CS304 Assignment 1


      By Jean-Sébastien Bolduc, MSDL.

The assignment

See assignment website.

NOTE: Python version 1.5.2 and PyUnit version 1.4.1 were used for this assignment.

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1. Class Diagram

2. Testing and implementation

Test Scripts

Prototype 0

Prototype 1

Prototype 2

3. Performance testing


Performance for FULL systems

Performance for SPARSE systems


  1. As SIZE is the width N of a square matrix, the number of cells in the matrix is N2. All of these are filled with data in the FULL case, only 10% in the SPARSE case. All figures clearly show a quadratic relationship between SIZE (N) and TIME. This is demonstrated by the perfect fit of a quadratic function (in red) to the data. As the number of (filled) cells is proportional to N2 and so is TIME, it must take a fixed amount of time to process (create/fill/read) a single cell (on average). It might actually make sense to plot TIME as a function of the number of cells (this would lead to a straight line).
  2. The results described below and subsequent conclusions depend on the particular implementation. If the LIST implementation is "clever" enough, it is possible to obtain results similar to those of a DICTIONARY implementation. Note however that a sparse matrix of size 100000x100000 with only the four corner cells filled can be perfectly handled in a DICTIONARY implementation whereas a LIST implementation will run out of memory. This stress testing was not included in this assignment (only time consumption, not memory consumption was tested). The memory argument is sufficient (in addition to the performance argument in some implementations) to favour the DICTIONARY implementation in future developments. Actually, this implementation is also more elegant.
  3. For a FULL system, the DICTIONARY implementation outperforms the LIST one which indicates the (time) cost per cell is higher for this LIST implementation.
  4. Obviously, the SPARSE results are better than the FULL system results. Again, the DICTIONARY implementation outperforms the LIST one.
  5. Our conclusion is to use the DICTIONARY implementation in subsequent prototypes.