package import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.generator.SemanticAdaptationGenerator import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess2 import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.semanticAdaptation.SemanticAdaptation import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.semanticAdaptation.Adaptation import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.LinkedHashMap import import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.semanticAdaptation.InnerFMU import import import import import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.semanticAdaptation.Port import import java.util.Collection import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.semanticAdaptation.InOutRules import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.semanticAdaptation.InRulesBlock import import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.semanticAdaptation.OutRulesBlock import import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.semanticAdaptation.ControlRuleBlock import import import java.util.List import import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.semanticAdaptation.ParamDeclarations class CppGenerator extends SemanticAdaptationGenerator { private var IFileSystemAccess2 fsa; private List resourcePaths = newArrayList(); override void doGenerate(Resource resource, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) { this.fsa = fsa; for (SemanticAdaptation type : resource.allContents.toIterable.filter(SemanticAdaptation)) { type.compile; } } // TODO: Verify is not a C++ keyword def void compile(SemanticAdaptation adaptation) { for (Adaptation adap : adaptation.elements.filter(Adaptation)) { // Value used for scoping variables in the .sa file val adapInteralRefName =; // The CPP class name val adapClassName =; // This is the external name used in the model description file for the semantic adaptation FMU. val adapExternalName =; // List of FMUs with a pairing between its name and its var ArrayList> fmus = newArrayList(); // TODO: Currently only 1 inner fmu is supported val innerFmus = adap.inner.eAllContents.toList.filter(InnerFMU); if (innerFmus.size > 1) { throw new IncorrectAmountOfElementsException("Only one InnerFmu is supported.") } if (innerFmus.isEmpty) { throw new IncorrectAmountOfElementsException("The adaptation does not contain any InnerFMUs.") } /* * This map will contain scalar variables from the FMUs defined in InnerFMU. * The structure is fmuName -> (SVName -> mappedSV) where SVName = for easy lookup. * The mappedSV contains the original scalar variable and extra data such as define name. */ var LinkedHashMap> mappedScalarVariables = newLinkedHashMap(); /* * Loading the FMU defined in InnerFMU, the related model description file and its scalar variables. */ // TODO: Add support for multiple inner fmus var ModelDescription md; for (fmu : adap.inner.eAllContents.toList.filter(InnerFMU)) { val fmuFile = new File(fmu.path.replace('\"', '')); this.resourcePaths.add(fmuFile); md = new ModelDescription(,, fmuFile); fmus.add( ->; val LinkedHashMap mSV = newLinkedHashMap(); for (sv : { var mappedSv = new MappedScalarVariable(sv); mappedSv.define = (mappedSv.mappedSv.owner +; mSV.put(, mappedSv); } mappedScalarVariables.put(, mSV); } // C++ Defines for accessing FMU scalar variables. val String fmusDefines = calcDefines(mappedScalarVariables); // Compile Params var LinkedHashMap params = newLinkedHashMap; val String paramsConstructorSource = compileParams(params, adap.params); /* * This map contains all the ScalarVariables for the semantic adaptation. * The are not populated yet, but they will be during the compilation of the in and out rule blocks. */ var LinkedHashMap SASVs = calcSASVsFromInportsOutports(adapInteralRefName, adap.inports, adap.outports) // C++ defines for accessing semantic adaptation scalar variables val String SADefines = calcSADefines(SASVs.values); // Compile the transparent in mappings // Compile the