Digital Twin Architectures

Quick info


dr. Judith Michaels' talk on Digital Twin Architectures


Thursday 9 January 2025, 9:30 - 11:00.


University of Antwerp, Campus Middelheim, Building G, CDF Room (M.G.006).

Title: Digital Twin Architectures


While Digital Twins are created in more and more application domains and different industry branches, their development seems to be still rather “hands-on” and their software architectures are less structured. Within my talk, I will discuss current standards and their challenges, as well as common requirements for digital twin architectures, and give some ideas about model-driven engineering (MDE) methods based on architectural considerations. In addition, I will provide an outlook into current research on MDE and the Asset Administration Shell, characteristics of DT services as well as different types of DT reuse, coordination, and composition. I will use examples mainly from the production domain, as we are a project partner in the German Cluster of Excellence “Internet of Production” with app. 200 researchers working on the production of the future in world-wide production labs using digital shadows and digital twins.

presentation slides [PDF]

Maintained by Hans Vangheluwe. Last Modified: 2025/01/09 09:55:42.