import threading import subprocess import os import sys import json if sys.version_info[0] < 3: from urllib2 import urlopen as urlopen from urllib2 import Request as Request from urllib import urlencode as urlencode else: from urllib.request import urlopen as urlopen from urllib.request import Request as Request from urllib.parse import urlencode as urlencode sys.path.append("../interface/HUTN") sys.path.append("interface/HUTN") from hutn_compiler.compiler import main as hutn_compile memory = {} def send_data(commands, address, taskname): urlopen(Request(address, urlencode({"op": "set_input", "data": json.dumps(commands), "taskname": taskname}))).read() def local_print(string): if == "posix": # Nicer colour output when using posix (and thus supporting colour) string = "\033[92m%s\033[0m" % string print(string) def remote_print(string): if == "posix": # Nicer colour output when using posix (and thus supporting colour) string = "\033[94m%s\033[0m" % string print(string) local_print("Welcome to the local shell!") try: address = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: address = "" try: taskname = sys.argv[2] except IndexError: data = urlencode({"op": "get_output", "taskname": "task_manager"}) taskname = json.loads(urlopen(Request(address, data.encode())).read()) local_print("Switching context to Modelverse: all data is piped.") local_print("Use command $ to switch to HUTN parsing mode.") local_print("Use \\ before the value to use a primitive value different from a string, which is already JSON serialized.") local_print("To quit: execute command 'quit'") def print_output(): while 1: data = urlencode({"op": "get_output", "taskname": taskname}) output = urlopen(Request(address, data.encode())).read() remote_print("%s" % str(json.loads(output))) thrd = threading.Thread(target=print_output) thrd.daemon = True thrd.start() while 1: if sys.version_info[0] < 3: command = raw_input() else: command = input() if command == "quit": local_print("Received quit: breaking connection to Modelverse immediately!") break if command.startswith("$"): # Invoke the HUTN parser tmp_file = "__action.alc" with open(tmp_file, 'w') as f: f.write("") local_print("Entering HUTN coding environment.") local_print("There is no nice editor right now, so please just modify the file '__action.alc' in this folder.") while 1: local_print("When you are done, press to continue.") if sys.version_info[0] < 3: raw_input() else: input() local_print("File contents:") with open(tmp_file, 'r') as f: local_print( local_print("Sending file through parser!") try: commands = hutn_compile(tmp_file, "interface/HUTN/grammars/actionlanguage.g", "CS") local_print("Compilation succesfully terminated!") local_print("Upload this file? [Y/n]") if sys.version_info[0] < 3: i = raw_input() else: i = input() if i == "n\n": continue send_data(commands, address) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() local_print("Error during compilation!") local_print("Do you want to try again? [Y/n]") if sys.version_info[0] < 3: i = raw_input() else: i = input() if i[0] == "n": break local_print("HUTN input finished, going back to regular prompt!") else: # Just send a normal request if command.startswith("\\"): command = command[1:] else: command = '"%s"' % command data = urlencode({"op": "set_input", "value": command, "taskname": taskname}) urlopen(Request(address, data.encode())).read()