Each team submits only one full solution.
Use the index.html template provided on the
assignments page. Use exactly this
format to specify names and IDs of the team members.
The other team member must submit a single
index.html file containing only the coordinates of
both team members. This will allow us to put in grades for
both team members in WebCT.
Beware: after the submission deadline
there is no way of adding the other team member's
index.html file and thus no way of entering a grade !
Your submission must be in the form of a simple HTML
file (index.html) with explicit references to
all submitted files as well as inline inclusion of
images. See the general assignments page for an
index.html template.
In this assignment, we look at the part of the spreadsheet design
which is concerned with support for formulas such as
=2+3*4+MAX(A1:A10)-$B$2 which are entered in spreadsheet cells.
At this point, the spreadsheet
application does not yet have a graphical user interface component.
The assignment covers the design using UML Class Diagrams
and an implementation in Python of an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
The AST is the data structure used to represent a formula in memory.
You will also use the visitor Design Pattern to obtain a
string representation of such a formula internal representation.
You will present a Collaboration Diagrams to describe the
interaction between various objects to produce the formula's
string representation.
The front-end
First, an overview of the process followed to convert input strings into an appropriate
internal structure will be given.
In order to obtain this data-structure, several steps need to be taken.
The first step for the spreadsheet to "understand" formulas entered as strings
is to recognize the lexical entities ("words" or "tokens") that can be found in the
formula language.
A module which performs the task of converting a string into a series of tokens is
called a scanner. A scanner can be generated automatically from a specification
consisting of regular expressions specifying the structure of legal tokens.
The syntax of a regular expression adheres to the following:
an ordinary character stands for itself
empty string
another way to write empty string
M | N
Alternation, M or N
M ·N
Concatenation, M followed by N
Another way to write concatenation
Repetition, zero or more times
Repetition, one or more times
Optional, zero or one occurrence
Alternation in a set of characters
A period stands for any single character except newline
String in quote stands for itself literally
For example, valid expressions could be
Represent the string "while"
Represent legal variable
names in a programming language
Represent an integer number
Represent a real number
Once a regular expression is specified for each legal token that can be found in a formula,
a scanner can be generated, which will take a potential formula
string as input and will output tokens. For instance, consider the formula
The scanner will read the string from left to right and output
the token stream
int(2) plus int(3) plus name("MAX") leftparen ref("A1") colon ref("A10") rightparen
This token stream will be fed to a parser module which verifies the
order of the tokens and produces a parse tree representing the formula in memory.
A grammar is used to specify the parser. A grammar, G, is a structure < N,T,P,S > where
N is a set of non-terminals, T is a set of terminals,
P is a set of productions, and S is a special non-terminal called the start symbol
of the grammar.
The set of non-terminals recursively describes the structures of a language in terms of
other non-terminals and terminals. As expected, the terminals are simply the tokens output
by the scanner.
For example, consider the following grammar:
EXP plus EXP | int
This grammar recognizes simple addition expressions (e.g., 4+5+4+832;). It specifies
the structure the stream of the tokens produced by the scanner should have.
For this assignment, the formula language has been defined for you (in the form
of regular expressions and a grammar). The specification can be found in the file
The module Parser.py was generated for you from parser.g using the
Yapps compiler
(http://theory.stanford.edu/ ~ amitp/Yapps/).
The utility file yappsrt.py is required for the parser to function.
Your goal is to design and implement a tree structure, called an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
An AST represents information from the parse tree constructed by the parser in an "optimal"
way. It does away with redundant information and is optimally suited for further processing.
First, the structure of the formulas needs to be discussed. A formula extends
basic arithmetic expressions with functions and references to other formulas.
Below are the potential nodes the AST can have:
Atomic structures (future leaf nodes of the AST):
Numbers (e.g., 5, 3.55, 10)
References (e.g., A4, XBZ16, E123). Note how only upper-case
column references are allowed.
Range-references (e.g., A1:B10)
Composite structures (nodes having children)
Addition, subtraction
Multiplication, division
Function invocations
Note that references and range-references do not have children.
A reference in a formula F simply holds the (column,row) information of
a cell containing another formula F¢ to be evaluated (later).
A first draft for a design could be to create a class for each of the
structures described above. However, we soon realize that the composite
structures are all very similar. Indeed, all of them have operands
(or arguments in the case of a function). They all apply an operation to
the operands/arguments and produce an output. Addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division and exponentiation can all be replaced by
built-in functions.
For instance, the expression 4+5 would be represented internally as:
Function(name="sum", [Number(4), Number(5)])
So, instead of creating distinct node types for each arithmetic
operator, we reduce them to functions thus simplifying the design.
The requirements for each class are described in the
A few notes:
the parser will convert the parse tree to an AST for you. Have a look at
parser.g (or the generated Parser.py to see how this is done.
the AST will no longer be a binary tree, but will take into account
associativity and commutativity of + and × and turn these into
their n-ary form. Note that this requires the introduction of invSum
and invMul to encode - and / respectively.
ASTVisitor is an interface.
Contains the visit operations for each of the nodes of an AST.
