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6.5.1 The SVMDNS daemon

Figure 6.5: Multiple layers for distributed simulation in SVM
Image svmdnslayout

SVMDNS (SVM Dynamic Naming Service) is another daemon built on top of the PVM library. It provides a higher level of interface to SVM processes. For example, in Figure 6.5 there are 4 SVM processes, each of which has a DCharts component running on it. Those DCharts components communicate with each other via ports. The SVM processes register themselves to a single SVMDNS daemon. The SVMDNS daemon invokes functions in the PVM library to create 4 PVM processes. Each of them corresponds to an SVM process. The location of those PVM processes depends on the configuration of the PVM daemon. In this case, PVM processes 1, 2 and 3 are located on machine 1, while PVM process 4 is located on machine 2. The PVM library hides details of this configuration, but provides a uniform API to SVMDNS.

SVMDNS provides the following functionality to each SVM process:

Detailed information about the setup of the SVM daemon and the PVM daemon can be found in [39].

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Thomas Huining Feng 2004-04-28