Final Project Report: Geometrical Analysis of an Area Minimization Flow and Formalization of its Gradient Descent

April 28, 2003

Simon Lacoste-Julienf

fSchool of Computer Science
McGill University
ID no: 9921489


We present a review of the literature about active contours and gradient flows. Several mathematical claims have been made about those, and one of the main subject of this project has been to formalize and justify those claims. The two main contributions of this project were to clarify and modify the treatment made by Siddiqi et al. in [15] about a gradient flow which minimized a weighted area functional but appeared to be not geometrical; and to formally justify the notion of gradient descent to derive gradient flows using the variational derivative and a suitable inner product defined on the metric space of functions.


1  Introduction
2  Context of the weighted area minimization flow
    2.1  Active contours
    2.2  Geometric flows and level sets approach
    2.3  Gradient flows
    2.4  f-area minimization flow
3  Analysis of the f-area minimization flow
    3.1  Geometrical discrepancy
    3.2  Corrected flow
    3.3  General f-area gradient flow
    3.4  Analysis of the doublet
    3.5  Impossibility of a general doublet
4  Formalization of gradient descent
    4.1  Not all norms are equal
    4.2  Justification of gradient with a natural norm
5  Conclusion

1  Introduction

The motivation for this paper has been to try to formalize and justify some claims which were made in the field of computer vision and which had puzzled the author for some time. The starting point has been the article by Siddiqi et al. [15], in which a new gradient flow for shape segmentation was derived by minimizing a weighted area functional, with image dependant weighting factor, in a similar way with what has been done in [9] by Kichenassamy et al. with a weighted length functional. The argument in [15] seemed totally geometrical, and yet, they obtained a curve evolution flow which depended on the origin of their coordinate system. In this project, we have investigated the origin of this discrepancy and have tried to obtain a similar flow which would be truly geometrical. This has lead us to bring several corrections to the claims made in [15], and conclude that no simple weighted area functional could have the behaviour that they had been looking for with their (wrong if applied without care) gradient flow. We have conjectured that the geometrical version of the flow could be still successful in segmenting images under certain conditions. We have finally investigated a formalization of the meaning of the 'steepest descent' method which is often briefly stated in papers in gradient flows, but to which we never found any formal justification of the terminology. We found that the choice of the metric in the abstract space of curves is crucial to give a proper meaning to the method, and that a very natural inner product gave a solid justification to the terminology, (``direction of greatest descent'') even in a global sense.

The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we give an overview of a selection of the literature related to the area minimization flow, starting from the active contours article by Kass et al. [8]. In section 3, we give an analysis and correction of the claims made by Siddiqi et al. in [15]. We give a corrected geometrical flow in section 3.1, a general formula for the weighted area minimization flows in section 3.3 and an analysis of the doublet term in sections 3.4 and later. Finally, we formalize the notion of gradient for the functionals appearing in gradient flows in section 4.

2  Context of the weighted area minimization flow

2.1  Active contours

The original (classical) framework for curve evolution in shape segmentation came from the article by Kass et al. [8] where they have defined the notion of snakes or active contours. Their motivation was to provide a unified framework for different visual problems, including shape segmentation, motion tracking and stereo matching, using an energy-minimization formulation. The setting was to let evolve energy-minimizing splines on the image, guided by external constraint forces and where the energy functional was defined in such a way that the curve had certain geometrical properties (such as smoothness) and would be attracted towards features of interest (such as the boundary of an object). A typical example of energy functional for shape segmentation was
) = a ó


(p)|2dp + b ó


(p)|2dp - l ó

where [C\vec](p):[0,1]® \mathbbR2 is the parameterized planar snake, I:[0,a]×[0,b] ® \mathbbR+ is the image in which we want to detect the object boundaries and a, b and a are real positive constant parameters. The two first terms of equation  control the smoothness of the contours to be detected (and is considered to be internal energy), while the third term is a potential well which will have minimal value when the snake is on a high-gradient locus in the image, normally indicative of an edge (and which is called external energy since it depends on the image and not the curve).

