Nicolas Demarbaix - Causal Block Diagram (CBD): compiler to LaTeX and DEVS
In this report I present the results of my project for the course Model Driven Engineering. This project consists of developing a Causal Block Diagram (CBD) to LaTeX and DEVS compiler.
Using this compiler one can generate text based documents (in LaTeX) that give a detailed description of the CBD model on one hand. On the other hand, one can transform the CBD model into an equivalent DEVS model. This will allow us to use, for example, the PypDevs simulation framework for DEVS to verify whether the model behaves correctly.
Keywords: Model Driven Engineering, Causal Block Diagrams, Compiler, LaTeX, DEVS
Update [21/01/2015]
The final version of the report and presentation as well as all project material has been added.
Project Report
Project Presentation
Project Material
Update [18/12/2014]
The first version of the report (which consists only of a reading report) has been added.
Reading Report
Reading Presentation