in rules val inRuleResult = compileInOutRuleBlocks(InputOutputType.Input, adaptation.eAllContents.toIterable.filter( InRulesBlock).map[x|x as InOutRules], adapClassName, adapInteralRefName, mappedScalarVariables, SASVs, params); // Compile the out rules val outRuleResult = compileInOutRuleBlocks(InputOutputType.Output, adaptation.eAllContents.toIterable. filter(OutRulesBlock).map[x|x as InOutRules], adapClassName, adapInteralRefName, mappedScalarVariables, SASVs, params); // Compile the Control Rules val crtlRuleResult = compileControlRuleBlock(adaptation.eAllContents.toIterable.filter(ControlRuleBlock), adapClassName, adapInteralRefName, SASVs); /* * Compile the constructor, destructor and initialize functions */ val String deAndConstructorAndInitializeSource = compileDeAndConstructorAndInitialize( adapClassName, fmus.head.key, fmus.head.value, md.guid, paramsConstructorSource, inRuleResult.constructorInitialization, outRuleResult.constructorInitialization ); /* * Compile getRuleThis function */ val String getRuleThisSource = compileGetRuleThis(adapClassName); /* * The in and out rules have populated the semantic adaptation scalar variables we can generate the getFmiValue* and setFmiValue functions. */ val String getFuncsSource = compileGetFmiValueFunctions(adapClassName, SASVs); val String setFuncsSource = compileSetFmiValueFunctions(adapClassName, SASVs); // Compile the source file val String sourceInclude = '''#include "«adapClassName».h"'''; val sourceFile = compileSource( sourceInclude, deAndConstructorAndInitializeSource, getRuleThisSource, getFuncsSource, setFuncsSource, inRuleResult.generatedCpp, outRuleResult.generatedCpp, crtlRuleResult.generatedCpp ); fsa.generateFile(adapClassName + ".cpp", sourceFile); // Merge the global variables for use in compiling the header file. // TODO: Check for duplicates var LinkedHashMap allGVars = newLinkedHashMap(); allGVars.putAll(params); allGVars.putAll(outRuleResult.gVars); allGVars.putAll(inRuleResult.gVars); // Compile the header file val headerFile = compileHeader( adapClassName, fmusDefines, SADefines, inRuleResult.functionSignatures, outRuleResult.functionSignatures, crtlRuleResult.functionSignatures, allGVars, fmus,[CalcSVar()].toList ); fsa.generateFile(adapClassName + ".h", headerFile); // Compile the model description file val modelDescCreator = new ModelDescriptionCreator(adapExternalName); val modelDescription = modelDescCreator.generateModelDescription(SASVs.values); fsa.generateFile("modelDescription.xml", modelDescription); // Compile the fmu.cpp file val fmuCppFile = StaticGenerators.GenFmuCppFile(adapClassName); fsa.generateFile("Fmu.cpp", fmuCppFile); } } def String compileParams(LinkedHashMap gVars, EList params) { val paramsConditionSwitch = new ParamConditionSwitch(gVars); var String paramsConstructorSource = ""; for (paramDecl : params) { val doSwitchRes = paramsConditionSwitch.doSwitch(paramDecl); paramsConstructorSource += doSwitchRes.code; } return paramsConstructorSource; } def calcSADefines(Collection variables) { var ArrayList defines = newArrayList(); for (SASV : variables) { defines.add("#define " + SASV.defineName + " " + SASV.valueReference); } return defines.join("\n"); } def calcDefines(LinkedHashMap> map) { var ArrayList defines = newArrayList(); for (fmuEntries : map.entrySet) { for (MappedScalarVariable mSV : fmuEntries.value.values) { defines.add("#define " + mSV.define + " " + mSV.valueReference); } } return defines.join("\n"); } // Compiles the final source file def String compileSource(String include, String constructor, String getRuleThis, String getFunctions, String setFunctions, String inFunctions, String outFunctions, String controlFunction) { return ''' «include» namespace adaptation { «constructor» «getRuleThis» «getFunctions» «setFunctions» «inFunctions» «controlFunction» «outFunctions» } ''' } /* * Compiles the header file split into two: The first part contains the includes and using namespace definitions and start the , * the