This provided a more flexible and more global (higher level) approach to the shape segmentation problem than the previous approach of detecting edges (using gradient threshold, for example) and then linking them. The formulation of the problem made it easier to develop semi-automatic methods for shape segmentation, by having a user doing minimal interactions with the tool which evolved the contour to capture the shape of an object. Also, some numerical methods were available to perform a minimization heuristic of the functional (using gradient descent). Finally, the energy-minimization concept is a ubiquitous concept which was used in physics first and then in all branches of science to model the world around us in a simple way.

2.2  Geometric flows and level sets approach

On the other hand, the original snake formulation had several problems. First of all, its Lagrangian formulation (evolving the curve directly) made it hard to handle topological changes in the curve (curve splitting or merging to handle multiple objects). Also, the energy functional depends on the parameterization of the curve, and thus is not geometrical. One would expect the shape segmentation problem to be totally geometrical (unless that different parameterizations could be thought to represent different interpretations, or different point of views; but that is another story), in the sense that it shouldn't depend on the way we choose our coordinate system (this crucial point will be stressed again in section 3.1). Equation  failed for this aspect.

Caselles et al. presented in [1] a different model for shape segmentation based on the geometrical PDE:

= |Ñu| div æ

which describes the motion of the levels set of the function u(x,t), {x Î \mathbbR2: u(x,t)=0}. In fact, if we define a family of curves [C(p,t)\vec]:[0,1]×[0,T[ ® \mathbbR2 which match the levels sets of u(x,t) = 0, the above PDE can be shown to be equivalent to the curve evolution equation

= k
where k is the curvature of the curve and [N\vec] is its unit inward normal. This is the Euclidean curve shortening flow1, which has been studied in more details in [4] and in [5] by Gage, amongst others, where its nice geometrical properties (smoothness, inclusion invariance and shrink to round points) have been exposed. The level set formulation for the curve evolution permits to switch to a Eulerian perspective which permits the handling of topological changes quite naturally. The book by Sethian [14] gives a complete coverage of the level set approach and its numerical implementation.

In order to do shape segmentation, they modified  with an image dependent term f([x\vec]) and constant positive speed v:

= f(
) |Ñu| æ
div æ

+ v ö
where f([x\vec]) is such that it goes to 0 near an edge so that the level set curve will stay stationary near edges. The one they used was:
) =  1

1+ (ÑGs *I)2
where Gs *I is the convolution of the image with a Gaussian kernel of standard deviation s. More recent work used anisotropic smoothing instead (see [15]) for example, in order to preserve edges. As edges are normally assumed to be found where the intensity gradient is high, such a f goes to 0 (or to its minimal value) near an edge. The constant v term in equation  was added in order to permit the segmentation of non-convex shapes.

Apart solving the topological handling problem using the Eulerian perspective, their flow was intrinsic or geometric in the sense that it didn't depend on a specific parameterization, but rather on the geometry of the image, and thus solved the weaknesses of the snake approach. Also, the PDE formulation has the theoretical advantage of coming with a huge literature about existence and uniqueness of solution theorems, as well as powerful numerical solution techniques. The article by Malladi et al. [12] gave the numerical implementation details of the solution to . We note that because of the discontinuity of  when Ñu = 0, the existence and uniqueness analysis of the solutions are made using viscosity analysis, which starts with weaker solutions and match them with other possible solutions under specific conditions (see [10] for example). There is now a rather exhaustive modern treatment of geometrical PDE for image analysis which can be found in a book by Sapiro [13], and which contains much of the review made in this paper.

