Application to Queueing Systems

To present a more realistic model and highlight the potential for performance analysis, we present a simple queueing system. While a lot has been done in queueing theory, we present simulation as an alternative to the mathematical solutions. Even though the mathematical solutions have their advantages, simulation offers more flexibility and doesn’t get that complex. It is, however, necessarily limited to sampling: simulations will only take samples and will therefore generally not find rare and exceptional cases. Not taking them into account is fine in many situations, as it is now in our example model.

In this section, we present a simple queueing problem. Variations on this model — in either its behaviour, structure, or parameters — are easy to do.

Problem Description

In this example we model the behaviour of a simple queue that gets served by multiple processors. Implementations of this queueing systems are widespread, such as for example at airport security. Our model is parameterizable in several ways: we can define the random distribution used for event generation times and event size, the number of processors, performance of each individual processor, and the scheduling policy of the queue when selecting a processor. Clearly, it is easier to implement this, and all its variants, in DEVS than it is to model mathematically. For our performance analysis, we show the influence of the number of processors (e.g., metal detectors) on the average and maximal queueing time of jobs (e.g., travellers).

A model of this system is shown next.

Queue system with a single generator, single queue, and *n* processors.

Events (people) are generated by a generator using some distribution function. They enter the queue, which decides the processor that they will be sent to. If multiple processors are available, it picks the processor that has been idle for the longest; if no processors are available, the event is queued until a processor becomes available. The queue works First-In-First-Out (FIFO) in case multiple events are queueing. For a processor to signal that it is available, it needs to signal the queue. The queue keeps track of available processors. When an event arrives at a processor, it is processed for some time, depending on the size of the event and the performance characteristics of the processor. After processing, the processor signals the queue and sends out the event that was being processed.

Description in DEVS

While examples could be given purely in their formal description, they would not be executable and would introduce a significant amount of accidental complexity. To specify this model, we first define the event exchanged between different examples: the Job. A job is coded as a class Job. It has the attributes size (i.e., indicative of processing time) and creation time (i.e., time the event was created, for statistic gathering). The Job class definition is shown next and can de downloaded:

class Job:
    def __init__(self, size, creation_time):
        # Jobs have a size and creation_time parameter
        self.size = size
        self.creation_time = creation_time

We now focus on each atomic model seperately, starting at the event generator.

The generator is defined as an atomic model using the class Generator. Classes that represent an atomic model inherit from the AtomicDEVS class. They should implement methods that implement each of the DEVS components. Default implementations are provided for a passivated model, such that unused functions don’t need to be defined. In the constructor, input and output ports are defined, as well as model parameters and the initial state. We see that the definition of the generator is very simple: we compute the time remaining until the next event (remaining), and decrement the number of events to send. The generator also keeps track of the current simulation time, in order to set the creation time of events. The time advance function returns the time remaining until the next internal transition. Finally, the output function returns a new customer event with a randomly defined size. The job has an attribute containing the time at which it was generated. Recall, however, that the output function was invoked before the internal transition, so the current time has not yet been updated by the internal transition. Therefore, the output function also has to do this addition, without storing the result in the state (as it cannot write to the state). The Generator class definition is shown next and can de downloaded:

from pypdevs.DEVS import AtomicDEVS
from job import Job
import random

# Define the state of the generator as a structured object
class GeneratorState:
    def __init__(self, gen_num):
        # Current simulation time (statistics)
        self.current_time = 0.0
        # Remaining time until generation of new event
        self.remaining = 0.0
        # Counter on how many events to generate still
        self.to_generate = gen_num

class Generator(AtomicDEVS):
    def __init__(self, gen_param, size_param, gen_num):
        AtomicDEVS.__init__(self, "Generator")
        # Output port for the event
        self.out_event = self.addOutPort("out_event")
        # Define the state
        self.state = GeneratorState(gen_num)

        # Parameters defining the generator's behaviour
        self.gen_param = gen_param
        self.size_param = size_param

    def intTransition(self):
        # Update simulation time
        self.state.current_time += self.timeAdvance()
        # Update number of generated events
        self.state.to_generate -= 1
        if self.state.to_generate == 0:
            # Already generated enough events, so stop
            self.state.remaining = float('inf')
            # Still have to generate events, so sample for new duration
            self.state.remaining = random.expovariate(self.gen_param)
        return self.state

    def timeAdvance(self):
        # Return remaining time; infinity when generated enough
        return self.state.remaining

    def outputFnc(self):
        # Determine size of the event to generate
        size = max(1, int(random.gauss(self.size_param, 5)))
        # Calculate current time (note the addition!)
        creation = self.state.current_time + self.state.remaining
        # Output the new event on the output port
        return {self.out_event: Job(size, creation)}

Next up is the queue, which is the most interesting component of the simulation, as it is the part we wish to analyze. The Queue implementation is similar in structure to the Generator. Of course, the DEVS parts get a different specification, as shown in Listing~ref{lst:queue}. The queue takes a structural parameter, specifying the number of processors. This is needed since the queue has an output port for each processor. When an internal transition happens, the queue knows that it has just output an event to the first idle processor. It thus marks the first idle processor as busy, and removes the event it was currently processing. If there are events remaining in the queue, and a processor is available to process it, we process the first element from the queue and set the remaining\_time counter. In the external transition, we check the port we received the event on. Either it is a signal of the processor to indicate that it has finished, or else it is a new event to queue. In the former case, we mark the processor that sent the event as idle, and potentially process a queued message. For this to work, the processor should include its ID in the event, as otherwise the queue has no idea who sent this message. In the latter case, we either process the event immediately if there are idle processors, or we store it in the queue. The time advance merely has to return the remaining\_time counter that is managed in both transition functions. Finally in the output function, the model outputs the first queued event to the first available processor. Note that we can only read the events and processors, and cannot modify these lists: state modification is reserved for the transition functions. An important consideration in this model is the remaining\_time counter, which indicates how much time remains before the event is processed. We can’t simply put the processing time of events in the time advance, as interrupts could happen during this time. When an interrupt happens (e.g., another event arrives), the time advance is invoked again, and would return the total processing time, instead of the remaining time to process the event. To solve this problem, we maintain a counter that explicitly gets decremented when an external interrupt happens. The Queue class definition is shown next and can de downloaded:

from pypdevs.DEVS import AtomicDEVS

# Define the state of the queue as a structured object
class QueueState:
    def __init__(self, outputs):
        # Keep a list of all idle processors
        self.idle_procs = range(outputs)
        # Keep a list that is the actual queue data structure
        self.queue = []
        # Keep the process that is currently being processed
        self.processing = None
        # Time remaining for this event
        self.remaining_time = float("inf")

class Queue(AtomicDEVS):
    def __init__(self, outputs):
        AtomicDEVS.__init__(self, "Queue")
        # Fix the time needed to process a single event
        self.processing_time = 1.0
        self.state = QueueState(outputs)

        # Create 'outputs' output ports
        # 'outputs' is a structural parameter!
        self.out_proc = []
        for i in range(outputs):
            self.out_proc.append(self.addOutPort("proc_%i" % i))

        # Add the other ports: incoming events and finished event
        self.in_event = self.addInPort("in_event")
        self.in_finish = self.addInPort("in_finish")

    def intTransition(self):
        # Is only called when we are outputting an event
        # Pop the first idle processor and clear processing event
        if self.state.queue and self.state.idle_procs:
            # There are still queued elements, so continue
            self.state.processing = self.state.queue.pop(0)
            self.state.remaining_time = self.processing_time
            # No events left to process, so become idle
            self.state.processing = None
            self.state.remaining_time = float("inf")
        return self.state

    def extTransition(self, inputs):
        # Update the remaining time of this job
        self.state.remaining_time -= self.elapsed
        # Several possibilities
        if self.in_finish in inputs:
            # Processing a "finished" event, so mark proc as idle
            if not self.state.processing and self.state.queue:
                # Process first task in queue
                self.state.processing = self.state.queue.pop(0)
                self.state.remaining_time = self.processing_time
        elif self.in_event in inputs:
            # Processing an incoming event
            if self.state.idle_procs and not self.state.processing:
                # Process when idle processors
                self.state.processing = inputs[self.in_event]
                self.state.remaining_time = self.processing_time
                # No idle processors, so queue it
        return self.state

    def timeAdvance(self):
        # Just return the remaining time for this event (or infinity else)
        return self.state.remaining_time

    def outputFnc(self):
        # Output the event to the processor
        port = self.out_proc[self.state.idle_procs[0]]
        return {port: self.state.processing}

The next atomic model is the Processor class. It merely receives an incoming event and starts processing it. Processing time, computed upon receiving an event in the external transition, is dependent on the size of the task, but takes into account the processing speed and a minimum amount of processing that needs to be done. After the task is processed, we trigger our output function and internal transition function. We need to send out two events: one containing the job that was processed, and one to signal the queue that we have become available. For this, two different ports are used. Note that the definition of the processor would not be this simple in case there was no queue before it. We can now make the assumption that when we get an event, we are already idle and therefore don’t need to queue new incoming events first. The Processor class definition is shown next and can de downloaded:

from pypdevs.DEVS import AtomicDEVS

# Define the state of the processor as a structured object
class ProcessorState(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # State only contains the current event
        self.evt = None

class Processor(AtomicDEVS):
    def __init__(self, nr, proc_param):
        AtomicDEVS.__init__(self, "Processor_%i" % nr)

        self.state = ProcessorState()
        self.in_proc = self.addInPort("in_proc")
        self.out_proc = self.addOutPort("out_proc")
        self.out_finished = self.addOutPort("out_finished")

        # Define the parameters of the model
        self.speed = proc_param = nr

    def intTransition(self):
        # Just clear processing event
        self.state.evt = None
        return self.state

    def extTransition(self, inputs):
        # Received a new event, so start processing it
        self.state.evt = inputs[self.in_proc]
        # Calculate how long it will be processed
        time = 20.0 + max(1.0, self.state.evt.size / self.speed)
        self.state.evt.processing_time = time
        return self.state

    def timeAdvance(self):
        if self.state.evt:
            # Currently processing, so wait for that
            return self.state.evt.processing_time
            # Idle, so don't do anything
            return float('inf')

    def outputFnc(self):
        # Output the processed event and signal as finished
        return {self.out_proc: self.state.evt,

