane and timeAdvance.
This DEVS has a single input port, to receive Car objects from the Junction DEVS. This is a passive DEVS, i.e. it has not internal transition function (and no output function). All it does is compute the transit time of every car it receives, and use it to update its attributes:
To compute the transit times, this DEVS also needs to keep track of the global time. This time we can use the first idea proposed for the Generator DEVS, as the elapsed attribute is reset to 0 after the actual external transition.
The coupled-DEVS connects the atomic-DEVS in the obvious manner. We use the default select function.
As for the simulator (file, it has been modified as suggested so the termination condition is based on the Statistics DEVS' numCars attribute.
To run the simulation, use the following command line:
> python -hto display help information, or
> python [s:int] [n:int] [r:int | -debug]where
If the -debug flag is used, only one experiment is performed, with a traffic density corresponding to MEANS[0]. The output is then a detailed description of the simulation is progress.
By default, MEANS = [1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, ... 29.5, 30.0]
Below is the output obtained by typing python s:2 n:2 -debug:
* * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 0.925550 Generator B : create < ID:1, aggr:1, created:0.925550> Queue B : receive < ID:1, aggr:1, created:0.925550> Queue B : send authorization request (1) Junction : receive authorization request from Queue B (1) * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 1.025550 Junction : send authorization to Queue B Queue B : receive authorization Queue B : send < ID:1, aggr:1, created:0.925550> Junction : receive < ID:1, aggr:1, created:0.925550> from Queue B * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 1.554002 Generator A : create < ID:2, aggr:7, created:1.554002> Queue A : receive < ID:2, aggr:7, created:1.554002> Queue A : send authorization request (7) Junction : receive authorization request from Queue A (7) * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 1.766945 Generator B : create < ID:3, aggr:5, created:1.766945> Queue B : receive < ID:3, aggr:5, created:1.766945> Queue B : send authorization request (5) Junction : receive authorization request from Queue B (5) * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 3.164434 Generator A : create < ID:4, aggr:5, created:3.164434> Queue A : receive < ID:4, aggr:5, created:3.164434> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 3.713996 Generator A : create < ID:5, aggr:5, created:3.713996> Queue A : receive < ID:5, aggr:5, created:3.713996> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 4.144591 Generator B : create < ID:6, aggr:9, created:4.144591> Queue B : receive < ID:6, aggr:9, created:4.144591> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 4.820522 Generator A : create < ID:7, aggr:4, created:4.820522> Queue A : receive < ID:7, aggr:4, created:4.820522> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 5.733151 Generator B : create < ID:8, aggr:2, created:5.733151> Queue B : receive < ID:8, aggr:2, created:5.733151> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 5.816533 Generator A : create < ID:9, aggr:10, created:5.816533> Queue A : receive < ID:9, aggr:10, created:5.816533> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 6.025550 Junction : output < ID:1, aggr:1, created:0.925550> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 6.125550 Junction : send authorization to Queue A Queue A : receive authorization Queue A : send < ID:2, aggr:7, created:1.554002> Junction : receive < ID:2, aggr:7, created:1.554002> from Queue A Queue A : send authorization request (5) Junction : receive authorization request from Queue A (5) * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 7.230760 Generator B : create < ID:10, aggr:5, created:7.230760> Queue B : receive < ID:10, aggr:5, created:7.230760> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 8.088203 Generator A : create < ID:11, aggr:8, created:8.088203> Queue A : receive < ID:11, aggr:8, created:8.088203> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 9.018014 Generator B : create < ID:12, aggr:9, created:9.018014> Queue B : receive < ID:12, aggr:9, created:9.018014> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 9.148306 Generator A : create < ID:13, aggr:4, created:9.148306> Queue A : receive < ID:13, aggr:4, created:9.148306> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 10.355048 Generator A : create < ID:14, aggr:1, created:10.355048> Queue A : receive < ID:14, aggr:1, created:10.355048> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 10.775091 Generator B : create < ID:15, aggr:3, created:10.775091> Queue B : receive < ID:15, aggr:3, created:10.775091> * * * * * * * * * * CLOCK: 11.125550 Junction : output < ID:2, aggr:7, created:1.554002> Mean Transit Time : 7.335774 Std Deviation Transit Time : 3.161862
We plot the average transit time in function of the mean m (uniform distributions of Inter-arrival times for cars on both lanes are uniformly distributed in [m-1, m+1] ).
In figure 1, we counted 100 cars, and we did 10 experiments at every point. We clearly see that when the traffic gets more important (i.e., when the mean m gets smaller) the Zipper strategy is more interesting.
To evaluate the impact of the number of cars and the number of experiments at each point, we did two extra experiment. In figure 2, we counted 200 cars and did 10 experiments at every point, whereas in figure 3 we counted 100 cars and did 5 experiments at every point.
We note that even if the number of cars and the number of experiments at each point vary, the results are qualitatively the same.
For reference, we plot in figure 4 the standard deviation associated with the transit time as a function of mean, for the same experiment as in figure 1.