PVM must be installed for this distributed simulation. The source code of PVM is available from its homepage:
For Windows users, a binary installer is provided. For other operating systems, the user must download the source code and manually compile it according to the readme file in the package. Fortunately, PVM binary is included in most Linux distributions, such as RedHat Linux 9.0, SuSE Linux 9.0 and Mandrake Linux 9.2.Some environment variables must be set before using PVM in SVM. PVM_ROOT points to the path where PVM is installed (for RedHat Linux 9.0, it is /usr/share/pvm3). PVM_ARCH should be set to the operating system and architecture of the computer. Its value should be the same as the name of the only subdirectory in $PVM_ROOT/lib (the lib subdirectory in the path where PVM is installed). Use the following command to set the PVM_ARCH variable in Linux systems (assuming the shell is bash):
| gawk 'sub(/\//, "");'`
To start the PVM daemon, run the PVM console with the pvm command, and enter quit in the PVM prompt. The PVM console is closed but the PVM daemon is running in the background. Alternately, use the following Linux command:
To add another machine to the current PVM daemon, start the PVM daemon on the local machine. Make sure the following conditions are met:
Host pvm2.private.net User tfengConsult the ssh manual for more information about /.ssh/config and ssh protocol 1 and 2, or type the following command in Linux to get help:
The following command displays the current configuration of the PVM daemon:
Sometimes when PVM applications crash, the PVM daemon cannot be stopped or restarted because of the trash left in the temporary directory. This can be fixed by removing all the PVM temporary files from the temporary directory. For Linux, the following command is useful: