object_operations.alc 7.4 KB

  1. include "primitives.alh"
  2. include "conformance_scd.alh"
  3. include "constructors.alh"
  4. include "modelling.alh"
  5. include "typing.alh"
  6. Element function allInstances(model : Element, type_name : String):
  7. if (dict_in(model["metamodel"]["model"], type_name)):
  8. Element result
  9. Element accepted
  10. Element keys
  11. Element tm
  12. String key
  13. String class
  14. Element results
  15. result = set_create()
  16. accepted = get_subclasses(model["metamodel"], type_name)
  17. while (set_len(accepted) > 0):
  18. class = set_pop(accepted)
  19. set_merge(result, elements_typed_by(model, class))
  20. return result!
  21. else:
  22. log("No such type in the metamodel: " + type_name)
  23. return set_create()!
  24. Element function selectPossibleIncoming(model : Element, target : String, limit_set : Element):
  25. // Find all possible incoming link types for the target model
  26. // Should also include those specified on the superclass(es)
  27. String type
  28. Element model_dict
  29. Element elem
  30. Element result
  31. Element target_element
  32. result = set_create()
  33. model_dict = model["model"]
  34. while (list_len(limit_set) > 0):
  35. type = set_pop(limit_set)
  36. elem = model_dict[type]
  37. if (is_nominal_subtype(model, target, reverseKeyLookup(model_dict, read_edge_dst(elem)))):
  38. set_add(result, type)
  39. return result!
  40. Element function selectPossibleOutgoing(model : Element, source : String, limit_set : Element):
  41. // Find all possible outgoing link types for the source model
  42. // Should also include those specified on the superclass(es)
  43. String type
  44. Element model_dict
  45. Element elem
  46. Element result
  47. Element source_element
  48. result = set_create()
  49. model_dict = model["model"]
  50. while (list_len(limit_set) > 0):
  51. type = set_pop(limit_set)
  52. elem = model_dict[type]
  53. if (is_nominal_subtype(model, source, reverseKeyLookup(model_dict, read_edge_src(elem)))):
  54. set_add(result, type)
  55. return result!
  56. Element function allOutgoingAssociationInstances(model : Element, source_name : String, assoc_name : String):
  57. // Read out all outgoing edges of the model and select those that are typed by the specified association
  58. Element result
  59. Element source
  60. String option
  61. Integer all_out
  62. Integer i
  63. result = set_create()
  64. source = model["model"][source_name]
  65. all_out = read_nr_out(source)
  66. i = 0
  67. while (i < all_out):
  68. option = reverseKeyLookup(model["model"], read_out(source, i))
  69. if (assoc_name != ""):
  70. if (is_nominal_instance(model, option, assoc_name)):
  71. set_add(result, option)
  72. else:
  73. set_add(result, option)
  74. i = i + 1
  75. return result!
  76. Element function allIncomingAssociationInstances(model : Element, target_name : String, assoc_name : String):
  77. // Read out all outgoing edges of the model and select those that are typed by the specified association
  78. Element result
  79. Element source
  80. String option
  81. Integer all_out
  82. Integer i
  83. result = set_create()
  84. source = model["model"][target_name]
  85. all_out = read_nr_in(source)
  86. i = 0
  87. while (i < all_out):
  88. option = reverseKeyLookup(model["model"], read_in(source, i))
  89. if (assoc_name != ""):
  90. if (is_nominal_instance(model, option, assoc_name)):
  91. set_add(result, option)
  92. else:
  93. set_add(result, option)
  94. i = i + 1
  95. return result!
  96. Element function getAttributeList(model : Element, element : String):
  97. Element result
  98. Element keys
  99. Element type
  100. Element attr_name
  101. Element types
  102. Element mm
  103. String attr_type
  104. result = dict_create()
  105. mm = model["metamodel"]["model"]
  106. types = get_superclasses(model["metamodel"], read_type(model, element))
  107. while (set_len(types) > 0):
  108. type = set_pop(types)
  109. // Add our own attributes
  110. keys = dict_keys(mm[type])
  111. while (set_len(keys) > 0):
  112. attr_name = set_pop(keys)
  113. if (is_physical_string(attr_name)):
  114. if (read_type(model["metamodel"], reverseKeyLookup(mm, dict_read_edge(mm[type], attr_name))) == "AttributeLink"):
  115. attr_type = reverseKeyLookup(mm, mm[type][attr_name])
  116. // WARNING: do not change this to dict_add_fast, as this crashes random code...