The processor finally sends the task to the Collector class. The collector is an artificial component that is not present in the system being modeled; it is only used for statistics gathering. For each job, it stores the time in the queue. The Collector class definition is shown next and can de downloaded:

from pypdevs.DEVS import AtomicDEVS

# Define the state of the collector as a structured object
class CollectorState(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # Contains received events and simulation time = []
        self.current_time = 0.0

class Collector(AtomicDEVS):
    def __init__(self):
        AtomicDEVS.__init__(self, "Collector")
        self.state = CollectorState()
        # Has only one input port
        self.in_event = self.addInPort("in_event")

    def extTransition(self, inputs):
        # Update simulation time
        self.state.current_time += self.elapsed
        # Calculate time in queue
        evt = inputs[self.in_event]
        time = self.state.current_time - evt.creation_time - evt.processing_time
        inputs[self.in_event].queueing_time = max(0.0, time)
        # Add incoming event to received events[self.in_event])
        return self.state

    # Don't define anything else, as we only store events.
    # Collector has no behaviour of its own.

With all atomic examples defined, we only have to couple them together in a coupled model: the System. In this system, we instantiate a generator, queue, and collector, as well as a variable number of processors. The number of processors is variable, but is still static during simulation. The couplings also depend on the number of processors, as each processor is connected to the queue and the collector. The System class definition is shown next and can de downloaded:

from pypdevs.DEVS import CoupledDEVS

# Import all models to couple
from generator import Generator
from queue import Queue
from processor import Processor
from collector import Collector

class QueueSystem(CoupledDEVS):
    def __init__(self, mu, size, num, procs):
        CoupledDEVS.__init__(self, "QueueSystem")

        # Define all atomic submodels of which there are only one
        generator = self.addSubModel(Generator(mu, size, num))
        queue = self.addSubModel(Queue(len(procs)))
        collector = self.addSubModel(Collector())

        self.connectPorts(generator.out_event, queue.in_event)

        # Instantiate desired number of processors and connect
        processors = []
        for i, param in enumerate(procs):
                              Processor(i, param)))

        # Make it accessible outside of our own scope
        self.collector = collector

Now that our DEVS model is completely specified, we can start running simulations on it. Simulation requires an experiment file though, which initializes the model with parameters and defines the simulation configuration. The experiment writes out the raw queueing times to a Comma Seperated Value (CSV) file. An experiment file often contains some configuration of the simulation tool, which differs for each tool. The experiment file is shown next and can de downloaded:

from pypdevs.simulator import Simulator
import random

# Import the model we experiment with
from system import QueueSystem

# Configuration:
# 1) number of customers to simulate
num = 500
# 2) average time between two customers
time = 30.0
# 3) average size of customer
size = 20.0
# 4) efficiency of processors (products/second)
speed = 0.5
# 5) maximum number of processors used
max_processors = 10
# End of configuration

# Store all results for output to file
values = []
# Loop over different configurations
for i in range(1, max_processors):
    # Make sure each of them simulates exactly the same workload
    # Set up the system
    procs = [speed] * i
    m = QueueSystem(mu=1.0/time, size=size, num=num, procs=procs)

    # PythonPDEVS specific setup and configuration
    sim = Simulator(m)

    # Gather information for output
    evt_list =
    values.append([e.queueing_time for e in evt_list])

# Write data to file
with open('output.csv', 'w') as f:
    for i in range(num):
        f.write("%s" % i)
        for j in range(len(values)):
            f.write(", %5f" % (values[j][i]))

Performance Analysis

After the definition of our DEVS model and experiment, we of course still need to run the simulation. Simply by executing the experiment file, the CSV file is generated, and can be analyzed in a spreadsheet tool or plotting library. Depending on the data stored during simulation, analysis can show the average queueing times, maximal queueing times, number of events, processor utilization, and so on.

Corresponding to our initial goal, we perform the simulation in order to find out the influence of opening multiple processors on the average and maximum queueing time. First, we show the evolution of the waiting time for subsequent clients.

Evolution of queueing times for subsequent customers.

The same results can be visualized with boxplots.

Boxplot of queueing times for varying number of active processors.

These results indicate that while two processors are able to handle the load, maximum waiting time is rather high: a median of 200 seconds and a maximum of around 470 seconds. When a single additional processor is added, average waiting time decreases significantly, and the maximum waiting time also becomes tolerable: the mean job is served immediately, with 75% of jobs being handled within 25 seconds. Further adding processors still has a positive effect on queueing times, but the effect might not warrant the increased cost in opening processors: apart from some exceptions, all customers are processed immediately starting from four processors. Ideally, a cost function would be defined to quantize the value (or dissatisfaction) of waiting jobs, and compare this to the cost of adding additional processors. We can then optimize that cost function to find out the ideal balance between paying more for additional processors and losing money due to long job processing times. Of course, this ideal balance depends on several factors, including our model configuration and the cost function used.