Lars Van Roy - Determining the Cause of a Design Model Inconsistency


Reder, Alexander, and Alexander Egyed. "Determining the cause of a design model inconsistency." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 39.11 (2013): 1531-1548.
The paper can be found here.
When a software engineer finds an inconsistency in a model, we need to ask why this is the case. The cause of an inconsistency identifies where the issue lies, and it should therefore be identified before attempting to resolve the issue at all.
This paper provides a means to automatically analyse the bahvior of the evaluation of a constraint aswell as an algorithm to compute its cause.
The approach is fully automated, tool supported, and was evaluated on 14 111 inconsistencies across 29 different models. It resulted in correct cause identification, and the computation itself is very fast.


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