Moharram Challenger    
Research Professor
Department of Computer Science, University of Antwerp
G205, Middelheim Campus, Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium
+32 3 265 1731

I am currently a research professor at the Department of Computer Science in University of Antwerp, Belgium, where I lead MICSS-Lab (Modeling Intelligent Complex Software and Systems Lab), which is part of AnSyMo Group (Antwerp Systems and Software Modeling Group). Before this position, I was an Assistant Professor at Ege University, Turkey, where I worked for 2 years. Even before that, I was the CTO and R&D director of an IT company (UNIT IT R&D Ltd.) in Izmir, Turkey for 4 years when I was part of leading team of two European ITEA projects (ModelWriter and ASSUME). In the meantime, I am a member of MSDL (Modeling, Simulation and Design Lab) directing with Prof. Hans Vangheluwe.

(Explanation of projects)
Maintained by Moharram Challenger.