2.3  Gradient flows

Caselles et al. in [2][3] and, independently, Kichesanassamy et al. in [10][9] proposed a new active contour model which unified the geometric flow approach described in section 2.2 with the classical energy minimization approach with the snakes. Their approach was motivated by the derivation of the Euclidean curve shortening flow which arises when doing gradient descent on the length functional of the curve (again, this terminology will be made clearer in section 4). Namely, by defining the f-length functional (with a different notation):
Lf(t) = ó

(s,t) ) ds
where f was the same function as usual defined on the image, and differentiating  with respect to time (assuming a family of curves [C\vec](p,t) which is C2,1), they obtain (after one integration by parts and lots of manipulation):
Lf¢(t) = - ó

·[fk- Ñf·
to which someone who is not too rigorous will just say that to maximize the rate of decrease of Lf, you need:
= [fk- Ñf·
and you will call this process `to move [C\vec] in the direction of gradient', like in the steepest descent technique (that's why you will call this flow a gradient flow). The first term of equation  is the same as the first term which was found in  (but the latter was in level set notation), thus deriving a part of the geometrical flow as a gradient flow. The second term (which arises naturally in their formulation) is what they call a doublet term because it makes the curve oscillate around an edge. Indeed, since edges are located at the minima of f, Ñf points away of edges so that -Ñf·[N\vec] will be positive when [N\vec] points towards an edge, and thus the curve evolves always towards an edge if fk is small enough near an edge.

The derivation we just gave was the one from Kichesanassamy et al. [10][9]. The approach by Caselles et al. [2][3] was different in formulation (and more complete), but yielded the same result (same flow). Caselles et al. started directly from the snake energy of equation  with b = 0 and with |ÑI[[C\vec]]| replaced by the more general -f( |ÑI[[C\vec]]| ), and reduced the problem of its minimization to the one of minimizing . The relation was made by transforming the integrand of  to a Lagrangian (we now use the Lagrangian mechanics terminology). The energy integral then represents the action, and thus minimizing the energy amounts to minimizing the action. They then use the Maupertuis' Principle (see [7]), to relate the curves with least action to the geodesics with a new Riemannian metric. The metric they need is precisely f, and thus the geodesics (which minimize length) in this Riemannian space minimize the f-length functional given by , and thus yield the same gradient flow equation . This beautiful relationship can be even extended in a comparison with the theory of General Relativity: in this case, a metric is defined in function of the distribution of mass, and the trajectory of particles is found by the minimization of the action, which depends on the metric. In our case, the metric is defined as a function of the gradient of intensity in the image, and the trajectory of the contour is found by minimizing the weighted length functional.

2.4  f-area minimization flow

Even if the doublet term in equation  gives some additional strength to the flow (which can thus becomes non-convex), when the curve is far from the edges (so that Ñf is small) and the enclosed region is big (like at the beginning), so that k is small, then the flow evolves very slowly. This is why a constant term fv (constant in the sense that it doesn't depend on the curve) is still added in the flow of equation  in practice. Caselles et al. formalized this part of their flow as a Lagrange multiplier which would arise in a geodesic problem with constraint (they haven't been explicit about which constraint, though).

The main contribution of Siddiqi et al. in [15] was to try to derive the constant term (with f) with a similar functional minimization argument than what Kichesanassamy et al. used. Starting from the observation that doing gradient descent on the area functional of a curve (area enclosed by the curve) yielded a constant flow [C\vec]t = [N\vec] as the gradient flow, they decided to parallel the argument of Kichesanassamy et al. with an area functional. The area enclosed by a curve is:
A(t) = ó

dxdy = -  1


where Green's theorem (divergence theorem in the plane) was used to transform the double integral as a path integral, since Ñ·[C\vec] = 2. They now define the f-area functional:
Af(t) = -  1


and again differentiating with respect to time and evolving in the direction of the gradient yields the gradient flow equation

= (f+  1

As a small side comment, we note that in their derivation, they said to have dropped the tangent terms because they could be killed anyway by a suitable reparameterization. The justification for this claim can be found in [4] or [13,p.72], where it is proven that any reparameterization of the curve evolution equation only changes the coefficients in front of the tangent term, and those can be made zero by solving an ODE which always has a solution for reasonable coefficient function. But it is useful to note that the tangent terms cancelled anyway in their case.

