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Figure 1.10:
Specification of DCharts
The syntax and semantics of DCharts are formally specified in this
thesis (Figure 1.10).
Three types of syntaxes are described:
- The abstract syntax is a symbolic language. It gives a symbol
to every entity in DCharts. Relations are regarded as functions.
This syntax is formal and it allows logical reasoning or inference
on DCharts models. It also makes it possible to mathematically
transform or simplify DCharts models.
- The textual syntax defines the textual form of the formalism.
This form simplifies computer processing of a DCharts model. The
textual syntax is implemented in this thesis work with a parser
and interpreter.
- The graphical syntax gives a graphical representation for the
formalism. It provides a way to design DCharts models in a
modeling environment that supports GUI (Graphical User Interface),
such as AToM
. In many cases graphical model design is more
user-friendly and understandable. Part of the graphical syntax is
implemented in a DCharts meta-model in AToM
, so that designers
can manipulate DCharts models in this environment.
The semantics of DCharts is formally defined in two different ways:
- Operational semantics defines the meaning of DCharts
models with a functional description or pseudo-code. From this
description, an interpreter (SVM, Statechart Virtual Machine) and
a code synthesizer (SCC, StateChart Compiler) for DCharts are
- Denotational semantics maps DCharts to other existing
formalisms such as statecharts and DEVS. The DCharts semantics is
made clear provided that the formalisms that we map onto have
well-defined semantics. Denotational semantics provides a way to
transform DCharts models into models in other formalisms.
Next: 1.4.2 Model Transformation
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Thomas Huining Feng