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Yentl Van Tendeloo 6 years ago
2 changed files with 2 additions and 239 deletions
  1. 1 238
  2. 1 1

+ 1 - 238

@@ -8,104 +8,9 @@ import modelverse_jit.runtime as jit_runtime
 # in this module.
 JitCompilationFailedException = jit_runtime.JitCompilationFailedException
-def map_and_simplify_generator(function, instruction):
-    """Applies the given mapping function to every instruction in the tree
-       that has the given instruction as root, and simplifies it on-the-fly.
-       This is at least as powerful as first mapping and then simplifying, as
-       maps and simplifications are interspersed.
-       This function assumes that function creates a generator that returns by
-       raising a primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished."""
-    # First handle the children by mapping on them and then simplifying them.
-    new_children = []
-    for inst in instruction.get_children():
-        new_inst, = yield [("CALL_ARGS", [map_and_simplify_generator, (function, inst)])]
-        new_children.append(new_inst)
-    # Then apply the function to the top-level node.
-    transformed, = yield [("CALL_ARGS", [function, (instruction.create(new_children),)])]
-    # Finally, simplify the transformed top-level node.
-    raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished(transformed.simplify_node())
-def expand_constant_read(instruction):
-    """Tries to replace a read of a constant node by a literal."""
-    if isinstance(instruction, tree_ir.ReadValueInstruction) and \
-        isinstance(instruction.node_id, tree_ir.LiteralInstruction):
-        val, = yield [("RV", [instruction.node_id.literal])]
-        raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished(tree_ir.LiteralInstruction(val))
-    else:
-        raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished(instruction)
-def optimize_tree_ir(instruction):
-    """Optimizes an IR tree."""
-    return map_and_simplify_generator(expand_constant_read, instruction)
-def create_bare_function(function_name, parameter_list, function_body):
-    """Creates a function definition from the given function name, parameter list
-       and function body. No prolog is included."""
-    # Wrap the IR in a function definition, give it a unique name.
-    return tree_ir.DefineFunctionInstruction(
-        function_name,
-        parameter_list + ['**' + jit_runtime.KWARGS_PARAMETER_NAME],
-        function_body)
-def create_function(
-        function_name, parameter_list, param_dict,
-        body_param_dict, function_body, source_map_name=None,
-        compatible_temporary_protects=False):
-    """Creates a function from the given function name, parameter list,
-       variable-to-parameter name map, variable-to-local name map and
-       function body. An optional source map can be included, too."""
-    # Write a prologue and prepend it to the generated function body.
-    prolog_statements = []
-    # If the source map is not None, then we should generate a "DEBUG_INFO"
-    # request.
-    if source_map_name is not None:
-        prolog_statements.append(
-            tree_ir.RegisterDebugInfoInstruction(
-                tree_ir.LiteralInstruction(function_name),
-                tree_ir.LoadGlobalInstruction(source_map_name),
-                tree_ir.LiteralInstruction(jit_runtime.BASELINE_JIT_ORIGIN_NAME)))
-    # Create a LOCALS_NODE_NAME node, and connect it to the user root.
-    prolog_statements.append(
-        tree_ir.create_new_local_node(
-            jit_runtime.LOCALS_NODE_NAME,
-            tree_ir.LoadIndexInstruction(
-                tree_ir.LoadLocalInstruction(jit_runtime.KWARGS_PARAMETER_NAME),
-                tree_ir.LiteralInstruction('task_root')),
-            jit_runtime.LOCALS_EDGE_NAME))
-    for (key, val) in list(param_dict.items()):
-        arg_ptr = tree_ir.create_new_local_node(
-            body_param_dict[key],
-            tree_ir.LoadLocalInstruction(jit_runtime.LOCALS_NODE_NAME))
-        prolog_statements.append(arg_ptr)
-        prolog_statements.append(
-            tree_ir.CreateDictionaryEdgeInstruction(
-                tree_ir.LoadLocalInstruction(body_param_dict[key]),
-                tree_ir.LiteralInstruction('value'),
-                tree_ir.LoadLocalInstruction(val)))
-    constructed_body = tree_ir.create_block(
-        *(prolog_statements + [function_body]))
-    # Shield temporaries from the GC.
