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6.3.1 Default Graphical Interface

Figure 6.2: SVM default graphical interface
Image graphicalinterface

Figure 6.2 shows the default graphical interface. The window on the right is the main window. The enabled events are displayed in the ``Enabled Events'' list. This list is refreshed whenever the state of the model changes. The ``Output'' box displays output from the model or the commands entered by the user. The model sends output to this box with the DUMP macro. Model description (if defined) is also displayed in this box at the time a model is loaded or imported. The ``Command'' box accepts commands from the user. Three kinds of commands are accepted:

Any other command not recognized by SVM is simply ignored.

By pressing the ``Snapshot'' button, the user takes a snapshot of the current state of the model. The snapshot is saved to a .snp file with the same name (excluding the postfix) as the file name of the model description.

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Thomas Huining Feng 2004-04-28