They then claimed that the second term, Ñf·[C\vec], acted also like a doublet term (though weaker), in analogy with the doublet of . And to support their claim, they showed an experiment in which they evolved a curve according to the flow  (using a level set implementation) on a toy image with a hole in the boundary. If the hole wasn't too big, the `doublet' was strong enough to prevent the curve to leak through the boundary. But sometimes, the strength of this doublet wasn't strong enough so that they decided to combine both the f-length flow with the f-area flow to combine the strength of the doublets:


a[fk- Ñf·


(f+  1


where a is said to be a ``fudge'' factor to make the units compatible (area and length). But it is in fact more than just a ``fudge'' factor, since the above equation can be seen as the gradient flow on the functional aLf(t) + Af(t) and thus a can also be interpreted as the weight (importance) of the length contribution in comparison with the area contribution in the functional to minimize. The few experiments they show in the paper then shows that their second doublet helps the curve to stick to the boundary even when there are holes.

But there was something fishy about their flow. First of all, we didn't find obvious at all that Ñf·[C\vec] acted as a doublet. The explanation will be given in section 3.4. But most importantly, the presence of the term [C\vec] (which is a vector from the origin to the curve) made the flow to appear as non-geometrical, since [C\vec] depends on the origin for the coordinate system, whereas all the other quantities [C\vec]t, [N\vec], k, f and Ñf are geometrical quantities which depend only on the structure of the image and the curve, and not on the coordinate system used. Since the flow was said to be derived from a weighted area functional minimization, and that area is a geometrical quantity, it would be surprising to obtain a non-geometrical equation as the way to solve a geometrical problem! Where is the mistake in the reasoning?

3  Analysis of the f-area minimization flow

3.1  Geometrical discrepancy

The answer lies between equation  and equation . Indeed, already equation  doesn't seem geometrical because of the presence of the term [C\vec] in the curve integral. But unless Green's theorem is wrong, we should expect this integral to be invariant under translation of origin because area is invariant under translation of origin. Let's do a change of origin, so that [C\vec] ® [C\vec] - [x\vec]0, where [x\vec]0 is the new origin. Then the f-area transforms as:
-  1


Af +  1

· ó

Now, since [N\vec] = [^k] ×[T\vec], where [^k] is a z-axis unit vector, we can write the last integral when f = 1 (i.e., the unweighed case):

ds =
× ó

ds =

= 0
since [T\vec] ds = [dr\vec] is the displacement vector, so that the last integral is just a total displacement around a loop. But if we add the f weight function, the last integral is not guaranteed to yield zero, and thus the f-area functional that they had defined was not independent of the origin. The moral of the story is that we need to be careful with those hidden transformations before making generalizations!

3.2  Corrected flow

In order to correct the flow, all we need to do is to replace the origin dependant vector [C\vec] by a `true' vector (i.e. independent of the origin). The difference between two vectors doesn't depend on the origin, and thus we could `fix' some geometrical origin on the image (like the bottom left corner; or the center of mass of the image2) and now measure [C\vec] with respect to this fixed origin. The new f-area functional would thus be:
Af(t) = -  1


) ·
and we could expect the corresponding gradient flow to be:

= (f+  1

) )
which is now geometrical. Instead of proving that this is indeed the gradient flow that we obtain from , we will use a special case of the general derivation of the gradient flow for f-area functional in the next section.

3.3  General f-area gradient flow

Another critique that we had about their formulation of the f-area is that because the weighted function f was added in the curve integral rather than the double integral, it lost its direct metric interpretation which was so nice in the paper by Caselles et al.. In order to recover it, we will define the general y-area functional:
Ay(t) = ó
where y here has now a true metric interpretation. We now assume that y is a function of position only in the image (and not of the boundary of the region of integration). We will compute its first variation by two different means. The first one is simplest and has a nice geometrical interpretation, but it doesn't link  with . Figure 1 shows the variation of the region after a time dt when the boundary evolves with speed [C\vec]t(s).