-    constructed_body = tree_ir.protect_temporaries_from_gc(
-        constructed_body,
-        tree_ir.LoadLocalInstruction(jit_runtime.LOCALS_NODE_NAME),
-        compatible_temporary_protects)
-    return create_bare_function(function_name, parameter_list, constructed_body)
-def print_value(val):
-    """A thin wrapper around 'print'."""
-    print(val)
 class ModelverseJit(object):
     """A high-level interface to the modelverse JIT compiler."""
-    def __init__(self, max_instructions=None, compiled_function_lookup=None):
+    def __init__(self):
         self.todo_entry_points = set()
         self.no_jit_entry_points = set()
         self.jitted_parameters = {}
@@ -118,22 +23,11 @@ class ModelverseJit(object):
         self.global_functions = {}
         # global_functions_inv maps body ids to global value names.
         self.global_functions_inv = {}
-        # bytecode_graphs maps body ids to their parsed bytecode graphs.
-        self.bytecode_graphs = {}
         # jitted_function_aliases maps body ids to known aliases.
         self.jitted_function_aliases = defaultdict(set)
         self.jit_count = 0
-        self.max_instructions = max_instructions
-        self.compiled_function_lookup = compiled_function_lookup
         self.compilation_dependencies = {}
         self.jit_enabled = True
-        self.direct_calls_allowed = True
-        self.tracing_enabled = False
-        self.source_maps_enabled = True
-        self.input_function_enabled = False
-        self.nop_insertion_enabled = True
-        self.jit_success_log_function = None
-        self.jit_code_log_function = None
     def set_jit_enabled(self, is_enabled=True):
         """Enables or disables the JIT."""
@@ -166,16 +60,6 @@ class ModelverseJit(object):
            the currently running code."""
         self.nop_insertion_enabled = is_enabled
-    def set_jit_success_log(self, log_function=print_value):
-        """Configures this JIT instance with a function that prints output to a log.
-           Success and failure messages for specific functions are then sent to said log."""
-        self.jit_success_log_function = log_function
-    def set_jit_code_log(self, log_function=print_value):
-        """Configures this JIT instance with a function that prints output to a log.
-           Function definitions of jitted functions are then sent to said log."""
-        self.jit_code_log_function = log_function
     def set_function_body_compiler(self, compile_function_body):
         """Sets the function that the JIT uses to compile function bodies."""
         self.compile_function_body = compile_function_body
@@ -348,16 +232,6 @@ class ModelverseJit(object):
         raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished(self.jitted_parameters[body_id])
-    def jit_parse_bytecode(self, body_id):
-        """Parses the given function body as a bytecode graph."""
-        if body_id in self.bytecode_graphs:
-            raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished(self.bytecode_graphs[body_id])
-        parser = bytecode_parser.BytecodeParser()
-        result, = yield [("CALL_ARGS", [parser.parse_instruction, (body_id,)])]
-        self.bytecode_graphs[body_id] = result
-        raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished(result)
     def check_jittable(self, body_id, suggested_name=None):
         """Checks if the function with the given body id is obviously non-jittable. If it's
            non-jittable, then a `JitCompilationFailedException` exception is thrown."""
@@ -376,73 +250,6 @@ class ModelverseJit(object):
                     '' if suggested_name is None else "'" + suggested_name + "'",
-    def jit_recompile(self, task_root, body_id, function_name, compile_function_body=None):
-        """Replaces the function with the given name by compiling the bytecode at the given
-           body id."""
-        if compile_function_body is None:
-            compile_function_body = self.compile_function_body
-        self.check_jittable(body_id, function_name)
-        # Generate a name for the function we're about to analyze, and pretend that
-        # it already exists. (we need to do this for recursive functions)
-        self.jitted_entry_points[body_id] = function_name
-        self.jit_globals[function_name] = None
-        (_, _, is_mutable), = yield [
-            ("CALL_ARGS", [self.jit_signature, (body_id,)])]
-        dependencies = set([body_id])
-        self.compilation_dependencies[body_id] = dependencies
-        def handle_jit_exception(exception):
-            # If analysis fails, then a JitCompilationFailedException will be thrown.
