Interactor, like other parts of a model that contain arbitrary Python code (e.g., initializer and finalizer), is supported by SCC. The interactor of a model is executed in a separate thread, and the exiting of that thread denotes the end of the execution. If Python is the target language, the thread is created with the methods provided by the thread native Python module. (This requires the Python environment to be compiled with thread support.) If C++ is the target language, the thread is created with the functions in the pthread library. This library is available in both Linux and Windows.
Here is the model (inter1.des) copied from section 2.5.14:
STATECHART: A [DS] INTERACTOR: import thread import string lock=thread.allocate_lock() # make sure the model is started before the events are sent to it lock.acquire() eventhandler.start(lock) lock.acquire() lock.release() # repeatedly handle events cmd="" while cmd!="quit": sys.__stdout__.write("CMD > ") cmd=string.strip(sys.__stdin__.readline()) if cmd!="quit": # split the cmd into [event, param] tuple [event, param]=string.split(cmd, ",") lock.acquire() [EVENT(string.strip(event), [eval(string.strip(param))], lock)] lock.acquire() lock.release() # shutdown the simulator eventhandler.shutdown() TRANSITION: S: A N: A E: eval O: [DUMP("result: "+str([PARAMS][0]))]
To compile this model into Python code, execute the following command:
scc -lpython --ext inter1.desThe generated Python source ( can be executed with command:
python inter1.pyThe execution result is as following, which is the same as the result shown in section 2.5.14:
CMD > eval, 1+1 result: 2 CMD > eval, "message"+": %s"%"Hello World" result: message: Hello World CMD > eval, 2*3.1415927*0.5 result: 3.1415927 CMD > quit
Similarly, the following is the command to synthesize C++ code from the same model:
scc -lcpp --ext inter1.desAnd the following is the command to compile the generated C++ source code (inter1.cpp):
g++ -I/usr/include/python2.2 -L/usr/lib/python2.2/config -Xlinker -export-dynamic \ inter1.cpp -lpython2.2 -lm -ldl -lpthread -lutil -o inter1
The execution result of the binary is exactly the same as above.