Modelling and Simulation 


1. Algebraic and Discrete-Time Causal Block Diagrams.
2. Continuous-Time Causal Block Diagrams.
3. Petri nets: traffic modelling and analysis (comparison of intersection and roundabout).
4. Statecharts: modelling of a digital watch.
5. Kiltera: modelling of exploring robots on Mars.
6. Event Scheduling (Due Thursday 29 March 2012, team size <= 2):
  • Build a simple Event Scheduling simulator in Python.
  • Two versions are required: one true discrete-event, and one discrete-time.
  • The cashier-queue example presented in class should be used.
7. DEVS: traffic using PythonDEVS

Submitting assignments

  • You must submit assignments via WebCT.
  • Take into account that the clock on your computer and the one of the WebCT server may be off by quite a bit. Submit well before the deadline.
  • If you hand in late, you will be expected to do extra work (but can still get full marks). The later you hand in, the more extra work is required. Try to avoid this mode of operation.
  • In WebCT, you can upload as many files as you like, as often as you like. BEWARE ! Once you submit, that is final and it is impossible to make further modifications.
  • Assignment submissions must consist of a number of files. A single index.html file must contain references to all the other submitted files. No external references (to your personal website for example) are allowed. The template which you must adhere to is here (<shift-click> to download).
  • Some assignments must be done in teams of at most 2 members. A team of two is the default. You should work together on all parts of the assignment (i.e., both partners must be able to explain the whole assignment).
  • When working in a team, only one of the team members must submit the full assignment. All others must submit an index.html file containing names and ID numbers of all team members.

Original Work

You are encouraged to help each other formulate the ideas behind assignment problems, but each student is required to submit his or her own original work. Handing in work that is not your own, original work as if it is your own is plagiarism. All re-use, collaboration, inspiration must be explicitly mentioned in the assignment.
McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the code of student conduct and disciplinary procedures (see for more information).

Maintained by Hans Vangheluwe. Last Modified: 2012/03/22 19:56:45.