-            print("EXCEPTION with mutable")
-            del self.compilation_dependencies[body_id]
-            for dep in dependencies:
-                self.mark_no_jit(dep)
-                if dep in self.jitted_entry_points:
-                    del self.jitted_entry_points[dep]
-            failure_message = "%s (function '%s' at %d)" % (
-                str(exception), function_name, body_id)
-            if self.jit_success_log_function is not None:
-                self.jit_success_log_function('JIT compilation failed: %s' % failure_message)
-            raise JitCompilationFailedException(failure_message)
-        # Try to analyze the function's body.
-        yield [("TRY", [])]
-        yield [("CATCH", [JitCompilationFailedException, handle_jit_exception])]
-        if is_mutable:
-            # We can't just JIT mutable functions. That'd be dangerous.
-            raise JitCompilationFailedException(
-                "Function was marked '%s'." % jit_runtime.MUTABLE_FUNCTION_KEY)
-        compiled_function, = yield [
-            ("CALL_ARGS", [compile_function_body, (self, function_name, body_id, task_root)])]
-        yield [("END_TRY", [])]
-        del self.compilation_dependencies[body_id]
-        if self.jit_success_log_function is not None:
-            assert self.jitted_entry_points[body_id] == function_name
-            self.jit_success_log_function(
-                "JIT compilation successful: (function '%s' at %d)" % (function_name, body_id))
-        raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished(compiled_function)
-    def get_source_map_name(self, function_name):
-        """Gets the name of the given jitted function's source map. None is returned if source maps
-           are disabled."""
-        if self.source_maps_enabled:
-            return function_name + "_source_map"
-        else:
-            return None
-    def get_can_rejit_name(self, function_name):
-        """Gets the name of the given jitted function's can-rejit flag."""
-        return function_name + "_can_rejit"
     def jit_define_function(self, function_name, function_def):
         """Converts the given tree-IR function definition to Python code, defines it,
            and extracts the resulting function."""
@@ -465,47 +272,3 @@ class ModelverseJit(object):
     def jit_delete_function(self, function_name):
         """Deletes the function with the given function name."""
         del self.jit_globals[function_name]
-    def jit_compile(self, task_root, body_id, suggested_name=None):
-        """Tries to jit the function defined by the given entry point id and parameter list."""
-        if body_id is None:
-            raise ValueError('body_id cannot be None: ' + str(suggested_name))
-        elif body_id in self.jitted_entry_points:
-            raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished(
-                self.jit_globals[self.jitted_entry_points[body_id]])
-        compiled_func = self.lookup_compiled_body(body_id)
-        if compiled_func is not None:
-            raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished(compiled_func)
-        # Generate a name for the function we're about to analyze, and 're-compile'
-        # it for the first time.
-        function_name = self.generate_function_name(body_id, suggested_name)
-        yield [("TAIL_CALL_ARGS", [self.jit_recompile, (task_root, body_id, function_name)])]
-    def jit_rejit(self, task_root, body_id, function_name, compile_function_body=None):
-        """Re-compiles the given function. If compilation fails, then the can-rejit
-           flag is set to false."""
-        old_jitted_func = self.jitted_entry_points[body_id]
-        def __handle_jit_failed(_):
-            self.jit_globals[self.get_can_rejit_name(function_name)] = False
-            self.jitted_entry_points[body_id] = old_jitted_func
-            self.no_jit_entry_points.remove(body_id)
-            raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished(None)
-        yield [("TRY", [])]
-        yield [("CATCH", [jit_runtime.JitCompilationFailedException, __handle_jit_failed])]
-        jitted_function, = yield [
-            ("CALL_ARGS",
-             [self.jit_recompile, (task_root, body_id, function_name, compile_function_body)])]
-        yield [("END_TRY", [])]
-        # Update all aliases.
-        for function_alias in self.jitted_function_aliases[body_id]:
-            self.jit_globals[function_alias] = jitted_function
-    def new_compile(self, body_id):
-        print("Compiling body ID " + str(body_id))
-        raise JitCompilationFailedException("Function was marked '%s'." % jit_runtime.MUTABLE_FUNCTION_KEY)
-        #raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished("pass")

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Generated by Statechart compiler by Glenn De Jonghe, Joeri Exelmans, Simon Van Mierlo, and Yentl Van Tendeloo (for the inspiration)
-Date:   Tue Apr 24 10:00:08 2018
+Date:   Tue Apr 24 10:04:54 2018
 Model author: Yentl Van Tendeloo
 Model name:   MvK Server