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8.2.2 State Properties

Most of the state properties are statically coded in multiple parts of the Java classes. For example, the property of default states are implemented in these functions:

State properties concerning transition priorities ([ITF], OTF and RTO) are statically interpreted. The transitions are sorted according to the algorithm in section 2.2.5. Those transitions are coded in the Java classes in the same order with a switch-case structure. The first enabled transition at run-time is always the one with the highest total priority. This sorting of a submodel's transitions does not vary, because the importing model is not allowed to modify its global option InnerTransitionFirst (which is default to 0).

Orthogonal components are also statically coded in the classes. For a transition going out of an orthogonal component, code is generated to eliminate all other orthogonal components of the same parent. For a transition going into an orthogonal component, the default leaf states of other orthogonal components of the same parent are added to the current state list. SCC hard-codes this information in the Java code to improve performance.

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Thomas Huining Feng 2004-04-28