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Interaction Object Graphs (IOGs) are an executable, graphical specification notation. They are an extension ofstatecharts, an extended transition diagram. IOGs are designed to specify the details of user-interface widgets. However,they provide all of the expressiveness required to specify entire user interfaces. This is accomplished by specifying thewidgets, specifying the relationships between widget attributes, and adding inter-widget dialog states and transitions tocomplete the user interface. Communication with application code can be through constraints on widget attributes orthrough designer-specified events. IOGs also provide a hierarchical structure that allows details to be selectively hiddenand exposed. This paper describes the IOG diagrams and their properties. It then presents a detailed example of how touse IOGs - the partial specification of a net browser. Two properties of widget dialogs are defined, dialog completionand state invariance. Demonstrating these properties in a IOG specification is explained.
Carr, D. Interaction Object Graphs: An Executable Graphical Notation for Specifying User Interfaces, Formal Methods for Computer-Human Interaction, P. Palanque and F. Paterno, editors, Springer-Verlag, 141-156, Nov. 1997
Presentation [pdf]