- Multi-Paradigm: applications of meta-modelling and graph rewriting
for domain-specific modelling, simulation and design.
- UML/MDA/...
- UML consistency (UML 2002/3, implement checks in
- Meta-modelling.
- Graph Rewriting (variations: amalgamated, parallel; tool comparison: PROGRES, AGG)
- Graph Rewriting (applications in software design: refactoring, ...)
- UML 2.0 Statecharts (modularity through ports, example: TCP/IP model).
See the link to Bran Selic's presentation under Resources.
- Model Driven Architecture (MOF,
- OCL (OCLE, SMW: constraints in Python)
- Code generation from UML diagrams
- Analysis/Verification
- Petri Net (matrix based, Murata IEEE article)
- Esterel/Xeve.
- Tools/Languages from the physical systems world
- Modelica for multi-formalism, meta-modelling (PN, ER).
- Ptolemy
(specifying syntax and semantics of a formalism).
Edward A. Lee. Overview of the Ptolemy Project