CgCppBasicTest.xtend 6.2 KB

  1. /*
  2. * generated by Xtext 2.10.0
  3. */
  4. package
  5. import
  6. import
  7. import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.semanticAdaptation.SemanticAdaptation
  8. import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.tests.AbstractSemanticAdaptationTest
  9. import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.tests.SemanticAdaptationInjectorProvider
  10. import
  11. import
  12. import
  13. import java.nio.file.Files
  14. import java.util.regex.Pattern
  15. import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
  16. import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
  17. import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext
  18. import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.InMemoryFileSystemAccess
  19. import org.eclipse.xtext.testing.InjectWith
  20. import org.eclipse.xtext.testing.XtextRunner
  21. import org.eclipse.xtext.testing.util.ParseHelper
  22. import org.eclipse.xtext.testing.validation.ValidationTestHelper
  23. import org.junit.Test
  24. import org.junit.runner.RunWith
  25. import be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation.testframework.StaticGenerators
  26. import org.junit.Ignore
  27. @RunWith(XtextRunner)
  28. @InjectWith(SemanticAdaptationInjectorProvider)
  29. class CgCppBasicTest extends AbstractSemanticAdaptationTest {
  30. // @Inject CppGenerator underTest
  31. @Inject extension ParseHelper<SemanticAdaptation>
  32. @Inject extension ValidationTestHelper
  33. @Ignore
  34. @Test def window_sa_canonical() {
  35. __parseNoErrors('test_input/single_folder_spec/window/', 'generated', "powerwindow");
  36. // __parseNoErrorsWithValidation('test_input/single_folder_spec/window',
  37. // 'test_input/single_folder_spec/window/');
  38. }
  39. @Test def window_sa_canonical_new() {
  40. __parseNoErrors('test_input/single_folder_spec/window/', 'generated', "powerwindow");
  41. }
  42. def __parseNoErrorsWithValidation(String directory, String filename) {
  43. val model = __parse(filename);
  44. __assertNoParseErrors(model, filename);
  45. val correctFileDirectory = new File(directory + File.separator + "correct");
  46. val fsa = new InMemoryFileSystemAccess()
  47. val IGeneratorContext ctxt = null;
  48. val cppGen = new CppGenerator();
  49. cppGen.doGenerate(model.eResource, fsa, ctxt);
  50. for (files : fsa.allFiles.entrySet) {
  51. val filename2 = files.key.substring(14);
  52. val file = new File(correctFileDirectory, filename2);
  53. val correctFileContent = Files.readAllLines(file.toPath);
  54. var path = new File("generated");
  55. if (path.exists)
  56. path.delete
  57. else
  58. path.mkdir;
  59. path = new File(path, files.key.substring(14))
  60. val FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(path);
  61. writer.write(files.value.toString);
  62. writer.close;
  63. val testFileContent = Files.readAllLines(path.toPath);
  64. if (correctFileContent.size != testFileContent.size) {
  65. System.out.println("Error: Lines are of different length in file: " + filename2);
  66. } else {
  67. val error = false;
  68. for (var i = 0; i < testFileContent.size; i++) {
  69. val testLine = testFileContent.get(i);
  70. val correctLine = correctFileContent.get(i);
  71. if (testLine.compareTo(correctLine) != 0) {
  72. if (!testLine.contains("guid")) {
  73. System.out.println("ERROR: The following lines are not equal: \n" + testLine + "\n" +
  74. correctLine);
  75. }
  76. }
  77. }
  78. }
  79. }
  80. }
  81. def __parseNoErrors(String filename, String directory, String projectName) {
  82. val saRootDir = new File(directory + File.separatorChar + projectName);
  83. val srcGenPath = new File(saRootDir, "sources")
  84. val resourcesPath = new File(saRootDir, "resources");
  85. val saFrameworkPath = new File(saRootDir, "framework")
  86. System.out.println("Rootdir: " + saRootDir.absolutePath)
  87. val model = __parse(filename)
  88. __assertNoParseErrors(model, filename)
  89. val fsa = new InMemoryFileSystemAccess();
  90. val IGeneratorContext ctxt = null;
  91. val cppGen = new CppGenerator();
  92. cppGen.doGenerate(model.eResource, fsa, ctxt);
  93. if (saRootDir.exists) {
  94. BuildUtilities.deleteFolder(saRootDir);
  95. }
  96. saRootDir.mkdirs();
  97. srcGenPath.mkdirs();
  98. resourcesPath.mkdirs();
  99. saFrameworkPath.mkdirs();
  100. for (files : fsa.allFiles.entrySet) {
  101. val fName = files.key.substring(14);
  102. var File fp;
  103. if(fName.equals("modelDescription.xml"))
  104. {
  105. fp = new File(saRootDir, fName);
  106. }
  107. else
  108. {
  109. fp = new File(srcGenPath, fName);
  110. }
  111. BuildUtilities.writeToFile(fp, files.value.toString);
  112. }
  113. val mainCpp = StaticGenerators.generateMainCppFile(saRootDir.absolutePath.replace("\\","\\\\"));
  114. BuildUtilities.writeToFile(new File(srcGenPath,"main.cpp"), mainCpp);
  115. for(rf : cppGen.resourcePaths)
  116. {
  117. val sinkFile = new File(resourcesPath,;
  118. System.out.println("Copied file to: " + sinkFile);
  119. BuildUtilities.copyFile(rf, sinkFile);
  120. }
  121. BuildUtilities.writeToFile(new File(saRootDir,"CMakeLists.txt"), StaticGenerators.generateCMakeLists(projectName, "framework"));
  122. (new BuildUtilities()).copyNativeLibFiles(saFrameworkPath);
  123. System.out.println("Stored framework at: " + saFrameworkPath);
  124. }
  125. def __parseNoErrorsPrint(String filename) {
  126. val root = __parse(filename)
  127. print_ast(root)
  128. __assertNoParseErrors(root, filename)
  129. }
  130. def __parse(String filename) {
  131. return readFile(filename).parse
  132. }
  133. def __parse(
  134. String filename,
  135. ResourceSet resourceSetToUse
  136. ) {
  137. return readFile(filename).parse(resourceSetToUse)
  138. }
  139. def __assertNoParseErrors(EObject root, String filename) {
  140. try {
  141. root.assertNoErrors
  142. } catch (AssertionError e) {
  143. val p = Pattern.compile(".*, offset (?<offset>[0-9]+), length (?<length>[0-9]+)")
  144. val code = readFile(filename)
  145. for (String line : e.message.split("\n")) {
  146. val m = p.matcher(line)
  147. m.matches()
  148. val count = __occurrencesInString(code.subSequence(0, Integer.valueOf("offset"))).toString(),
  149. "\n")
  150. print(filename + " at line " + (count + 1) + ": ")
  151. println(line)
  152. }
  153. throw e
  154. }
  155. }
  156. def __occurrencesInString(String str, String findstr) {
  157. var lastIndex = 0
  158. var count = 0
  159. while (lastIndex != -1) {
  160. lastIndex = str.indexOf(findstr, lastIndex)
  161. if (lastIndex != -1) {
  162. count++
  163. lastIndex += findstr.length()
  164. }
  165. }
  166. return count
  167. }
  168. }