A concrete implementation of the ASTVisitor interface.
ProducesOperations to be performed on the nodes of an AST.
Interface (in addition to the methods in ASTVisitor):
setStrRepr(String strRepr="")
The ancestor for all concrete AST nodes. Can not be instantiated.
Comments: concrete ASTNode sub-classes will specify
how they are visited and represented as strings.
__str__() will instantiate a StrReprVisitor
and use it to produce the string representation for a
formula AST rooted in the current node.
This will follow the visitor pattern (see the
collaboration diagram section for a more detailed description).
Extends ASTNode
float value (private)
__init__(int | float)
Comments: Take int or float as input of the
constructor, but store the value as a float internally.
Extends ASTNode
int col (private)
int row (private)
bool isAbsCol (private)
bool isAbsRow (private)
Comments: isAbsRow, isAbsColumn are True if
the reference is absolute with respect to row and
column, respectively. Note that bool may be implemented
as an int. Recent versions of Python have a builtin
bool type (enumeration of True and False
with boolean operators defined) however.
The column value must be smaller than 18278
(due to the fact that "ZZZ" converts to 18278,
and that we require the maximal lenght of the string denoting
the column value to be 3).
The row value must be smaller than 10000.
ValueError (Python built-in exception)
should be raised if col or row < 0.
The same exception should be raised when col or
row exceed the above upper bounds.
Thanks to the notation used, it is sufficient to check
that row and column references are within the allowed range,
irrespective of whether the reference is relative or absolute.
When later, using the spreadsheet copy operation, relative references
will be copied into a different context, it will be necessary to
check that they do not point outside the valid range.
Extends ASTNode
CellRef cornerA (private)
CellRef cornerB (private)
Comments: getCellRefSet returns a list
of CellRefs. The content of the list is determined
by the range cornerA to cornerB.
The order in which CellRefs appear is row by row,
from top to bottom and within a row, from left to right.
When later, a formula will be copied, cornerA and
cornerB may be changed in case they contain relative
references. It is assumed that getCellRefSet
is only called when we want to evaluate a formula.
At that time, relative and absolute references refer to
that same cells.
This is why we choose (rather arbitrarily) to return
a list of absolute references.
For instance, getCellRefSet called on
a RangeRefB3:A1 returns
Called on a RangeRef$B3:$A$1,
getCellRefSet still returns
The above detailed specification seems unnecessary
as whether absolute or relative references are returned
seems irrelevant. This may be true during this stage of
the design, but it may no longer during a later stage of the
design (for example, when the internal representations
of cornerA and cornerB are changed.
With the current specification, a caller of
getCellRefSet knows exactly what to expect.
You must provide a UML class diagram.
Both attributes and associations (with corresponding role name)
must be present.
Collaboration Diagram
Assume that we have an AST named ast in memory representing
the formula 5+min(A1:A2)*10 and
str(ast) is called.
To obtain the string representation, your design must use the
visitor pattern described in
Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides.
Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.
Professional Computing Series. Addison-Wesley, 1995.
In particular, str(ast) (implemented in the
__str__ method of ASTNodes will instantiate a
StrReprVisitor and use it to visit the tree
with ast as root.
The visiting will be initiated by passing the StrReprVisitor
instance as an argument to ast's accept
When this visiting stops, __str__() will access the
full string representation by calling the StrReprVisitor's
method getStrRepr.
The formatting of the string representation must be such that it
reproduces results given below (under "Interacting with the
You must provide a complete UML collaboration diagram representing
all the interactions between the instance of the StrReprVisitor
class and the ASTNode instances corresponding to the above formula.
An implementation of the design must be provided.
In particular, the files AST.py, ASTVisitor.py,
and StrReprVisitor.py must be provided.
Requirements common to all classes
The implementation must follow the requirements exactly
(i.e., same class names, method names etc.).
The corrector will run his unit tests on your implementation.
Two utility functions are provided (in AST.py) to convert an
integer to its column string representation and vice versa.
Every argument to a function call (including those passed
to a class' constructor) must be type-checked.
A TypeError (built-in Python)
exception must be raised if an argument with the wrong type
is passed.
Interacting with the parser
Once you have finished implementing, you experiment with the parser
Simply run main.py. It will parse string inputs and print
the AST string representation. You should get something like this:
Welcome to the formula parser!
Enter a formula (e.g. =4+5)
>>> =3+4-5
parse result: sum(3.0,4.0,invSum(5.0))
>>> =2*3+4^3+min($A$1:A2)
parse result: sum(mul(2.0,3.0),exp(4.0,3.0),min($A$1:A2))
>>> =3+4*2+min(2,3)
parse result: sum(3.0,mul(4.0,2.0),min(2.0,3.0))
>>> quit
Required, but need not be modified:
(the specification of the formula language)
(the lexer/parser generated by Yapps from parser.g)
(generated by Yapps, used by Parser.py)
The produce the diagrams, you may for example use the diagram editor
(http://www.lysator.liu.se/ ~ alla/dia/) which is installed
on the UNIX machines in the labs.
File translated from
version 3.40. On 12 Mar 2004, 18:14.