Last Modified: 2002/11/30
Calendar of research for summer 2002
Part I: Get familiar with Hybrid Systems and the 522 Simulator
Monday May 6 to Friday May 31:
Read Python
Get familiar with the modelling and simulation world
Study and understand the 522 Hybrid Simulator
Monday June 3 to Friday June 8:
Implement several physical models on the 522 Hybrid Simulator
Think about the strenghts and limits of the 522 Hybrid Simulator
Monday June 10 to Friday June 14:
Read about Modelica and think about ways to structure the modelling
Wednesday June 12: Talk about my summer research
for the MSDL group
Monday June 17 to Friday June 29:
Homework and Final exams for my two CS summer courses (273C and 302C)
Monday July 1 to Tuesday July 9:
Wednesday July 10 to Monday July 15:
LaTeX my MSDL talk and construction of my web site
Tuesday July 16 to Saturday July 20:
Summer School on Quantum Information Processing at Université de
Part II: Extend the 522 Simulator with DASSRT
Monday July 22 to Monday July 29:
Learn how to extend Python with Fortran code (and how to debug it!):
- Learn extension/embedding of Python with C
- Learn how to mix C and Fortran
- Implement a Euler solver in Fortran and link it to Python
Tuesday July 30 to Tuesday August 6:
Learn how to use f2py,
Pyfort and
Try to extend Python with DDASSL using f2py (without success!)
Wednesday August 7 to Friday August 9:
Learn how to use
Monday August 12 to Friday August 16:
Debug DDASSL extension using GDB
Succeed to extend the 522 Simulator with DDASSL using f2py
Part III: Build a graphical modelling environment for the 522 Simulator
using AToM3
Monday August 19 to Monday August 26:
Design of a GUI interface for the modelling environment of the 522 Simulator
using meta-modelling in AToM3
Automatic python code generation (using graph grammar) compatible with the
522 Simulator for the models built in AToM3.
Tuesday August 27 to Tuesday September 3:
Add DASSRT to the 522 Simulator and clean its source code distribution
Write my summer report
[continued part time until October 27...]