Rule-Based Operational Semantics
The goal of this assignment is to build a rule-based transformation for the operational semantics of the railway modelling language in AToMPM.
Use the MoTiF and TransformationRule formalisms in combination with your RAMified domain-specic language to create the rules and schedule of your transformation. Make your operational semantics such that the model is updated visually while executing the transformation.
Write a report that includes a clear explanation of your complete solution, as well as an explanation of your testing process. Please also mention possible diculties you encountered during the assignment, and how you solved them. You will have to complete this assignment in groups of 2. Submit your assignment (report in pdf, abstract and concrete syntax definition, example models, and the complete rule-based transformation) on Blackboard before November 13, 13:00h.
Contact Simon Van Mierlo ( if you have a question.
For a more detailed explanation on railway operation and control, take a look at the book by Joern Pachl: