Model Driven Engineering
Week |
Date |
Time |
Type |
Room |
Subject |
3 | Friday 9 October | 13:45 -- 15:45 | Theory | M.G.016 | Domain-Specific Modelling: the need for Modelling Language Engineering; Modelling Languages: Meta-Modelling |
3 | Friday 9 October | 16:00 -- 18:00 | Lab Session | M.G.027 | metaDepth: Metamodelling and Operational Semantics -- assignment 1 |
4 | Friday 16 October | 13:45 -- 15:45 | Theory | M.G.016 | Modelling Languages: Concrete Syntax |
4 | Friday 16 October | 16:00 -- 18:00 | Lab Session | M.G.027 | metaDepth; AToMPM introduction |
5 | Friday 23 October | 13:00 | Deadline | Assignment 1: metaDepth (metamodelling + operational semantics) | |
5 | Friday 23 October | 13:45 -- 15:45 | Theory | M.G.016 | The Meaning of Semantics; The many uses of Model Transformation |
5 | Friday 23 October | 16:00 -- 18:00 | Lab Session | M.G.027 | AToMPM: Metamodelling and Concrete Syntax -- assignment 2 |
6 | Friday 30 October | 13:00 | Deadline | Assignment 2: AToMPM (metamodelling and concrete syntax) | |
6 | Friday 30 October | 13:45 -- 15:45 | Theory | M.G.016 | The many uses of Model Transformation; Specifying and Implementing Model Transformations |
6 | Friday 30 October | 16:00 -- 18:00 | Lab Session | M.G.027 | AToMPM: rule-based transformation for Operational Semantics -- assignment 3 |
7 | Tuesday 3 November | 09:00 -- 13:00 | Evaluation | M.G.330 | Assignments 1 and 2 |
7 | Friday 6 November | 13:45 -- 15:45 | Theory | M.G.016 | Specifying and Implementing Model Transformations; Putting it all together (with processes): the FTG+PM |
7 | Friday 6 November | 16:00 -- 18:00 | Lab Session | M.G.027 | AToMPM: rule-based transformation for Denotational Semantics -- assignment 4 |
8 | Friday 13 November | 13:00 | Deadline | Assignment 3: AToMPM (operational semantics) | |
8 | Friday 13 November | 13:45 -- 15:45 | Project | M.G.016 | Presentation of project topics; Overview of micro theory exam material |
8 | Friday 13 November | 16:00 -- 18:00 | Lab Session | M.G.027 | Code Synthesis (model to text transformation) with EGL -- assignment 5 |
9 | Friday 20 November | 13:00 | Deadline | Assignment 4: AToMPM (denotational semantics) | |
9 | Friday 20 November | 13:45 -- 15:00 | Evaluation | M.G.016 | Micro theory exam |
9 | Friday 20 November | 15:00 -- 15:45 | Project | M.G.016 | Choosing projects |
9 | Friday 20 November | 16:00 -- 18:00 | Lab Session | M.G.027 | Work on assignment 5 |
10 | Friday 27 November | 13:00 | Deadline | Assignment 5: Code Generation | |
10 | Friday 27 November | 16:00 -- 18:00 | Project | M.G.116/M.G.330/M.G.317 | Individual meetings about project |
11 | Tuesday 1 December | 09:00 -- 13:00 | Evaluation | M.G.330 | Assignments 3, 4, and 5 |
11 | Friday 4 December | 13:45 -- 15:45 | Project | M.G.116/M.G.330/M.G.317 | Individual meetings about project |
11 | Friday 4 December | 16:00 -- 18:00 | Project | M.G.116/M.G.330/M.G.317 | Individual meetings about project |
12 | Friday 11 December | 13:00 | Deadline | Reading report and presentation uploaded to personal project page | |
12 | Friday 11 December | 13:45 -- 15:45 | Evaluation | M.G.016 | Project "reading/planned work" presentations |
12 | Friday 11 December | 16:00 -- 18:00 | Evaluation | M.G.016 | Project "reading/planned work" presentations |
13 | Friday 18 December | 13:45 -- 15:45 | Project | M.G.116/M.G.330/M.G.317 | Individual meetings about project |
13 | Friday 18 December | 16:00 -- 18:00 | Project | M.G.116/M.G.330/M.G.317 | Individual meetings about project |
Friday 22 January | 23:55 | Deadline | Project report, implementation and presentation uploaded to personal project page | ||
Monday 25 January | 09:30 -- 18:00 | Evaluation | M.G.015 | Project presentations (you need to be present for all presentations) |
Micro theory exam | written | 10% |
Assignments | 10% per assignment | 50% |
Project | reading part (7% on report, 3% on presentation) | 10% |
Project | project part (10% on report, 10% on work, 10% on presentation) | 30% |
To pass the course, you need to attend or submit every part (if not, your grade will be "AFW" - absent). If you do attend/submit every part, you need an overall score of 50% to pass the course. Additionally, if for at least one part your score is strictly below 40%, your overall grade will be min(7, your_score). your_score is the score you would get when applying the weights given above.
Blackboard scribbles [pdf]. |
Presentation [pdf]. This presentation covers Domain-Specific Modelling (DSM) and Meta-Modelling (and some more not covered in class). |
Thomas Kühne. Matters of (Meta-) Modeling. Software and System Modeling 5(4): 369-385. 2006. [pdf]. |
Linguistic Conformance Check (as implemented in the Modelverse). |
Colin Atkinson and Thomas Kühne. Rearchitecting the UML infrastructure. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS). Volume 12, Issue 4. pp 290 - 321. October 2002. [pdf]. | Jean-Marie Favre. Megamodelling and Etymology. Proceedings of Dagstuhl Seminar 05161 - Transformation Techniques in Software Engineering. 2006. [pdf]. | Jonathan Sprinkle, Bernhard Rumpe, Hans Vangheluwe, and Gabor Karsai. Metamodelling: State of the Art and Research Challenges. In Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems. Volume 6100 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, chapter 3, pages 57-76. Springer 2011. [pdf]. |
Presentation [pdf]. |
G. Costagliola, A. Delucia, S. Orefice and G. Polese. A Classification Framework to Support the Design of Visual Languages, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Volume 13, Issue 6, December 2002, pages 573-600. [pdf]. |
Daniel L. Moody. The "Physics" of Notations: Toward a Scientific Basis for Constructing Visual Notations in Software Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 756-779, November/December, 2009. [pdf]. |
Presentation [pdf]. |
David Harel, Bernhard Rumpe. Meaningful Modeling: What's the Semantics of "Semantics"?, IEEE Computer, vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 64-72, October, 2004. [pdf]. |
David Harel, Bernhard Rumpe. Syntax, Semantics, and all that stuff (the original technical report on which the IEEE Computer paper is based). |
Hans Vangheluwe and Juan de Lara. Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Analysis and Design of Traffic Networks. Winter Simulation Conference 2004, pages 249-258. [pdf]. |
Model Transformation. Presentation [pdf]. |
Formalism Transformation Graph and Process Model. Presentation [pdf]. |
metaDepth, a framework for multi-level meta-modelling |
A Tool for Multi-formalism and Meta-Modelling: AToM3. Tutorials [basic] and [slightly more advanced] on meta-modelling with AToM3. Use Juan de Lara's in-depth AToM3 programming tutorial: the AToM3 Python API for details about AToM3's internal representation of models, about constraints and actions, and about manipulation of concrete syntax (visual) objects. |
AToMPM, A Tool for Multi-Paradim Modelling. |
To whet your appetite: the AToMPM teaser video for the MoDELS 2013 conference. |
A tutorial on AToMPM can be found here. |
The AToMPM user manual [pdf]. |
A list of tentative project topics can be found here. |
Your project report should be written in LaTeX. If you're new to LaTeX, many tutorials such as this LaTeX primer are available. |
You must use Elsevier's elsarticle style. You should download the archive. elsdoc.pdf contains the user documentation and elsarticle-template-harv.tex is the document template you should use as a starting point for your report. |
Your report should contain at least the following:
Bart Cools | Operational semantics for Parallel DEVS using model transformations in AToMPM | project page | ||||
Maryam Moein | Domain modellig with Clafer | project page | ||||
Mohammad Amin Sepasian | Multi-level modelling with Melanee | project page | ||||
Joeri Reyns | Model Differencing | project page | ||||
Joran Dox | Mutation-based testing of model transformations | project page | ||||
Ian Vermeulen | Explicit modelling of DEVS experiments in AToMPM | project page | ||||
Louis Tchiofor Nwanda | Translating Statecharts to behaviourally equivalent Petrinets | project page | ||||
Kristof De Middelaer | Modelling with Papyrus | project page | ||||
Mathias Beke | Modelling with DPF | project page | ||||
Jasper Verelst | Reachability analysis of Petrinets models in AToMPM using model transformations | project page | ||||
Fedor Biryukov | Textual languages with Xtext | project page | ||||
Sten Vercammen | Efficient Model Transformations | project page | ||||
Jens Smits | Testing (of Statecharts, of transformations, ...) | project page | ||||
Istvan David | Incremental Model Transformation, Complex Event Processing | project page | ||||
Claudio Gomes | Verification of model transformations with DSLTrans | project page |