semantic adaptation reactive mealy OuterFMU outerFMU at "./path/to/FMU.fmu" for inner fmu reactive moore NA n1 at "./path/to/NA.fmu" with input ports Real ip(m) with output ports Real op(m) for inner fmu reactive mealy NA n2 at "./path/to/NA.fmu" with input ports Real ip(m) with output ports Real op(m) for inner fmu reactive mealy NA n3 at "./path/to/NA.fmu" with input ports Real ip(m) with output ports Real op(m) for inner fmu reactive mealy NA n4 at "./path/to/NA.fmu" with input ports Real ip(m) with output ports Real op(m) for inner fmu reactive mealy NB n5 at "./path/to/NB.fmu" with input ports Real ip1(m), Real ip2(m) with output ports Real op(m) coupled as n1.op -> n2.op, n2.op -> n3.ip, n2.op -> n4.ip, n3.op -> n5.ip1, n4.op -> n5.ip2, n5.op -> n1.ip