Manuel Orellana Cordero - Semantic adaptation: Statecharts-CBDs 


In modelling engineering we deal with complex systems which can be formed by physical and a software part which we call Cyber-physical systems (CPS); when we deal with the complexity of a CPS we want to have an approach of modelling which contains both the continuous specifications of a physical device and the discrete events of software; for this we have to use a hybrid model, this paper uses an approach called Language fragments and Semantic Adaptation to couple two different well known formalisms such as Timed Finite State Automata TFSA and Casual-block diagrams (CBD).



Hybrid models have a wide applicability when modelling systems which can have elements of both: the continuous time (the physical world ) and discrete time. These hybrid systems are specially useful when modelling physical systems that can be interrupted or modified by external events; However, hybrid models can be also applied in other domains apart from the physical world and its properties, domains such as Data Science can get great benefits by being modelled and described by a hybrid language not only because such models can make clearer the process flows but also by giving a more prolific way of detect and correct erroneous situations. This paper describes a TFSA-CBD hybrid model construction for the Data field domain and some of the possible applications of it with basic operations such as getting data from external sources, cleaning, joining, selecting, erasing and writing and the possible event handling for errors during the process.
