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In this assignment you will use UML Class Diagrams and Collaboration/Sequence Diagrams to describe the design of a Spreadsheet application. At this point, the spreadsheet application does not yet have a graphical user interface component.
Your assignment solution should contain:
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In Figure 1, the design from the first assignment is given in the form of a UML Class Diagram. A larger version can be found here.
Your design will start from a main application Spreadsheet. For the time being, there is no graphical user interface, and spreadsheet only contains the name of a spreadsheet and the data. data is an instance of SpreadsheetData. For the time being, a Spreadsheet contains one instance of SpreadsheetData. Note how in the future, the design might be extended to allow for multiple sheets, each an instance of SpreadsheetData.
SpreadsheetData holds the actual content of the spreadsheet. This content is distributed over a number of SpreadsheetCell cells. As can be seen in last year's first assignment, it makes sense to let SpreadsheetData hold a dictionary of SpreadsheetCell references indexed by (row, column) keys as opposed to a dense (array) representation. This, as (1) a spreadsheet can be quite sparse and (2) we wish to have row and column values unbounded. For printing purposes, SpreadsheetData should keep track of min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col. The get_cell and set_cell methods allow access to SpreadsheetCell objects at some (row, column) in the SpreadsheetData. The signature of these methods must reflect this. SpreadsheetData supports evaluate and check_dependencies methods. evaluate will evaluate all cells (calculate their value from the formula). check_dependencies will sort the cells in an order appropriate for efficient calculation. It will also check for cyclic dependencies. It is used internally (only) by evaluate.
SpreadsheetCell objects know their own row and column. They have a value which is never set, but rather derived by evaluate-ing the formula. SpreadsheetCell contains exactly one Formula referred to as formula. Appropriate set and get methods are present to access the formula reference (which is initially None). Explicit setting of formula (as opposed to obtaining it through parsing a formula string) is required when formulas are copied from one cell to another. Usually, formula will be obtained by means of the method parse_formula from the formula_string. Note how subsequently asking for the string representation (aka as unparsing) of formula should yield a string equivalent to the original formula_string (a sanity requirement). The get_depend method will collect dependencies in the depends_on list.
Note how it with the design of assignment 1 it was impossible to implement the evaluate method for CellRef as there was no way to access other cells' formulas. This must be fixed now.
Note also how all classes in the whole design (including the part copied from assignment 1) must implement the __str__ method to allow for textual output.
Draw an Object-Interaction Diagram (Collaboration Diagram or Sequence Diagram) for a typical use case where formula strings are entered in a few cells, parsed, evaluated, .... Doing this will give you insight into what exactly will have to happen in each of the methods. Describe the sequence of operations in text in addition to in the diagram. Not too much detail is required. You may wish to use pseudo-code annotations.
Dia is available in the SOCS labs on the FreeBSD machines. You may use any other tool however.