  117. dict_add(result, attr_name, attr_type)
  118. return result!
  119. Element function getAttributes(model : Element, element : String):
  120. Element result
  121. Element keys
  122. Element type
  123. Element attr_name
  124. Element types
  125. Element mm
  126. result = dict_create()
  127. mm = model["metamodel"]["model"]
  128. types = get_superclasses(model["metamodel"], read_type(model, element))
  129. while (set_len(types) > 0):
  130. type = set_pop(types)
  131. // Add our own attributes
  132. keys = dict_keys(mm[type])
  133. while (set_len(keys) > 0):
  134. attr_name = set_pop(keys)
  135. if (is_physical_string(attr_name)):
  136. // WARNING: do not change this to dict_add_fast, as this crashes random code...
  137. dict_add(result, attr_name, read_attribute(model, element, attr_name))
  138. return result!
  139. Element function getInstantiatableAttributes(model : Element, element : String, type : String):
  140. Element all_links
  141. Element result
  142. String link
  143. result = dict_create()
  144. all_links = allOutgoingAssociationInstances(model, element, type)
  145. while (set_len(all_links) > 0):
  146. link = set_pop(all_links)
  147. // WARNING: do not change this to dict_add_fast, as this crashes random code...
  148. dict_add(result, read_attribute(model, link, "name"), readAssociationDestination(model, link))
  149. return result!
  150. String function print_dict(dict : Element):
  151. Element keys
  152. Element key
  153. String result
  154. keys = dict_keys(dict)
  155. result = ""
  156. while (0 < list_len(keys)):
  157. key = set_pop(keys)
  158. result = result + cast_v2s(key)
  159. result = result + ": "
  160. result = result + cast_v2s(dict[key])
  161. result = result + "\n"
  162. return result!
  163. String function readAssociationSource(model : Element, name : String):
  164. return reverseKeyLookup(model["model"], read_edge_src(model["model"][name]))!
  165. String function readAssociationDestination(model : Element, name : String):
  166. return reverseKeyLookup(model["model"], read_edge_dst(model["model"][name]))!
  167. Element function allAssociationDestinations(model : Element, name : String, association_type : String):
  168. Element tmp
  169. Element result
  170. result = set_create()
  171. tmp = allOutgoingAssociationInstances(model, name, association_type)
  172. while (set_len(tmp) > 0):
  173. set_add(result, readAssociationDestination(model, set_pop(tmp)))
  174. return result!
  175. Element function allAssociationOrigins(model : Element, name : String, association_type : String):
  176. Element tmp
  177. Element result
  178. result = set_create()
  179. tmp = allIncomingAssociationInstances(model, name, association_type)
  180. while (set_len(tmp) > 0):
  181. set_add(result, readAssociationSource(model, set_pop(tmp)))
  182. return result!
  183. Element function allowedAssociationsBetween(model : Element, src : String, dst : String):
  184. // Go to the type and find all possibilities
  185. String type
  186. Element all_types
  187. Integer nr_edges
  188. Integer i
  189. Element result
  190. Element edge
  191. String edge_name
  192. String dst_name
  193. result = set_create()
  194. type = read_type(model, src)
  195. all_types = get_superclasses(model["metamodel"], type)
  196. while (set_len(all_types) > 0):
  197. type = set_pop(all_types)
  198. nr_edges = read_nr_out(model["metamodel"]["model"][type])
  199. i = 0
  200. while (i < nr_edges):
  201. edge = read_out(model["metamodel"]["model"][type], i)
  202. edge_name = reverseKeyLookup(model["metamodel"]["model"], edge)
  203. if (dict_in(model["metamodel"]["model"], edge_name)):
  204. // Find destination
  205. dst_name = reverseKeyLookup(model["metamodel"]["model"], read_edge_dst(edge))
  206. if (is_nominal_instance(model, dst, dst_name)):
  207. // Find out whether our dst is an instance of the found destination type
  208. if (is_nominal_instance(model["metamodel"], edge_name, "Association")):
  209. set_add(result, edge_name)
  210. i = i + 1
  211. return result!