Project Topics (where appropriate, relate to RPG assignments):

 - modelling the DEVS formalism (with symbolic flattening)
   [Yentl Van Tendeloo]

 - Statechart modelling of complex User Interfaces
   [Detlev Van Looy] scoped user interfaces with hierarchically linked Statecharts
   [Pieter De Maeyer] independent UI agents (Horrocks)
   David Carr (DSL to SC)

   * literature: 2009 HCI paper
 - Feature Modelling with clafer

   * literature: website
 - Domain-Specific Modelling

   * literature: Kelly and Tolvanen
                 modular design: Meyers/Mannadiar and Vangheluwe

 - model differencing

   * literature: Antonio Cicchetti, Davide Di Ruscio, Alfonso Pierantonio. 
                 A Metamodel Independent Approach to Difference Representation. 
                 Journal of Object Technology 6(9): 165-185 (2007)

 - modelling language evolution

   * literature: Bart Meyers and Hans Vangheluwe. 
                 A framework for evolution of modelling languages. 
                 Science of Computer Programming, 2011. 

 - DSLTools (Microsoft)

 - evolution tools


 - incremental model transformation (RETE) with VIATRA2 
   * literature: Varro et. al

 - a core for model transformation

   * literature: Wagelaar

 - UML model refactoring 
   [Hadi Ahmed]
   [Stojkovski Viktor]

 - instance generation from meta-models (for model transformation testing)
   [De Jongh Robbe]

   * literature: Benoit Baudry:

   * Goal: Test case generation for RPGame in Metadepth. Constraints for fit tests are described in EOL, the transformation that "explores" a model until it is fit is also written in EOL.

 - design-space exploration
   [Vesters Chris]

   * literature: Sen
 - analysis of model transformations

   * literature: Juan de Lara and Hans Vangheluwe.
                 Automating the transformation-based analysis of visual languages.
                 Formal Aspects of Computing, 22(3-4):297--326, May 2010.

                 Levi Lucio, Bruno Barroca, Vasco Amaral. 
                 A Technique for Automatic Validation of Model Transformations.
                 MoDELS 2010: 136-150

 - add rule-based operational/denotational semantics to MetaEdit+ models 
   (for RPG)

 - Fujaba transformation language

 - ATL transformation language 
 - design/implement priority/rule-based transformation language, 
   based on T-core transformation primitives

 - UPPAAL for analysis of RPG models


 - QVT-R declarative modelling of relations/transformations. Medini QVT

 - DSM (RPG) to Android: behaviour+layout+debugging -> SC -> Java code+XML
   [Özler Hakan]
   [Rafael Ugaz]

 - Play-In Play-Out

 - Causal Block Diagram (CBD): editor and simulator(s)

 - Causal Block Diagram (CBD): compiler to C, to DEVS, optimizer, LaTeX, multi-rate, ...

 - agents in Anylogic - RPG

 - individual based vs. population dynamics model of virus spreading

 - modelling NPCs with Statecharts
   [Glenn De Jonghe] interacting Statecharts (tanks)
   [Can Babek Ilgaz] simulation-based performance evaluation (PacMan)

 - heterogeneous systems in Ptolemy II

 - heterogeneous systems in ModelH'X

 - Statechart variants (Nancy Day's paper)
   Deconstructing the Semantics of Big-Step Modelling Languages
   Shahram Esmaeilsabzali, Nancy A. Day, Joanne, M. Atlee, Jianwei Niu
   Requirements Engineering 2009.

 - Statecharts as compiled block in CBDs

 - kermeta: executable meta-modelling (RPG)
   [Ward Loos]

 - RPG with MetaDepth ++ rule-based semantics

 - RPG to Petri Nets + animation

 - translating Statecharts to behaviourally equivalent Petri Nets (discrete-time semantics)

 - GME: Z. Molnár, D. Balasubramanian, A. Lédeczi, An Introduction to the Generic Modeling Environment, 
   in Model-Driven Development Tool Implementers Forum, TOOLS workshop, 2007.

 - Grundy, J., Hosking, J., Zhu, N., and Liu, N.  Generating Domain-Specific Visual Language Editors from High-level Tool Specifications.
   In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2006, pp. 25-36.

