Heerok Banerjee - EMF/GMF Tooling in Eclipse


Domain-specific languages play a crucial role in resolving inter-dependencies across enterprises and boosts their upfront business management processes. Yet, a lot of development is needed to build modelling frameworks which support graphical interfaces (canvas, pallettes etc.), hierarchical structures and easy implementation to shorten the gap for novice users. In this paper, a domain-specific language namely, Bmod is introduced, which can be used to model evacuation scenarios. The language is built using Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) and Eclipse Graphical Modelling Framework (GMF). Furthermore, a comparison is also shown between Eclipse EMF/GMF and other modelling tools such as AToMPM, metaDepth, Sirius etc.

  Implementation Phase

Final Report (PDF)
Final Presentation (PDF)
Project Materials (ZIP)