second part contains the class */ def String compileHeader(String adapClassName, String fmusDefines, String SADefines, List inRulesFuncSig, List outRulesFuncSig, List crtlRulesFuncSig, LinkedHashMap globalVariables, ArrayList> fmus, Collection sVars) { return ''' #ifndef SRC_«adapClassName.toUpperCase»_H #define SRC_«adapClassName.toUpperCase»_H #include "SemanticAdaptation.h" #include #include "Fmu.h" using namespace std; using namespace fmi2; namespace adaptation { «fmusDefines» «SADefines» class «adapClassName» : public SemanticAdaptation<«adapClassName»>, public enable_shared_from_this<«adapClassName»> { public: «adapClassName»(shared_ptr resourceLocation, const fmi2CallbackFunctions* functions); void initialize(); virtual ~«adapClassName»(); void setFmiValue(fmi2ValueReference id, int value); void setFmiValue(fmi2ValueReference id, bool value); void setFmiValue(fmi2ValueReference id, double value); void setFmiValue(fmi2ValueReference id, string value); int getFmiValueInteger(fmi2ValueReference id); bool getFmiValueBoolean(fmi2ValueReference id); double getFmiValueReal(fmi2ValueReference id); string getFmiValueString(fmi2ValueReference id); private: «adapClassName»* getRuleThis(); /*in rules*/ «[x | x+";"].join("\n")» /*out rules*/ «[x | x+";"].join("\n")» «[x | x+";"].join("\n")» «FOR fmu : fmus» shared_ptr «fmu.key»; «ENDFOR» «FOR sv : sVars» «Conversions.fmiTypeToCppType(sv.type)» «»; «IF sv.causality == SVCausality.input» bool isSet«»; «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» «FOR v : globalVariables.entrySet» «Conversions.fmiTypeToCppType(v.value.type)» «v.key»; «ENDFOR» }; } #endif '''; } /* * Compiles the source file constructor, destructor and the initialize function */ def String compileDeAndConstructorAndInitialize(String adapClassName, String fmuName, String fmuTypeName, String guid, String paramsCons, String inCons, String outCons) { return ''' «adapClassName»::«adapClassName»(shared_ptr resourceLocation, const fmi2CallbackFunctions* functions) : SemanticAdaptation(resourceLocation, createInputRules(),createOutputRules(), functions) { «paramsCons» «inCons» «outCons» } void «adapClassName»::initialize() { auto path = make_shared(*resourceLocation); path->append(string("«fmuTypeName».fmu")); auto «fmuName»Fmu = make_shared(*path); «fmuName»Fmu->initialize(); this->«fmuName» = «fmuName»Fmu->instantiate("«fmuName»",fmi2CoSimulation, "«guid»", true, true, shared_from_this()); if(this->«fmuName»->component == NULL) this->lastErrorState = fmi2Fatal; this->instances->push_back(this->«fmuName»); } «adapClassName»::~«adapClassName»() { } '''; } /* * Compiles the source file function getRuleThis */ def String compileGetRuleThis(String adaptationName) { return ''' «adaptationName»* «adaptationName»::getRuleThis() { return this; } ''' } /* * Compiles the source file functions getFmiValue */ def String compileGetFmiValueFunctions(String adaptationName, LinkedHashMap variables) { var ArrayList cpp = newArrayList(); var List convertedSASVs =[CalcSVar()].toList; var convertedSASVsOrdered = convertedSASVs.filter[causality === SVCausality.output].groupBy[type]; for (SVType type : SVType.values) { val functionSignature = '''«Conversions.fmiTypeToCppType(type)» «adaptationName»::getFmiValue«type.toString»(fmi2ValueReference id)'''; val functionReturn = '''return «Conversions.fmiTypeToCppDefaultValue(type)»'''; if (convertedSASVsOrdered.containsKey(type)) { cpp.add( ''' «functionSignature» { switch (id) { «FOR svInner : convertedSASVsOrdered.get(type)» case «variables.get(»: { return this->«»; } «ENDFOR» default: { «functionReturn»; } } } ''' ); } else { cpp.add( ''' «functionSignature» { «functionReturn»; } ''' ); } } return cpp.join("\n"); } /* * Compiles the source file functions setFmiValue* */ def String compileSetFmiValueFunctions(String adapClassName, LinkedHashMap variables) { var ArrayList cpp = newArrayList(); var List convertedSASVs =[CalcSVar()].filter [ causality === SVCausality.input ].toList; var