Figure 1: Variation of area region

The difference between the two region can be made by adding all the infinitesimal element of area formed by the infinitesimal vectors [C\vec]tdt and [T\vec]ds (those will be added along the boundary, and thus it will be a curve integral). The area enclosed by those two vectors is simply their cross product:
dA = |

dt ×
ds| = |(

dtds| = |(

where the second equality was made by expanding [C\vec]t in the orthogonal basis [T\vec],[N\vec] and the last equality used the fact that [N\vec] was a unit vector. We can assume that y is roughly constant on the small element of area (for dt small enough), and thus the variation can be written (keeping the sign right):
Ay¢(t)dt = Ay(t+dt) - Ay(t) = - ó


and from this we conclude that the gradient flow equation is simply

= y
where we recover the usual constant normal flow in the case in which we minimize the Euclidean area.

We now give another derivation for this simple result. Given a reasonable function y([x\vec]), we define a vector field [F\vec]([x\vec]) such that
= y
This is a simple Poisson equation which can be solved in theory for any reasonable y. For a specific form for [F\vec], we use Helmoltz theorem (see [6]):
) = -Ñ æ


d3x¢ ö
where the integral is taken on the whole space. The physicist will recognize on the right the gradient of the electric potential formula. Anyhow, this integral gives us the required vector field. We can now transform  using the divergence theorem in the plane:
Ay(t) = ó
ydA = ó
dA = - ó

) ·
where the minus sign comes from the fact that we use an inward normal. We could compute the time derivative of this functional, as usual, and use some integration by parts, lots of calculus and get incredible cancellations to obtain
Ay¢(t) = - ó

] ds
and since Ñ·[F\vec] = y, we obtain back equation  as our gradient flow. But instead of giving the details, we refer the reader to the article by Vasilevskiy and Siddiqi about flux maximizing flows [16]. They have shown there that the flux maximizing flow was the one evolving with the divergence of the vector field (as we have just seen).

It is now easy to prove the previous claim about the gradient flow for our geometric f-area functional . In this case, we see that [F\vec] = -[ 1/2]f([C\vec]-[x\vec]0). Computing its divergence, we can easily get back equation .

3.4  Analysis of the doublet

We now investigate if
acts like a doublet. Looking at figure 2, we see that the magnitude of [C\vec] doesn't change much when a point crosses a boundary (unless the origin was very close to the point we are looking at), whereas Ñf changes sign as expected by the way it was defined.

Figure 2: Simili-doublet

This means that Ñf·[C\vec] will switch sign when crossing the boundary. We can now see that each edge separates the image in two (drawn with a dashed line on the figure): when the origin is on the side of the inward normal of the edge, than the doublet will really acts like a doublet: it will attract the curve. On the other hand, when the origin is on the other side of the edge (the outward normal side), the doublet will act like a repulsor. Also, the farther the origin is from the edge, the stronger is the effect since the norm of [C\vec] enters in the simili-doublet. This means that for a proper choice of origin, the effect can be quite strong (and this is what was observed in [15]). It appeared that all the examples that were used in [15] had the origin on the correct side of the hole in the edge; and thus they had good results with their simili-doublet. It would have been interesting to experiment with the flow  with different positions of origin. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to implement this due to time constraint. In practice, we believe that a good engineering heuristics to make good use of the simili-doublet is to use a different origin for each curve, and place the origin at the seed where the curves are started (assuming we use a growing flow instead of a shrinking one). This way, you maximize your chances that the origin will be on the correct side of the edge since the curve should surround at first the seed placed. This is something which could be investigated in the future.

3.5  Impossibility of a general doublet

Finally, we investigate if it is possible to obtain a doublet which would always work (not depending on the position of the origin), from a gradient flow of a y-area functional. There are two main components which a doublet should contain: information about the edge (this is given by Ñy) and information about the direction of the curve evolution (this is given by [N\vec]). This is why the real only general doublet is Ñy·[N\vec]. Since the speed function of the gradient flow of y-area functional is simply y, we will need the doublet in the definition of y in order to obtain it in the gradient flow. The problem is that [N\vec] has meaning only on the boundary of the region! Since we integrate y over a whole region, it wouldn't make sense to include a [N\vec] in the integrand (it isn't defined on the whole region; Ñf is, though). This is why we conclude that no simple y could yield the required doublet as a gradient flow for a y-area functional; only a f-length functional can yield one. We could maybe obtain this doublet using a more complex y, though (defining it as a functional which could depend on the boundary of the region). This is similar to the problem of speed extension which happens in the level set approach when the speed has only a meaning on the boundary but we want to define it on the whole region for the surface evolution (see [12] or [13,p.83]). An example of such an extension would try to extend the normal from to the boundary to the region. But in this case, our derivation for the gradient flow breaks down since we had assumed that y depended only on position, and not on the boundary. More powerful tools of functional analysis would be needed to analyze this new gradient flow.

