Modeling & optimization of projectile motion and simulation using FlightGear
The goal of this project was to further the study of projectile motion. Essentially, the well-known 2 Degree-Of-Freedom (DOF)
point-mass system was extended to gain more insight into the effects of wind
resistance/drag forces, lift forces and the Coriolis effect on a body.
To aid in visualizing the model simulations, output was sent to FlightGear, a
powerful flight simulation software package.
Finally, the models were used to solve a simple ballistics problem: determining
the initial conditions necessary to hit a specified target.
The equations governing the motion of a projectile were to be modeled using
causal block diagrams in MATLAB's Simulink software. MATLAB's scripting
environment was to be used to implement the optimization algorithms.
The modeling data was then to be fed into FlightGear to visualize the data.
Dynamics Models
- 2 Degree Of Freedom Systems
Free Body Diagram of 2DOF syst.
The dynamics equation for a 2 DOF system involves a simple point mass, depicted in
the figure, an initial force Fi at angle theta, a "wind" force, and the gravitational force.
The effect of wind on the projectile's motion was simplified to a force.
The equations governing the body's motion are as follows:
To facilitate modeling using Causal Block Diagrams in MATLAB, the equations
were converted to their
These equations represent the solution to the dynamics equations.
- 3 Degree Of Freedom Systems
Figure illustrating 3DOF free body diagram
The dynamics equations in this case are very similar to the previous 2DOF case,
and are expressed here in the Laplace-domain:
Induced drag, i.e. drag on the projectile due to the body's own movement, was then added to the equations.
It is given by
where Cd is the drag coefficient, A is the projected area of the body that
induces drag, rho is the density of air and v is the magnitude of the velocity
of the body. This resulted in the following equation of motion:
The normalized term represents the direction of the velocity vector. To
compensate for the effect of wind, the induced drag term has as one of its
factors the square of the magnitude of the relative velocity of the projectile
w.r.t. wind velocity.
Note that the equation is left in the time-domain representation. Since the
velocity term is squared, the equation would have to be linearized in order to
allow classical Laplace-domain analysis. Instead, a non-linear approach was
implemented using the CBD. See the implementation section for details.
Subsequently, Coriolis effects were added to the model. It is given by:
ac =
where omega is the angular acceleration of the rotating body, in this case
earth, v is the velocity vector of the body in its own frame, and l is the
latitude of the body on earth.
Figure illustrating relation between
local coordinate system and the rotating frame
The resulting equation is as follows:
- 4 Degree Of Freedom System
A pseudo-4DOF system was finally modeled. The time variation of theta was
measured from the 3DOF model (simply the pitch given by the body's velocity
vector) and used to calculate a lift force.
Lift force was modeled using the equation:
where Cl is the lift coefficient, Aw is the wing area that
generates the lift force, rho is the density of air and v is the magnitude of the velocity
of the body. It was then directed in the vertical direction, effectively
ignoring the lift-induced-drag (see lift force
Lift force
This resulted in the following equation of motion:
Optimization algorithms
Given the models that plot the trajectory of a projectile given a set of model
parameters, determining those necessary for the projectile to reach a specified
target was achieved by using a root-finding method. Given the initial impulse
force and direction, an script was written to measure the distance between the
projectile and target after running a simulation, and this distance, or error,
was used as input into the bisection root-finding method. The algorithm assumes
a root, i.e. a point in the function where f(x) = 0, is between two supplied
intervals, and iteratively halves the search interval until the root is found or
the search space is small (see figure). In this fashion, the
optimal initial direction was able to be found.
Figure illustrating the bisection method halving
the search space until the root/zero crossing is found
Equipped with an algorithm giving the angle needed to hit a target given a
certain initial force, the issue of minimizing this force was investigated. If
one were to plot the distribution of force vs. angle required to hit a target,
an inverse-square distribution would result (see figures). A minimization algorithm was
therefore used to determine the minimum force in the distribution, specifically MATLAB's
built-in fminbnd function. It determines a function's local minimum given a
search interval. It's algorithm is "based on golden section search and parabolic
interpolation" (see for more details).
Figure depicts distribution of force vectors
capable of hitting a target.
FlightGear simulations
In order to simulate projectile trajectories in flightGear, the typical XYZ
position specified in a body frame must be translated to geodetic coordinates.
This function was accomplished via the use of MATLAB's Flat Earth to LLA block.
See here for more details:
Source files
2DOF Projectile motion
MATLAB launched_ball_simple.mdl Causal Block Diagram
Here, as well as in all further models, the input force is
modeled as an impulse force - an infinitesimally large force applied for an
infinitesimally small time period. Given that the intent was to analyze
projectile motion, an impulse was the most appropriate choice of force.
Parameters:- Fi: magnitude of the impulse force.
- R: magnitude of the wind resistance force. Can represent a head- or
- theta: angle at which projectile is launched
- g: gravitational force. 9.8 m/s2 for all models
- m: projectile mass
- Impulse (builtin MATLAB block)
- sim_x & sim_y blocks: store the signal outputs and allow for further analysis
after a MATLAB simulation is run.
2DOF Projectile motion with logarithmic wind resistance
A slightly more complex iteration of the previous model was also implemented to
study the response of the system due to a varying wind-resistance force:
MATLAB launched_ball.mdl Causal Block Diagram
Above, a crude wind shear is modeled by causing R to vary logarithmically in y.