 - Model Management:
   Brunet, G., Chechik, M., Easterbrook, S., Nejati, S., Niu, N., Sabetzadeh., M. A Manifesto for Model Merging, 
   In Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Global Integrated Model Management (associated with ICSE'06), May 2006.

 - Daniel L. Moody, The "Physics" of Notations: Toward a Scientific Basis for Constructing Visual Notations in Software Engineering, 
   In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,  35(6): 756-779, (Nov-Dec, 2009).

 - UI generation
   [Büyükdemir Ahmet Can]
   Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Brandon Rothrock. "UNIFORM: Automatically Generating Consistent Remote Control User Interfaces," 
   In Proceedings of CHI'2006. April 22-26. Montreal, Canada. pp. 611-620. 

 - RAM: Re-usable Aspect Models
   [Joeri Exelmans]

   Jörg Kienzle, Wisam Al Abed and Jacques Klein.
   Aspect-oriented multi-view modeling.
   Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD '09).
   pp. 87--98. Charlottesville, USA. 2009.

   Jörg Kienzle, Wisam Al Abed, Franck Fleurey, Jean-Marc Jézéquel and Jacques Klein.
   Aspect-Oriented Design with Reusable Aspect Models.
   Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development VII.
   Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6210/2010, 272-320.

Testing of:

 * automata

 * model transformation
Model-Based Testing
Subject: Automatic test-case generation based on requirement models.

Alexander Pretschner. Model-based testing.
S. R. Dalal, A. Jain, N. Karunanithi, J. M. Leaton, C. M. Lott, G. C. Patton, and B. M. Horowitz. Model-based testing in practice.

Debugging of model transformations

Metamodel and Model/Transformation Co-Evolution
        - COPE                          => Markus Herrmannsdoerfer, Sebastian Benz, Elmar Juergens: COPE - AUTOMATING COUPLED EVOLUTION OF METAMODELS AND MODELS
        - Epsilon Flock                 => Louis M. Rose, Dimitrios S. Kolovos, Richard F. Paige and Fiona A. C. Polack: Model Migration with Epsilon Flock
        - GME/GreAT                     => Tihamer Levendovszky, Daniel Balasubramanian, Anantha Narayanan, and Gabor Karsai: A Novel Approach to Semi-automated Evolution of
DSML Model Transformation
David Harel: Statecharts: a Visual Formalism for Complex Systems 

Modelling of:
        - NPCs: Joerg Kienzle, Alexandre Denault, Hans Vangheluwe: Model-Based Design of Computer-Controlled Game Character Behavior
        - User Interfaces: ...
        - Network Protocols: ...
        - Reactive Systems, such as a power window, in combination with CBDs.
Mobile Application Development
Chris Thompson, Jules White, Brian Dougherty, Douglas C. Schmidt: Optimizing Mobile Application Performance with Model?Driven Engineering

eMoflon         => Anthony Anjorin, Marius Lauder, Sven Patzinay and Andy Sch?rr: eMoflon: Leveraging EMF and Professional CASE Tools
ModGraph        => Thomas Buchmann, Bernhard Westfechtel and Sabine Winetzhammer: MODGRAPH A Transformation Engine for EMF Model Transformations
EMorf           => Lilija Klassen and Robert Wagner: EMorF - A tool for model transformations

Differencing (not difference representation)

Y. Lin, J. Gray, F. Jouault, DSMDiff: a differentiation tool for domain-specific models, in: Model-Driven Systems Development, European Journal of Information Systems 16 (4)
(2007) 349-361 (special issue).

M. Alanen, I. Porres, Difference and union of models, in: UML'03: The Unified Modeling Language, 2003, pp. 2-17.

D. Ohst, M. Welle, U. Kelter, Differences between versions of UML diagrams, ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering 28 (5) (2003) 227-236.

Z. Xing, E. Stroulia, UMLDiff: an algorithm for object-oriented design differencing, in: ASE'05: 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering,
ACM, 2005, pp. 54-65.

M. Schmidt, T. Gloetzner, Constructing difference tools for models using the SiDiff framework, in: International Conference on Software Engineering Companion'08: Companion of
the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering, ACM, 2008, pp. 947-948.