4  Formalization of gradient descent

In this section, we will investigate the formal meaning of the innocently looking sentence: ``to maximize L¢(t), the curve has to evolve in the following way... which is thus the direction of the gradient''. We will take as a canonical example the Euclidean curve shortening flow:
L(t) = ó

which has first variation
L¢(t) = - ó

First of all, the problem of finding [C\vec]t(s) which will ``maximize'' the integral on the RHS in a global or even local sense has no meaning by itself, since you can make it as big as you want by just making |[C\vec]t(s)| as big as you want... But when one wants to talk about variations and derivatives, one has to use at least the framework of metric space and thus choose a norm (metric). The functional L¢(t) takes a given function [C\vec]t(s):[0,L]® \mathbbR2 and return a real number. Let's call D[0,L] the set of such functions. For simplicity, we won't go into the details of how much differentiable are the functions in our space. But it has to be at least integrable to make sense.

4.1  Not all norms are equal

What norm should we used in our space? As a starting point (and to demonstrate the importance of choosing a correct norm), we will choose the following norm on D:

|| º ó


(s)| ds
This norm represents in some sense the total displacement we would need to move the curve for a unit time dt, and is thus representative of the work needed. Then in the terminology of variational calculus, it would make sense to define the gradient as the `direction' in our space in which the directional derivative is maximal. And a direction should be unit, otherwise it would contain more information than just the direction. Thus, to find the gradient of , we want to find the unit direction [C\vec]t (i.e. || [C\vec]t|| = 1) which will maximize -L¢(t) (i.e. minimize L¢(t)). So WLOG, assume that [C\vec]t = g(s) [N\vec], for some function g(s) such that || [C\vec]t|| = ò0L |g(s)|ds = 1. then
-L¢(t) = ó

We can now find a bound on -L¢(t). Let K = maxs k(s). Then
-L¢(t) £ ó

K |g(s)| ds = K
But unless that k(s) is constant around its maximum value (for example, in the case of a circle where we have k(s) = K), then we will never be able to reach this upper bound, but can get as close as we want by taking g(s) which looks like a dirac-delta function centered at the position of the maximum of k(s) (see figure 3). Thus, there is no maximum in this case. Moreover, the usual choice of g(s) = k(s) that we used in the gradient flows derivation isn't even a local maximum in general (can move a bit in D[0,L] and still increase its value). Hence we see that with this norm, the `gradient' doesn't even exist!

Figure 3: Dirac-delta function to optimize integral.

4.2  Justification of gradient with a natural norm

We now present a natural choice of norm which would justify the method of gradient descent presented in gradient flows. One key concept is to make a parallel with the finite dimensional case. For a function f([x\vec]), we have the differential (variation) for a direction [dx\vec] is:
df = Ñf ·
= |Ñf| |
where q is the angle between Ñf and [dx\vec]. And there the maximal value is reached when cosq = 1, i.e. when [dx\vec] is parallel to Ñf, and thus, in the direction of the gradient. To obtain a similar result in a function space, we need to define an inner product < ·, · > (and from it we can define the natural norm || v || = Ö{ < v, v > }). An obvious inner product to define on D[a,b] is simply:
> = ó

(p) ·
(p) dp
It is easy to show that this really defines an inner product (with the equality of functions to be defined as equal essentially everywhere - i.e. equal everywhere except on a set of measure zero). From the inner product, we define the norm as usual. With this framework, let's look at the general problem of extremizing the functional:
] = ó