convertedSASVsOrdered = convertedSASVs.groupBy[type]; for (SVType type : SVType.values) { cpp.add( ''' void «adapClassName»::setFmiValue(fmi2ValueReference id, «Conversions.fmiTypeToCppType(type)» value) { «IF convertedSASVsOrdered.containsKey(type)» switch (id) { «FOR svInner : convertedSASVsOrdered.get(type)» case «variables.get(»: { this->«» = value; this->isSet«» = true; break; } «ENDFOR» default: { } } «ENDIF» } ''' ); } return cpp.join("\n"); } /* * Compiles the source file function executeInternalControlFlow. * Calculates necessary information on function signatures necessary for generation of the header file. */ def RulesBlockResult compileControlRuleBlock(Iterable crtlRuleBlocks, String adaptationClassName, String adaptationName, LinkedHashMap SASVs) { var cpp = ""; val visitor = new ControlConditionSwitch(adaptationClassName, adaptationName, SASVs); for (crtlRule : crtlRuleBlocks) { cpp += visitor.doSwitch(crtlRule).code; } return new RulesBlockResult(cpp, visitor.functionSignatures); } def String SplitAtSpaceAndRemoveFirst(String content) { content.substring(content.indexOf(" ") + 1, content.length); } def String removeEmptyArgumentParenthesis(String content) { return content.substring(0, content.length - 2); } /* * Compiles the source file functions _rule_. * Calculates necessary information on global in/out variables necessary for generation of the header file. * Calculates necessary information on function signatures necessary for generation of the header file. */ def InOutRulesBlockResult compileInOutRuleBlocks(InputOutputType ioType, Iterable rulesBlocks, String adaptationClassName, String adaptationName, LinkedHashMap> mSVars, LinkedHashMap SASVs, LinkedHashMap params) { val visitor = if (ioType == InputOutputType.Input) new InRulesConditionSwitch(adaptationClassName, adaptationName, mSVars, SASVs, params) else new OutRulesConditionSwitch(adaptationClassName, adaptationName, mSVars, SASVs, params); val functionName = "create" + ioType + "Rules()"; var String cpp = ""; val ruleBlock = rulesBlocks.head; if (ruleBlock !== null) { cpp += visitor.doSwitch(ruleBlock).code; if (!visitor.functionSignatures.empty) { var ArrayList createRulesFunction = newArrayList(); for (var int i = 0; i < (visitor.functionSignatures.length); i += 3) { createRulesFunction.add( ''' list->push_back( (Rule<«adaptationClassName»>){ &«adaptationClassName»::«visitor.functionSignatures.get(i).SplitAtSpaceAndRemoveFirst.removeEmptyArgumentParenthesis», &«adaptationClassName»::«visitor.functionSignatures.get(i+1).SplitAtSpaceAndRemoveFirst.removeEmptyArgumentParenthesis», &«adaptationClassName»::«visitor.functionSignatures.get(i+2).SplitAtSpaceAndRemoveFirst.removeEmptyArgumentParenthesis» }); '''); } val functionPrefix = '''shared_ptr>>'''; visitor.functionSignatures.add(functionPrefix + " " + functionName) cpp += ''' «functionPrefix» «adaptationClassName»::«functionName» { auto list = make_shared>>(); «createRulesFunction.join("\n")» return list; } ''' } } return new InOutRulesBlockResult(cpp, visitor.functionSignatures, visitor.getGlobalVars, visitor.constructorInitialization); } /* * Calculates the semantic adaptation scalar variables via input ports and output ports. * Note: These a not fully populated yet as the in rules and out rules must be compiled first. */ def LinkedHashMap calcSASVsFromInportsOutports(String definePrefix, EList inports, EList outports) { var LinkedHashMap saSVs = newLinkedHashMap(); var int valueReference = 0; for (inport : inports) { var saSV = new SAScalarVariable(); saSV.SetPartOfMD(true); saSV.valueReference = valueReference++; =; saSV.defineName = (definePrefix + saSV.causality = SVCausality.input; saSVs.put(, saSV); } for (outport : outports) { var saSV = new SAScalarVariable(); saSV.SetPartOfMD(true); saSV.valueReference = valueReference++; saSV.defineName = (definePrefix + =; saSV.causality = SVCausality.output; saSVs.put(, saSV); } return saSVs; } def List getResourcePaths() { return resourcePaths; } }