The goal of this assignment is to build a formalism to model RPGGames in AToMPM:
- Implement abstract syntax using SimpleClassDiagram, enrich with global constraints if necessary, create a concrete syntax (using the ConcreteSyntax formalism), and generate a modelling environment (by compiling the metamodel and the concrete syntax model). Do this incrementally.
- Make your RPGame visually more appealing by adding actions that move/resize/... model elements. Find useful constraints. To implement this, you'll need to make use of the mappers and parsers in the concrete syntax of your formalism.
- Create test models that demonstrate the use of your language.
- Optional: Create multiple concrete syntaxes for your formalism.
Write a report that discusses your solution. Your report should include an overview of your solution, with focus on the difficulties you encountered and how you solved them.
You will have to complete this assignment in groups of 2.
Submit your assignment (report in PDF + zip file containing your formalism and example models) on Blackboard before Tuesday 28 October 2014 at 23:59.
Contact Simon Van Mierlo if you have a problem.