include "primitives.alh" include "library.alh" include "object_operations.alh" include "constructors.alh" include "modelling.alh" include "typing.alh" Boolean function wrap_conformance(model : Element): String result result = conformance_scd(model) output("Success: " + result) if (result == "OK"): return True! else: return False! Boolean function is_direct_instance(model : Element, instance : String, type : String): // Just check whether or not the type mapping specifies the type as the type of the instance return (read_type(model, instance) == type)! Boolean function is_nominal_instance(model : Element, instance : String, type : String): if (read_type(model, instance) == type): return True! if (bool_not(dict_in(model["metamodel"]["model"], type))): // type is not even in the specified metamodel, so this will never work return False! if (bool_and(is_edge(model["metamodel"]["model"][type]), bool_not(is_edge(model["model"][instance])))): // type is an edge, but we aren't return False! if (element_eq(read_type(model, instance), read_root())): // doesn't even have a type return False! return is_nominal_subtype(model["metamodel"], read_type(model, instance), type)! Boolean function is_nominal_subtype(metamodel : Element, subclass : String, superclass : String): if (element_eq(metamodel["model"][subclass], metamodel["model"][superclass])): return True! if (bool_not(dict_in(metamodel["model"], subclass))): return False! if (bool_not(dict_in(metamodel["model"], superclass))): return False! return set_in(get_superclasses(metamodel, subclass), superclass)! Element function precompute_cardinalities(model : Element): Integer slc Integer suc Integer tlc Integer tuc String key Element tmp_dict Element cardinalities Element keys Element metamodel Boolean optional metamodel = model["metamodel"] keys = allInstances(metamodel, "Association") cardinalities = dict_create() while (0 < set_len(keys)): key = set_pop(keys) tmp_dict = dict_create() slc = read_attribute(metamodel, key, "source_lower_cardinality") suc = read_attribute(metamodel, key, "source_upper_cardinality") tlc = read_attribute(metamodel, key, "target_lower_cardinality") tuc = read_attribute(metamodel, key, "target_upper_cardinality") if (element_neq(slc, read_root())): dict_add_fast(tmp_dict, "slc", slc) if (element_neq(suc, read_root())): dict_add_fast(tmp_dict, "suc", suc) if (element_neq(tlc, read_root())): dict_add_fast(tmp_dict, "tlc", tlc) if (element_neq(tuc, read_root())): dict_add_fast(tmp_dict, "tuc", tuc) if (dict_len(tmp_dict) > 0): dict_add_fast(cardinalities, key, tmp_dict) keys = allInstances(metamodel, "AttributeLink") while (0 < set_len(keys)): key = set_pop(keys) tmp_dict = dict_create() // Attributes always have 1 max dict_add_fast(tmp_dict, "tuc", 1) // Depending on whether it is optional or not, the cardinality is changed optional = read_attribute(metamodel, key, "optional") if (optional): dict_add_fast(tmp_dict, "tlc", 0) else: dict_add_fast(tmp_dict, "tlc", 1) if (dict_len(tmp_dict) > 0): dict_add_fast(cardinalities, key, tmp_dict) return cardinalities! String function conformance_scd(model : Element): // Initialization Element keys Element metamodel Element typing String model_name String src_model String dst_model String src_metamodel String dst_metamodel Element element Element check_list String check_type Element cardinalities Element scd Integer instances String type_name Element spo_cache Element spi_cache Element constraint_function Element reverse_m Element reverse_mm reverse_m = make_reverse_dictionary(model["model"]) reverse_mm = make_reverse_dictionary(model["metamodel"]["model"]) spo_cache = dict_create() spi_cache = dict_create() // Load in variables scd = import_node("models/SimpleClassDiagrams") metamodel = model["metamodel"] typing = get_type_mapping_as_dict(model) // Create dictionary with all associations and allowed cardinalities if (dict_len(model["model"]) > 0): cardinalities = precompute_cardinalities(model) // Iterate over each element of the model, finding out whether everything is fine keys = dict_keys(model["model"]) while (0 < list_len(keys)): model_name = set_pop(keys) type_name = read_type(model, model_name) element = model["model"][model_name] //log("Check " + model_name) //log(" : " + type_name) if (bool_not(dict_in(typing, model_name))): return "Model has no type specified: " + model_info(model, model_name)! if (bool_not(dict_in(metamodel["model"], typing[model_name]))): return "Type of element not in specified metamodel: " + model_info(model, model_name)! if (is_edge(element)): src_model = reverse_m[cast_id(read_edge_src(element))] dst_model = reverse_m[cast_id(read_edge_dst(element))] src_metamodel = reverse_mm[cast_id(read_edge_src(metamodel["model"][typing[model_name]]))] dst_metamodel = reverse_mm[cast_id(read_edge_dst(metamodel["model"][typing[model_name]]))] if (bool_not(is_nominal_instance(model, src_model, src_metamodel))): log("got: " + src_model) log("expected: " + src_metamodel) return "Source of model edge not typed by source of type: " + model_info(model, model_name) + " Expected: " + src_metamodel + " Got: " + src_model! if (bool_not(is_nominal_instance(model, dst_model, dst_metamodel))): log("got: " + dst_model) log("expected: " + dst_metamodel) return "Destination of model edge not typed by source of type: " + model_info(model, model_name) + " Expected: " + dst_metamodel + " Got: " + dst_model! // Check cardinality for all of our edges // // SLC..SUC TLC..TUC // A ---------------------> B // // First the incoming, so we are at B in the above figure if (bool_not(dict_in(spo_cache, type_name))): dict_add_fast(spo_cache, type_name, selectPossibleOutgoing(metamodel, type_name, dict_keys(cardinalities))) check_list = set_copy(spo_cache[type_name]) while (0 < list_len(check_list)): check_type = set_pop(check_list) if (dict_in(cardinalities, check_type)): // Cardinalities defined for this association, so check them if (bool_or(dict_in(cardinalities[check_type], "tlc"), dict_in(cardinalities[check_type], "tuc"))): instances = list_len(allOutgoingAssociationInstances(model, model_name, check_type)) if (dict_in(cardinalities[check_type], "tlc")): // A lower cardinality was defined at the target if (integer_gt(cardinalities[check_type]["tlc"], instances)): String error error = "Lower cardinality violation for outgoing edge of type " + check_type + " at " + model_info(model, model_name) return error! if (dict_in(cardinalities[check_type], "tuc")): // An upper cardinality was defined at the target if (integer_lt(cardinalities[check_type]["tuc"], instances)): String error error = "Upper cardinality violation for outgoing edge of type " + check_type + " at " + model_info(model, model_name) return error! // Identical, but for outgoing, and thus for A in the figure if (bool_not(dict_in(spi_cache, type_name))): dict_add_fast(spi_cache, type_name, selectPossibleIncoming(metamodel, type_name, dict_keys(cardinalities))) check_list = set_copy(spi_cache[type_name]) while (0 < list_len(check_list)): check_type = set_pop(check_list) if (dict_in(cardinalities, check_type)): // Cardinalities defined for this association, so check them if (bool_or(dict_in(cardinalities[check_type], "slc"), dict_in(cardinalities[check_type], "suc"))): instances = list_len(allIncomingAssociationInstances(model, model_name, check_type)) if (dict_in(cardinalities[check_type], "slc")): // A lower cardinality was defined at the source if (integer_gt(cardinalities[check_type]["slc"], instances)): String error error = "Lower cardinality violation for incoming edge of type " + check_type + " at " + model_info(model, model_name) return error! if (dict_in(cardinalities[check_type], "suc")): // An upper cardinality was defined at the source if (integer_lt(cardinalities[check_type]["suc"], instances)): String error error = "Upper cardinality violation for incoming edge of type " + check_type + " at " + model_info(model, model_name) return error! constraint_function = read_attribute(metamodel, typing[model_name], "constraint") if (element_neq(constraint_function, read_root())): String result Element func log("Fetching local constraint at location " + cast_string(constraint_function)) func = get_func_AL_model(import_node(constraint_function)) result = func(model, model_name) if (result != "OK"): return result! // Check multiplicities, if they are defined (optional) Element metamodel_keys String metamodel_element Element mm_model Integer attr_value mm_model = metamodel["model"] metamodel_keys = dict_keys(mm_model) while (set_len(metamodel_keys) > 0): metamodel_element = set_pop(metamodel_keys) // Lower multiplicities attr_value = read_attribute(metamodel, metamodel_element, "lower_cardinality") if (element_neq(attr_value, read_root())): // We have defined a lower cardinality, so check number of instances! if (attr_value > list_len(allInstances(model, metamodel_element))): return "Lower cardinality violated for class: " + metamodel_element! // Upper multiplicities attr_value = read_attribute(metamodel, metamodel_element, "upper_cardinality") if (element_neq(attr_value, read_root())): // We have defined a lower cardinality, so check number of instances! if (attr_value < list_len(allInstances(model, metamodel_element))): return "Upper cardinality violated for class: " + metamodel_element! // Check all ActionLanguage recursively Element all_complex_types Element complex_instances String complex_instance String complex_type String result all_complex_types = allInstances(model["metamodel"], "ActionLanguage") while (set_len(all_complex_types) > 0): complex_type = set_pop(all_complex_types) complex_instances = allInstances(model, complex_type) while (set_len(complex_instances) > 0): complex_instance = set_pop(complex_instances) result = conformance_scd(import_node(model["model"][complex_instance])) if (result != "OK"): return "ActionLanguage attribute doesn't match for: " + complex_instance + "\n Message: " + result! // Structure seems fine, now do global constraints Element global_constraints String constraint Element func global_constraints = allInstances(model["metamodel"], "GlobalConstraint") while (set_len(global_constraints) > 0): constraint = set_pop(global_constraints) func = get_func_AL_model(import_node(read_attribute(model["metamodel"], constraint, "global_constraint"))) result = func(model) if (result != "OK"): return result! return "OK"! String function check_location_conformance(instance_location : String, type_location : String): // Check whether the instance is typed by the type Element instance Element type instance = import_node(instance_location) type = import_node(type_location) if (element_neq(instance["metamodel"], type)): return "Instance not statically typed by specified metamodel"! return conformance_scd(instance)! Element function set_model_constraints(model : Element, func : Element): if (dict_in(model, "constraints")): dict_delete(model, "constraints") dict_add_fast(model, "constraints", func) return model! String function model_info(model : Element, name : String): if (is_edge(model["model"][name])): return "EDGE " + name + " (ID: " + cast_id(model["model"][name]) + ")" + " src: " + readAssociationSource(model, name) + " dst: " + readAssociationDestination(model, name)! else: return "NODE " + name + " (ID: " + cast_id(model["model"][name]) + ")"! return name!