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Jean-Marie Favre. Megamodelling and Etymology.
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Thomas Kühne. Matters of (Meta-) Modeling.
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Colin Atkinson and Thomas Kühne.
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K. Czarnecki and S. Helsen.
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Second Workshop on Generative Techniques in the context of Model Driven Architecture, October 2003.
L. Baresi and R. Heckel,
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In Corradini, A.,H. Ehrig, H.-J. Kreowski und G. Rozenberg (Editors):
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Volume 2505 of Lecture Notes in Comp. Science.
Springer-Verlag, Oktober 2002.
L. Baresi and R. Heckel,
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D. Blostein, H. Fahmy and A. Grbavec,
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A Tool for Multi-formalism and Meta-Modelling.
Juan de Lara and Hans Vangheluwe.
AToM3: A tool for multi-formalism and meta-modelling.
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Springer-Verlag, April 2002.
Formalisms for the description of reactive systems
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Synchronous Languages
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Alexandre Denault's COMP 763 presentation of Lustre [pdf]
David Harel. Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems.
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David Harel. On Visual Formalisms.
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David Harel and Amnon Naamad,
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Michelle L. Crane, Juergen Dingel,
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Jianwei Niu, Joanne M. Atlee, Nancy A. Day,
Template Semantics for Model-Based Notations.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 10, October 2003, pp. 866-882.
Bran Selic's presentation (Montreal, 7 March 2003)
Preview of UML 2.0 and MDA.
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of connectors and ports in UML 2.0 to enhance modularity.
A report on "Executable UML" (with a chat program example, using UML 2.0
constructs in Telelogic's Tau tool) by
Geir Melby of Agder University College.
Michael von der Beeck. A structured operational semantics for UML-statecharts.
Software and Systems Modeling. Volume 1, No. 2 pp.130 - 141 .
December 2002.
From behaviour requirements to execution
David Harel. Can Behavioral Requirements be Executed ?
Introduces Play-in/Play-out.
David Harel and Hillel Kugler.
Synthesizing state-based object systems
from LSC specifications.
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 13, No.1. 2002.
pp. 5-51. World Scientific Publishing Company.
David Harel and Rami Marelly.
Specifying and Executing Behavioral Requirements: The
Play-In/Play-Out Approach
Software and Systems Modeling. Volume 2, Number 2. July 2003.
pp. 82 - 107.
The Unified Modeling Language UML (and its consistency problems)
Perdita Stevens.
The Unified Modelling Language. ETAPS 2000 tutorial [pdf].
Karsten Hoelscher and Bjoern Cordes. UML Interaction Diagrams:
Correct translation of Sequence Diagrams into Collaboration Diagrams"
University of Bremen, Department of Computer Science. 2003.
Anneke Kleppe, Jos Warmer, Wim Bast.
MDA Explained: The Model Driven Architecture--Practice and Promise.
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Bran Selic's presentation (Montreal, 7 March 2003)
"Preview of UML 2.0 and MDA".
U2 partners' April 2003 "UML 2.0 Superstructure"
Mapping a UML Platform Independent Model onto an ASP.NET
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Presentation (McGill, 9 April 2003) by Michel Brassard from
Model Based Design of User Interfaces
Hallvard Trætteberg. Model-based User Interface Design.
Ph.D. thesis. Department of Computer and Information Sciences.
Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology. 2002.
Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Brandon Rothrock.
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In Proceedings of CHI'2006. April 22-26. Montreal, Canada. pp. 611-620.