A simulation trace records the evolution of the state (and possibly, the messages being sent) over time. In SVM it is obtained as text output of a simulation. This output is sent by the model with the DUMP macro. Different models may have different output formats. However, if the models conform to a single standard and provide enough information in the output, the output trace is useful to check the correctness of those models.
An example of chat rooms and clients is introduced in [40]. Chat rooms and clients are the two different types of DCharts components. The communication between them conforms to the following simplified protocol:
The following is a part of the output trace generated by a simulation of the whole system with 2 chat rooms and 5 clients:
CLOCK: (10.5s,0)
Client 0
Says "Hello!" to ChatRoom 1
CLOCK: (11.5s,0)
ChatRoom 1
Broadcasts "Hello!" to all clients except Client 0
CLOCK: (11.5s,2)
Client 1
Receives "Hello!" from Client 0
For more insight into this example, the readers are referred to the paper published at the UML 2003 conference [40]. This example is cited here only to demonstrate model verification. This output trace consists of a number of output segments, each of which is composed of three lines: the time when the output is produced, the component that produces the output and a brief message from the component.
The time is written in an enhanced format. A time tuple consists
of a float number that denotes the number of seconds elapsed since the
simulation was started, and an integer that denotes the sequence of
the multiple events received at that time. For example, time (10.5s,0) means 10.5 seconds have elapsed since the simulation is
started and the event is the first () to occur at that time. Time
(11.5s,2) means 11.5 seconds after the simulation is started and
that the event is the third (
) to occur at that time.
This extended time format allows the specification of multiple events that occur at exactly the same time, while their order is still important. For example, according to the protocol, as soon as the server broadcasts a message, the clients receive it. The two events occur at exactly the same time, but in the output trace, the message sent from the chat room must appear before the message received by the clients (a causality constraint).