I am a Master student in Computer Science with specialization in Software Engineering. This page hosts my Research Internship II and Master Thesis, promoted by Prof.
Hans Vangheluwe of the Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab (MSDL) and supervised by
Simon Van Mierlo.
Research Internship II: Inferring metamodels from sketch-based example models: A literature review
In my research internship, I analyze existing solutions for the automated generation of metamodels from a set of example models. Typically, these example models are sketched in general-purpose
drawing tools such as
yEd. The aim is to uncover areas where current solutions lack support and further research is needed.
Master thesis: An Integrated Approach Towards Example-based Domain-Specific Language Design with Focus on Agility
In my master's thesis, I investigate how the remaining issues of current sketch-based DSML creation approaches as identified in the previous internship can be solved.
Starting from the observation that most approaches are limited by the strict separation of the involved phases, a design is proposed that integrates all activities in a single metamodeling environment.
The focus lies on increasing the agility as well as on the co-evolution problem between instance models and language description.