(p) ) dp
where F:\mathbbR2 ® \mathbbR and [u(p)\vec] is some function on [0,1]. The first variation (differential) of this functional at the point [u\vec] can be written as
dL[u\vec]( d
) = L(
+ d
) - L(
) = ó


dp = <   dF

, d
where we have used the notation [( dF)/(d[u\vec])] to represent the vector [( dF)/(dui)], and where we have used the variational derivative:

º  F

-  d


which simply represents the Euler-Lagrange equation (see [7]). The last equality in  simply came from our natural definition of our inner product. But now because of Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, we have
<   dF

, d
> £ ||   dF

|| ||d
with the equality satisfied if and only if [( dF)/(d[u\vec])] is parallel to d[u\vec]. Since the directional derivative of the functional in the direction d[u\vec] is defined as:
Dd[u\vec] L º  1

|| d
dL[ d
we have that, using Cauchy-Schwartz:
Dd[u\vec] L £ ||   dF

and thus that ||[( dF)/(d[u\vec])] || is the maximal value of the directional derivative and the unique directions (up to a global proportionality constant) in which the maximum is reached is when d[u\vec] is parallel to [( dF)/(d[u\vec])], and thus [( dF)/(d[u\vec])] is truly the gradient!

Finally, let's link this variational calculus formalism with the usual curve evolution framework. We said that  was the first variation of . Indeed, the direction of the variation is simply d[u\vec] = [C\vec]t dt and multiplying both side of the equation  by dt we get:
dL = L¢(t)dt = - ó

and thus comparing with equation , we conclude that

= -k
(|up| comes from the switch from the parameterization in s to the one on [0,1] on which our inner product was defined). So we see that we were justified to call -k[N\vec] the `gradient' of the length functional (using the parameterization in length), and justify at the same time all the gradient flow terminology.

In summary, we can justify the gradient terminology if we define a proper inner product. In the first case that we had considered, my norm didn't have a suitable inner product and thus no gradient could be defined. As a side comment, we note that we recently found a formal treatment of the gradient descent method on quadratic functionals in [11,p.220]. We haven't had the time to decipher their notation, though, so this would be an investigation to do in the future...

5  Conclusion

A review of the active contours framework has been presented, starting from the snakes and energy minimization approach, followed by the geometric flow alternative and their reunification with geodesic flows or gradient flows. We were then lead naturally to the article by Siqqiqi et al. [15] about the f-area minimization flow. Their flow was shown to be not geometrical and an alternative has been suggested, by fixing the origin in a geometrical way. We have conjectured that a combination of this flow with the usual f-length gradient flow could be more successful than the f-length flow alone if the origin was initialized at the same place than the seeds. Some experimentations are remained to be done to verify that. The simili-doublet term mentioned in [15] has been analyzed and it was argued that no real doublet term could be derived in general by minimizing a y-area functional with y not depending on the boundary. It was suggested, though, that some novel results could be obtained by considering y as a functional of the boundary rather than a simple function, and the functional relationship could be similar to the speed extension formulation mentioned in the level set approach [12]. Finally, we have formalized the meaning of the method of gradient descent on the simple functionals arising in gradient flows, by defining a natural inner product which implied that the gradient of a functional is the variational derivative. It was also shown that other norms defined on the metric space of functions could lead to very different results (as the non-existence of a gradient).

*  Acknowledgements We would like to thank Kaleem Siddiqi for his supervision, his patience and also to have endured our critiques... Special thanks to Pavel Dimitrov and Carlos Phillips for the very helpful discussions we have had about this project. Many ideas have originated from those discussions. Another special thanks to Maxime Descoteaux for a workshop on the numerical implementation of level sets approach which we haven't had the time, unfortunately, to finish.


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1It is called like this because it is supposed to be the flow which maximizes the decrease in Euclidean length of the curve. This statement will be made more precise after we will have defined a more formal framework for the `maximization' of functionals, in section 4

2The center of mass of an image could be defined as the weighted sum of the position of the pixels, where the weight would be their intensity.

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