Additional Parameters:
3DOF Projectile motion:
MATLAB launched_ball_3D.mdl Causal Block Diagram
3DOF Projectile motion with drag effects
MATLAB launched_ball_drag_3D.mdl Causal Block Diagram
With the addition of drag effects, a non-linear model had to be employed, as
specified in the design section. Note that the velocity output signal is routed
through the drag blocks and squared, then added to the output. This technique
was also used in subsequent models to allow modeling of non-linear components.
- Cd: Drag coefficient
- A: Projected area of projectile body causing drag
- COESA Atmosphere Model: (built-in MATLAB block)
- Wind shear model (built-in MATLAB block)
- Description: Implements a wind shear given a certain altitude
- Parameters:
- Wind Speed at 6m altitude
- Wind direction at 6m altitude (degrees clockwise from north)*
- *In case of model, north is always considered the "forward" direction of the
projectile. Ex: 90 degrees would always result in a crosswind, despite the
direction the projectile is launched
- Clean signal noise
- Description: Considers the absolute value of the signal less than a certain
tolerance to be zero. Prevents near-zero values from appearing in the final
- Normalize (built-in MATLAB block)
- Description: Determines the unit vector in the direction of the supplied vector
- Parameters:
3DOF Projectile motion with drag, Coriolis effects:
MATLAB launched_ball_drag_3D_coriolis.mdl Causal Block Diagram
Coriolis effect subsystem
- lat: latitude at which the projectile is located
- omega: earth's angular speed
4DOF Projectile motion with drag, Coriolis, lift effects
MATLAB launched_ball_drag_4DOF_coriolis_simple_lift.mdl Causal Block Diagram
Lift effects subsystem
- Aw: the wing area generating lift
Additional Blocks
- Saturation (builtin MATLAB block)
- limits the incoming signal to specific minimum and maximum values
- parameters:
- minimum value
- maximum value
FlightGear Simulation:
2 Degree of Freedom simulation model
MATLAB launched_ball_w_flightgear_sim_2D.mdl Causal Block Diagram
- IA: The initial altitude at which the FlightGear model will be placed
- Ballistics simulation subsystem
- Description: Contains the
2DOF projectile motion with logarithmic wind resistance model
- Flat Earth to LLA: (built-in MATLAB block)
- Simulation Pace: (built-in MATLAB block)
- Generate Run Script: (built-in MATLAB block)
4 Degree of Freedom simulation model
MATLAB launched_ball_w_flightgear_sim_3D.mdl Causal Block Diagram
Parameters as previously specified
- Ballistics simulation subsystem
- Description: Contains the
4DOF projectile motion with drag, Coriolis, lift effects model
& Results
2 DOF systems
- Fi= 1500 N
- R= -5 N
- theta = pi/5 rad
- m = 10 kg
- g = 9.8 m/s2
3 & 4 DOF Systems:
Experiments compared to headwind-type wind shear:
- Fi = 1500 N
- R = 5 N
- theta = pi/5 rad
- phi = 0 rad
- m = 10 kg
- g = 9.8 m/s2
- A = 0.00785 m2
- Aw = 0.002 m2
- Cd = 0.295
- lat = 37.98°
- omega = 7.292E-05 rad/s
- wind speed = 30m/s
- wind direction = 0°
Experiments compared to crosswind-type wind shear:
- All parameters as specified in previous case except for crosswind trajectory
where wind direction is directed -90 degrees from north
Optimization experiments:
The above plot illustrates the solution to finding the optimal projectile launch
direction. In black is the solution trajectory. The target location is marked by
the red crosshair. The bisection method's progress is demonstrated by the blue
Script command:
launched_ball_opt_angle(m, g, R, target_x, target_y, Fi_init, t, TOL, theta_min,
theta_max, interm_plots)
For full argument descriptions, see launched_ball_opt_angle.m
Script command for above plot:
launched_ball_opt_angle(10, 9.8, 0, 1500, 100, 1500, 0:.1:30, 1E-7,0,pi/2, true)
The above plot ilustrates the solution to the minimization problem, where the
black trajectories depict the intermediate solutions found by the minimization
algorithm, and the blue line represents the optimal force & direction
trajectory. The target is marked by the red crosshair.
Script command:
launched_ball_opt(m, g, R, target_coords, t, TOL, theta_min, theta_max,
force_range, interm_plots)
For full argument descriptions, see launched_ball_opt.m
Script command for above plot:
launched_ball_opt(10, 9.8, 0, [1200 0], 0:.1:20, 1E-7, 0, pi/2, [1100, 1200],
FlightGear simulations:
- 2 DOF FlightGear simulation quicktime movie:
- The simulation depicts the path of a 2 degree of freedom system (launched_ball
model) with the parameters as specified in the 2DOF
- 4 DOF FlightGear simluation quicktime movie:
- The simulation depicts the path of a 4 degree of freedom system (launched ball
with drag, lift & coriolis effects) with all parameters specified as in 4DOF
experiment, with the following exceptions:
- wind direction: 90 degrees
- wind shear speed: 50 m/s
The dynamics models employed where able to provide a qualitative description of
the behaviour of projectiles in different environments. For true quantitative
descriptions, more complex equations of motion would have to be employed.
Improvements could be made in modelling the fluid/body interactions, lift and
induced drag forces, and atmospheric conditions.
Nevertheless, the proposed models and experiment results provide motivation for
further investigations.
Clancy, L. J. (1975). Aerodynamics. Toronto, ON: Copp Clark Publishing Company.
Coriolis Acceleration,
Lift Coefficient,
Laplace Transform,
Flat Earth to LLA,
COESA Atmosphere Model,
Wind Shear Model,
Working with the Flight Simulator Interface,
Modeling simple aerospace dynamics using CBDs.pptx