Previous: 9.5 Simulation of TCP
DCharts are a new formalism that combines the benefits of statecharts
and DEVS for the design of complex physical systems and software
systems. It has the following advantages:
- A visual syntax is designed for the DCharts formalism. There
is graphical representation for every entity or feature of
- DCharts are powerful. They support statecharts-like
hierarchical model design with variables. Variables help keep
infinite and innumerable states. Recursive DCharts models are
much more expressive than statecharts and DEVS in that they are
able to specify infinite states and transitions.
- DCharts are modular. Importation is also known as tight
coupling. Submodels are copied to the inside of a state of the
importing model. The behavior of the submodels may not be modified
by the importing model, except that macros can be redefined as
Connections between multiple models via ports are also known as
loose coupling. In that case, a model may affect other
models only by means of messages sent via the established
- DCharts are independent of simulation strategies. Though its
definition only addresses real-time simulation, it is shown that
virtual-time simulation can be easily accomplished by means of a
clock component.
- DCharts are highly practical. SVM is a simulator for DCharts,
which supports a complete semantics of DCharts 1.0. Many of the
algorithms implemented in SVM can be reused by other simulators or
applications. SVM itself is reusable (for example, by AToM
SCC is a code synthesizer for DCharts capable of generating source
code in multiple target languages. The synthesized code is
efficient and suitable for practical purposes.
- Besides these, non-recursive DCharts can be transformed into
statecharts with variables or DEVS models. Statecharts and DEVS
models can also be transformed into DCharts. This property is
useful for model simulation and model checking.
Three types of syntaxes are discussed: abstract syntax,
graphical/visual syntax and textual syntax. The mathematical syntax
provides a means by which DCharts models can be formally specified.
The graphical syntax represents DCharts models visually, which is much
more easily understood by human beings. The textual syntax is
accepted and processed by computer programs, while at the same time
designers can still easily write DCharts models with the textual
syntax. A few extensions to the basic syntax are proposed by the
textual syntax. Those extensions allow designers to specify their
models with more flexibility. They are supported by SVM and SCC.
The future work on DCharts includes:
- Do more research on model checking and verification of
DCharts. There are two possible approaches:
- Build tools that directly check DCharts models, or verify
them by means of simulations.
- Transform DCharts models into models in other well-studied
formalisms, and check/verify the new models with the tools
available for those formalisms.
- The performance of some DCharts features (such as history) in
the code generated by SCC must be improved. Above this, an
important hurdle to cross is the need for a
target-language-independent action language.
- Extend the concept of ports and connections to tight coupling,
so that an importing model may only send events to its submodels
via ports and connections established between them. This mechanism
further protects the internal behavior of submodels. It makes
DCharts more modular.
- Implement the support of more target languages in SCC. Users
will be able to integrate the code generated by SCC with the code
generated by other code generators for other formalisms. This
integration allows the users to model a system with different
formalisms and tools, and finally combine different parts to get a
complete system.
Previous: 9.5 Simulation of TCP
Thomas Huining Feng